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#1 2008

Yemelianov S.V.   To the 5th anniversary of Automation in Industry

Aristova N.I.   Automation in Industry is 5

Berendakov I.S.   Data import organization based on Web Services

An approach to data import organization based on Web Services mechanism is discussed. Corporate systems of third-party organizations are considered as information sources, while the unified reporting system serve as receiver. Specifications design process for Web Services techniques is described. An example of information retrieval from external database and its transmission via SOAP protocol to client application of the reporting system is adduced.

Panasenko I.M., Babikov V.M.   Bayesian networks application for estimating the reliability of automatable systems with special safety requirements

The paper shows that the best results in formalization and evaluation of diverse evidences effect on system reliability can be obtained by building Bayesian confidence propagation neural networks (BCPNN). The BCPNN fundamentals are presented and the most popular software reliability evaluation systems based on BCPNN are considered.

Gusev S.A.   e-KOBOLD controllers

Key capabilities, featured properties, and application areas of new e-KOBOLD Series controllers developed for building automation and supervision are discussed.

Akinshin L.G.   Kontron motherboards and embedded systems

Kontron offers a wide range of motherboards whose basic feature is the orientation to embedded applications. This feature is exemplified in rich functionality, small size, long lifecycle, and other properties facilitating the work of embedded application developers.

Richter S., Bart R.   Multi-core PC-based control

The trend to multiprocessor systems application is becoming apparent in PC-based control technology. The workload of PLC, motion control systems, HMI, etc. can be now allocated among several processor cores. The paper discusses how multi-processor technologies can effect industrial automation.

Industrial Ethernet equipment from N-TRON

Ethernet equipment from N-TRON intended for harsh industrial environments is presented.

Discussing a Subject…
Information display tools and systems

Belyaev V.V., Ivanov V.A., Kompaniets I. N.   The first EuroDISPLAY in Russia

EuroDISPLAY-2007, a major scientific and technical event with international participation took place in Moscow in autumn 2007. The paper overviews the exhibits of EuroDISPLAY-2007 and the key presentations of the 27th research conference reflecting the display market trends.

Zhdankin V.K.   VisuNet - a platform for creating HMI in explosive areas

The paper presents Pepperl+Fuchs VisuNet Series devices intended for developing HMI in explosive areas using standard Ethernet technology for data communication. VisuNet RM/PC are explosionproof electrical equipment and are used for control, monitoring, data processing, and process visualization in class 1 and 2 explosive areas with dangerous gaseous environment of and in the areas of class 21 and 22 dangerous due to potential formation of explosive mixtures of combustible powders or fibers with air.

Yurchenko V.V.   The development trends of SIMATIC operator panels

SIMATIC is a world-known trademark of the extensive family of Siemens automation products. The paper briefly overviews the capabilities and development lines of SIMATIC HMI hardware based on panels and panel computers.

Shauro V.S.   C-more and C-more micro panels and their HMI development capabilities

Application fields of C-more and C-more micro panels in various automation systems are discussed, their capabilities and features are overviewed, the product range with brief performance attributes is described, programming system capabilities are included, and application recommendations are made.

Alexeev A.A., Alexeev M.A., Folomkina G.B.   The new from EXOR

Key features and performance data of a new family of DomiOP BIS Series sensor panels from Exor International, Inc. are outlined. The panels are intended for living quarters automation as an intelligent information display and process control tool.

Economy control panels series is widened by Model CP6608.

Beckhoff has extended their Economy control panel series with Model CP6608. The new panel has a compact 5.7І display, an embedded PC with Intel® IXP420, and a series of interfaces. It is fitted for wide application in industrial and buildings automation.

Derevyago E.V.   Terminals

The evolution of terminals including the industrial automation ones is reviewed. FarPoint Series terminals manufactured by Russia-based FarPoint company and T Series scaleable graphic terminals from Arbor Technology are presented as examples.

The enhancement of protected monitors from VarTech Systems

New display technology offerings from VarTech Systems are presented. These include VBOND technology enabling significant reduction of reflection caused by lighting, and transparent heaters for extending the displays` operating temperature range.

Industrial displays from IEI and Hatteland

The products from 2 manufacturers look especially attractive in domestic process visualization market. These are the known IEI company based in Taiwan and the Norwegian Hatteland - a promising manufacturer of high-reliability monitors specializing in the development of information display systems for nautical and military applications. The most popular product ranges from both companies are briefly overviewed.

Russian special-purpose displays

Basic models, performance data, and application areas of special-purpose displays manufactured by Gorizont Scientific and Production Company are presented.

Ivanov V.V.   Planar display systems: from open solutions to integrated ones

Open and integrated Planar solutions allow to create state-of-the-art display systems for control stations. The systems meet strict requirements on the representation of diverse data coming from various sources in real-time.

Abrosimov M.B., Ghil`man E.A.   Process schematic complexes based on KIRAS SCADA

A schematic complex is a large screen intended for user-friendly visualization of process schematics, emergency protection system state, or other information needed for process operation. Schematic complex design based on KIRAS SCADA is discussed.

Egorov E.V.   Application of modern information display tools result in training simulator development savings

The paper presents a technical solution based on advanced information display tools requiring no system realignment in case of any changes in power unit control console layout.

Il`in A.E.   TouchTable® at Eurodisplay 2007 exhibition in Russia

PRIME GROUP has presented TouchTable® interactive complex for spatial information visualization at the Eurodisplay 2007 exhibition in Moscow. The system awoke keen interest of exhibition participants and visitors. The paper outlines its key capabilities and features.

Badin M.V., Voronkov D.I., Rutkevich A., Shishkin G.   Control schemes development for LED-based graphical information display systems

In recent years, the interest to LED technologies application in various information display systems has increased significantly. This is caused by high operational performance and picture quality combined with lower costs of high-quality LED. The paper summarizes the authors` development experience in this field.

Dobrinin A.A.   Modern systems for high-resolution video and audio information transmission via Ethernet

Two conventional data communication techniques in MultiRoom Video systems: broadband broadcasting at a specific radiofrequency and matrix switches, are discussed, their merits and drawbacks are shown. The paper notes that the most promising solution to this problem is the transmission of high-resolution video in digital form via Ethernet.

Journal`s Club

Babayan R.R.   From nanotechnology to nanoindustry

The day of CISCO solutions

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