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#5 2004


Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences is 65 оn control problems…

An interview with Academician I.V.Pranghishvili, Director of the Institute of Control Sciences

Yadykin I.B.  Design concepts of industrial intelligent automated systems for power monitoring and accounting

The paper presents a classification of automated systems for power monitoring and accounting (ASPMC) both by the generations of measuring systems and by destination. It discusses the design of intelligent ASPMC where energy accounting units combine the features of both commercial energy accounting devices and data acquisition and processing systems. Finally, the paper formulates the functions performed by an intelligent ASPMC at industrial enterprise and its design concepts.

Myakishev D.V., Tarkhov Yu.A., Stolyarov K.A.  PASSAT hard-/software complex - a Lego kit for control system developers

Purpose, features, architecture and application areas of PASSAT hardT/software toolkit for process control automation developed by Complex System Scientific and Production Enterprise PLC (Penza, Russia) are considered.

Karibsky A.V., Shishorin Yu.R.  An information technology for business planning of investment activities

The paper describes an information technology for business planning of investment activities in real economy. Computerized tools for decisionTmaking support in this area are considered.

Sviridov V.A., Shishkin S.A  QNX at AVTOVAZ JSC

Six years ago the automated energy conservation management system (ECMS) of AVTOVAZ JSC was successfully switched to QNX realtime operating system. The paper briefly describes ECMS's key features and design concepts. The system was developed on the QNX 4.25 platform that enabled the creation of a reliT able and scaleable system adaptable to various hardware configurations.

Lototsky V.A., Chadeev V.M., Maximov E.M., Bakhtadze N.N.  Soft sensors in MES: future prospect

The paper describes possible soft sensor applications at various phases of production and logistic cycles. It presents a concept of inferential analysis as an impleT mentation of identification approach to advanced ITTbased control.

Yegorov E.V., Polosin V.L.  Positioning systems based on Matsushita servodrives and controllers

Key technological advantages of MINAS A Panasonic servodrives are discussed. The paper presents the performance attributes of 75 W servomotors and conT siders small class PLCs with embedded positioning functions from Matsushita Electric Works.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…

Numerical control systems today

Sosonkin V.L., Martinov G.M.  State of the art in numerical control system architectures: analysis

The paper analyses and illustrates numeric control system architecture. It offers a classification that shows the availability of 5 system architectures and proves that the PCNC concept has the strongest position in the market. The most important trend is the development and implementation of open NC architecture concepts that enable wide opportunities for end users to introduce their own functions in the NC system. The trend to incorporate NC systems into STEP enviT ronment is also discussed. This trend leads both to new NC programming systems and to novel architectures.

Pesnya E.Yu.  Sinumerik numeric control systems

The paper describes Sinumerik numeric control systems offered by Siemens and discusses the advantages and application areas of each system.

Advanced numeric control technologies from Fanuc

Features and functionality of numeric control systems from GE Fanuc Automation are described. The paper shows that all advanced technologies and develT opment trends of instrument and system design are reflected in numeric control systems.

NCT Series numeric control systems

Performance, features and advantages of NCT Series control system from NC Technika Kft, Hungary are considered. The examples of modernizing the 04 IV200T02 electrospark discharge machine and the 67K25 milling machine fitted with NCT 2000 are adduced.

Advanced numeric control systems from Mitsubishi Electric

The paper lists the series of Mitsubishi Electric's numeric control systems that are the most demanded in the European industrial automation market. Performance attributes, architectural features and application advantages of MELDAS 60S Series universal numeric control system are considered.

Dudkin A.V.  TwinCAT CNC software solves complex tasks of reference trajectory motion

The paper presents TwinCAT software package from Beckhoff Industrie Elektronik, describes its architecture and subsystems. Features and application advanT tages of TwinCAT CNC package intended for traditional numeric control systems are considered.

Academician S.V.Emelyanov is 75 Aristova N.I. High tech for industrial automation

The paper overviews the displays of the High Technologies of the 21st Century exhibition aimed at industrial automation applications.

Tikhomirov A.G.  The advantages of partnership

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