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Н.И. Лобачевский


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#1 2011

Aristova N.I.  Turning the pages of Automation in Industry - 2010

Istomin A.D., Noskov M.D., Cheglokov A.A.  Information support system for uranium production by borehole underground leaching

The paper presents the system for the acquisition, storage, processing, and analysis of information about the operation of uranium production plant using borehole underground leaching technology.
Keywords: information systems, automation, database, underground leaching, uranium deposit.

Anisimov D.A., Gridin V.N., Dmitrievich G.D.  CAD systems design based on Web services technology

The problems of Internet technologies application in CAD systems are discussed. A comparative estimate of possible ways of modeling systems design software using Web-services technology is presented.
Keywords: CAD systems, remote databases, modeling, Web services.

Kavalerov B.V.  Automation of control system testing for mini power station`s gas-turbine units at design and tuning phases

The paper presents the testing automation methodology for automatic control systems of gas-turbine units used as low-power station drives. The application of mathematical modeling techniques for power systems in testing automation tasks is substantiated. Multi-functional mathematical models are derived, and a simulation software suite is developed for control system testing automation based on a versatile power generation system`s model.
Keywords: testing automation, automatic control system, gas-turbine unit, synchronous generator, mini power station, power system.

Bazhanov V.L.  Transfer function evaluation from plant`s acceleration curve based on scaling principle

An effective transfer function evaluation technique using plant`s experimental acceleration curve (step response) is described. The technique is underlain by the scaling principle. A case study exemplifies the techniques application and its advantages important for practice. Those include the usability and controlled result accuracy. The new MM-approximation software is presented which enables quick and reliable evaluation of transfer function based on acceleration curve data.
Keywords: acceleration curve, transfer function, scaling, PID controller.

Dovban` S.N., Veselov O.V.  Condition monitoring of electromechanical systems based on out put signal`s deformation

For evaluating electromechanical system`s condition, a rectangular input signal is fed. While passing through the system the signal undergoes the changes related with object`s condition change. Signal`s output energy is used for estimating the condition change. Energy deviation from the reference value is estimated using metric technique.
Keywords: condition, signal, measurement, impulse function, signal deformation, energy, metric technique.

Gerasimov A.V., Vasil`kov Yu.V.  Discord detection and classification system based on wavelet analysis and artificial neuron networks

A robust algorithm for sequential discord detection (properties change detector) in stochastic processes using wavelet packet transform is presented. Discord types classification is developed based on the designed detector and artificial neuron networks. The system developed is compared with Shewhart control charts. It can be successfully applied in sampling inspection as well as in other discord detection and classification conditions related with insufficient information about the signal before and after its change.
Keywords: sequential discord detection, packet transform, pattern recognition and classification, sampling inspection.

Zaitsev M.V.  A small controller for big tasks or programming and PLC program development

The paper continues the series discussing the programming features of Phoenix Contact controllers in PC WORX universal environment. The second paper describes the application of FBD functional block diagram language for street-light control programming according to the objectives.
Keywords: programming environment, controller, simulator.

Ukhov V.I.  Implementation of a redundant data server in supervisory control systems for power grids

The paper discusses the implementation of a redundant teleautomatics server designed per specialized cluster system technology in supervisory control systems for power grids. The solution proposed enables the design of geographically distributed cluster systems.
Keywords: synchronization, clusters, configuration database.

Drozdov S.N., Zolotarev S.V.  CompuLab fit-PC2 "nano" nettop family: the growth of applications

The configuration and promising application areas of the fit-PC2 "world smallest PC" from CompuLab are presented.
Keywords: nettop, computer-on-module, data acquisition system, controller.

Kharazov V.G.  Programmable relay: application recommendations

A brief overview of programmable relay market is presented, performance attributes, functionalities, and application areas are discussed.
Keywords: programmable relay, pico controller, keyboard, embedded display panel.

Discussing a Subject…
Navigation systems

Tereshkov V.M.  Scaled-down modeling tools for inertial navigation systems and their algorithms debugging

A software suite for scaled-down modeling of sensor readings of airborne inertial-satellite strapdown systems is presented. The software is intended for navigation algorithms debugging, improving their reliability and accuracy. In contrast to the existing modeling tools, the new system provides automated model parameter identification of the errors of gyroscopes, accelerometers, and satellite navigation systems based on the tests performed at a land-based vehicle.
Keywords: inertial navigation, modeling, identification.

Tarkivsky V.E.  On the improvement of agricultural machinery testing quality with the help of GPS and GLONASS navigation systems

Measuring systems developed by Kuban` Scientific Research Institute for Tractors and Agricultural Machines Testing are presented. The measuring systems employ GPS/GLONASS receivers and are applied at agricultural machinery testing.
Keywords: navigation systems, agricultural machinery, testing.

Kiselev A.A.  Satellite monitoring of agricultural operations

The paper adduces the examples of satellite monitoring systems application in agriculture: integration with parallel navigation systems, fuel consumption measurement, and components and assemblies operation monitoring using RFID-technology.
Keywords: satellite system, monitoring, fuel consumption monitoring, parallel navigation, RFID-technology.

Arkhipov V.S.  Navigation system for tractor monitoring

A tractor monitoring system developed per Tractor Works Corporation is presented. The system allows to monitor critical condition parameters of tractor`s components and assemblies.
Keywords: tractors, tractor monitoring system, onboard monitoring system, sensors.

Obrastsov S.A.  Navigation and communication in urban electric transport systems using IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks

The paper examines the possibility of implementing IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks in the urban electric transport infrastructure to provide the navigation, dispatch communication, infrastructure management automation, and passengers information about the waiting time.
Keywords: urban electric transport, navigation system, wireless communication, IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee, voice data communication.

Repin Yu.A., Khvatov L.V., Zakharov N.A.  Satellite monitoring system for rail transport

A hard-/software system for local monitoring and navigation of rail transport traffic based on GLONASS, GPS, GALILEO, and conventional communication signals used at Russian railways is presented. The system`s operation is underlain by differential calculation of moving object`s location.
Keywords: differential technique, location parameters, monitoring, navigation.

Shulghin G.K.  Satellite navigation equipment from NAVIS Design Office for various applications

The paper overviews the activities of NAVIS Design Office in the field of navigation systems design. A monitoring system for 3D deformations of infrastructural objects based on GLONASS/GPS navigation modules and navigation-connected sensors for traffic monitoring are presented.
Keywords: satellite navigation system, monitoring, differential mode, navigation-connected sensors, inaccuracy.

GLONASS in housing and communal services

Application of GLONASS satellite navigation technologies in municipal services is a promising line of development. The paper lists the tasks in this area which can be addressed with satellite navigation tools. The examples of the RIRV JSC`s navigation equipment application in St. Petersburg Water Supply Company are included.
Keywords: satellite navigation, measuring instrument, monitoring.

Plyusnin E.A.  Integration of satellite positioning tools and inertial measuring devices

The SPANТМ technology from NovAtel is presented which integrates satellite positioning tools with inertial measuring devices. Application advantages of this technology are formulated.
Keywords: inertial measuring tools, satellite navigation positioning.


Embedded computer technology market in 2010-11: towards the development of promising technologies

In October 2010, RTSoft hold the press conference "Embedded Computer Technology Market in 2010-11: towards the development of promising technologies. The event was dedicated to the development trends of embedded computer technologies in Russia and worldwide as well as the commercialization of hard- and software based on innovative embedded technologies.
Keywords: embedded computer technologies, computer-on-module, processor, virtualization.

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