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#1 2007

Aristova N.I. 12 months with Automation in Industry

Kirilina A.N Application of thermal imaging tools in laser thermal hardening control system

An opportunity of ThermoCAM S65 thermal imager application in laser thermal hardening control system is examined. The imager can be added to a feedback loop of the module of positioning movement speed correction for estimating the material state subject to temperature parameters. The efficiency of the structure proposed was proved by both simulation results and application experience.

Chistyakova T.B., Kulikov S.I., Polosin A.N., Kohlert K. The software for controlling the thickness of thin calendered materials

The paper presents control software adjustable to the characteristics of calendering lines and material types. The software includes a subsystem for optimal model-based control of thickness profile intended for advising operators about optimal control actions during design operation while an industrial intelligence subsystem is intended for advising on transient and hazardous operation.

Mazurov V.M., Gorobchenko R.G. An adaptive control system for linear two-dimensional plants and its implementation in Trace Mode 6.0 SCADA

An adaptive tuning algorithm for PI and PID controllers at a linear two-dimensional plant is considered. The identification system employs the active parameter estimation technique based on stimulation with a pair of harmonic signals

Perrin B., Butenko A.P. RS-485 - science and art

The term multidrop network reminds of RS-485 interface developed as early as in 1983 and became a common standard for various industrial automation areas. RS-485 networking is often delegated to system integrators or to even software designers while the user would usually think that RS-485 interface is but a twisted pair that even a child could connect. In real life, the situation is far more complicated. Even qualified engineers are not always capable to build a reliable RS-485 network due to 3 reasons. First, there is a wrong belief that the authors of RS-485 have specified all details and features, while the users have nothing else to do but connect all nodes with a pair of wires. Second, many don`t know what this standard is about. Third, one should envisage possible undesirable electrical effects in the network and the ways to overcome them.

Brago E.N., Velikanov D.N. A new measurement method for multiphase flow`s component rates

Process control in oil and gas industry requires continuous information about process variables. Still, oil-and-gas production faces a number of dataware-related challenges. The paper discusses the multiphase flowmetering problems of oil and gas wells. it offers new approaches to flow description and a flowmetering technique combining the merits of spectrometric phase rate metering in multiphase flows and the advantages of a neuron network approach.

Lysenko O.N. DKS40 - a cost-effective series of incremental encoders

A new series of low-cost incremental encoder from SICK-STEGMANN - a known German manufacturer of encoders for critical applications - is presented. The new DKS40 series offers the unique cost/performance ratio, and its price is comparable with domestic angular transducers.

Razaryonov F.S. OWEN PLC - the analog of world leaders` products for moderate price

Basic design and engineering features of PLC100 and PLC150 manufactured by OWEN (Moscow Russia) are described.

Discussing a subject…
Electronics and control systems for transport

Application of National Instruments` equipment in transport automation systems

Design features of a mobile measuring and computing system based National Instruments` components are presented. General recommendations on the selection and application of NI`s equipment for various automation systems are given.

Keyno M.Yu. Modern approach to locomotive operation modes research

Based on the analysis of the potential of modern automation technologies the paper offers a new technology for objective information acquisition about train traffic parameters and the operation of railway motive power.

Shekov A.G., Kuznetsov A.L. A control system for centralized power supply of municipal electrical transport

Destination, functionality and architecture of hard-/software for the centralized power supply control system of municipal electric transport are presented. Featured properties of hard- and software implementation applied by developers are shown.

Mal`tsev S.V., Khomenko V.N. A microprocessor system for automatic switching at the Northern Hump of Krasny Liman station of Donetsk Railway

Basic function and implementation features of a microprocessor system for automatic switching at the Northern Hump of Krasny Liman station (Donetsk Railway, Ukraine) are described.

Popov G.A. A remote state monitoring system for an excavator

Key functions executed by excavator`s on-board state monitoring system included in the supervising system of Karier mining and transportation complex. Basic lines of excavators` remote monitoring functions improvement are discussed.

Yachkula N.I. Digital relay protection and automation devices for electrified railways

The paper presents key performance attributes of digital relay protection and automation devices manufactured by Mechanotronika Scientific and Production Center per the specification of Electrification and Power Supply Department of the Ministry of Railways of Russian Federation. The new BMR3-100 family of digital terminals put in production in December 2006 is described.

Air preparation units for pneumatic systems

Air preparation units are used in various pneumatic systems installed at the transport. The new MS Series of air preparation units from Festo is presented. The recommendations on air preparation units selection are made.

Babin D.N., Dementienko V.V., Shakhnarovich V.M. Occupational selection and the express analysis methodology for current driver`s state assessment

The paper shows the importance and topicality of occupational selection and pre-trip monitoring oà various transport drivers. Basic research lines in the field of driver`s state monitoring are overviewed. The paper notes that the methods based on examining the parameters of electrodermal activities are the most effective ones for driver state monitoring.

Modern inter-train communication systems

Capabilities and features peculiar to modern inter-train communication systems operating in passenger rail transport are overviewed.

Journal`s Club

On the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers

In April 2006, the 30th International Workshop Automation, Hard-/Software Tools, Systems, Applications took place in the V.A.Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences. One of the areas discussed at one of the Workshop`s round tables was the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers. The paper offers the fragments from the most interesting speeches.

An ordinary wonder

Basic principles of Provident Production management system are presented. Based on the experience of Russian enterprises, the paper discusses the opportunities and application features of the Provident Production concept enabling effective involvement of earlier inactive personnel into the positive changes process.

Kravtsov S.V., Zhaglovskaya A.V., Vlasov S.A., Volochek N.G., Kuznetsov I.A. Basic development trends of business processes` informational support in metallurgical production management

Development trends of modern production are formulated; the features inherent in competitive enterprises are revealed. The paper shows how the development of modern information technologies resulted in global changes of business culture. Simulation techniques is offered for metallurgical production investigation, capacity assessment, and KPI improvement.

Industrial Automation Companies

Beckhoff: New automation markets and technologies

Beckhoff is summing up the 2006 activities and foresees no objective reasons for any decline in industry for at least the next 2-3 years.


Aristova N.I. Softool 2006: Information and computer technologies for control and management

The paper outlines key topics of Softool 2006 Exhibition and reports about the industrial automation section of the conference Information Technologies in Russia that took place as one of the Exhibition`s events.

The IV Russian forum Embedded Computer Technologies

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