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#10 2008

Gusev D.I.  A methodology for estimating the costs of information technologies utilization in enterprise`s informational system

A methodology for estimating the costs of information technologies utilization in enterprise`s informational system is presented. A detailed description of the cost model is presented, and the approaches to estimating IT services scope are outlined with the case study of a specific business process.
Keywords: information management, IT Service Management, information system`s efficiency, total IT ownership cost.

Bagaeva T.A.  Automation of complex technical system reconfiguring

The paper offers a solution to the problem of complex technical system reconfiguring in case of its key elements` failures based on a expert decision-making support system. The application of such system enables the improvement of tasks execution agility as well as of the quality, validity, and timeliness of the decisions; it ensures the automation and continuity of control in case of some control elements failure.
Keywords: reconfiguring, complex technical system, failure, knowledge base, expert decision-making support system.

Guliaev E.V.  SIMATIC S7-1200 microcontrollers - innovative level of integration

New SIMATIC S7-1200 series microcontrollers from Siemens, their featured properties and advantages are presented as well as the innovative STEP7 software for their configuring and programming.
Keywords: microcontrollers, interface Ethernet, panel.

Alexeev A.A., Alexeev A.V., Varshavsky Z.M.  New RS-485 interface - Ethernet converter from EMICON

A new communication gateway model for RS-485 interfaces conversion to Ethernet is presented. Performance data and features of the new device are discussed as well as its differences from the previous version.
Keywords: interface converter, RS-485, Ethernet.

Digital multimeters and pulse counters from Autonics

Discussing a Subject…
Production management systems in unified information space
Introduction - 1

Mukhin I.N.  Production management system design for non-aerated beverages production on the basis of Tetra Plant Master concept

A production management system for non-aerated beverages production is discussed which is a replica of a universal automation system for food industry. It implementation is exemplified in RG Brands plant in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. The system ensures effective management automation of all production process functions and can be considered as a prototype for similar plants.
Keywords: non-aerated beverages production, food production recipes, supervisory control, process, MES.

Safianov A.S., Yunak A.L., Filipiev I.N.  State of the art, problems and development trends of LIMS as a mirror of the evolution of hard- and software for information processes automation

The paper overviews the evolution of Chemist-Analyst LIMS related with the development of automation hardware and software. It substantiates the development of an optimal solution for switching to virtual control systems (terminals or thin clients) that became possible owing to the development of hardware and software tools for various-purpose automation systems.
Keywords: LIMS, laboratory resources management system, analytical laboratory, data processing center, virtual database access, client/server.

Protsenko A.A., Potarin A.E., Protsenko I.A.  SampleManager LIMS

Featured properties and functionality of SampleManager LIMS from Thermo Fisher Scientific are presented. The system is intended for lab data processing and reports generation.
Keywords: LIMS, multi-level product specifications, tool integration nodule.

Gunin L.N., Khranilov V.P., Kashenkov A.V.  CALS technologies application at radio instrument making enterprises

The experience of integrated information technology implementation at radio instrument making enterprises is summarized. The paper discusses the design and manufacturing features of radio metering equipment in an integrated automated complex. It analyzes application opportunities of CAD/CAM/CAE, PDM, and ERP systems for life cycle support of radio instruments. The design concepts of enterprise`s unified information space are formulated.
Keywords: CALS technologies, product lifecycle, radio metering equipment, radio instrument making, production management.

Andrienko A.N., Scherbakov N.A.  Reference data management at a modern enterprise: principles and outlook

Reference data management is a key task in modern information systems. This fully refers to design works automation. With the higher level of product lifecycle management where CAD/CAM/CAE systems are competing against other corporate systems for reference data sources, an integrated solution to this problem is getting especially topical. Against this background, the paper shows the role of reference data management in the automation of process decision-making, and discusses the experience of ASKON in this area as well as the outlook of the related applied software.
Keywords: reference data management, knowledge management, Master Data Management, decision-making support, context, ontology, semantic network, Semantic Web, object model.

Discussing a Subject…
Automation of HVAC systems of buildings and edifices
Introduction - 2

Gordienko A.S.  Standard control functions in air conditioning and ventilation automation systems and their implementation

Key functions of air conditioning and ventilation management systems such as process variables monitoring and recording, supervisory and program control, safety and interlock logic, regulatory control functions are reviewed. Recommendations on their implementation in automation systems are made.
Keywords: air conditioning and ventilation system, automatic control system, process variables monitoring and recording, interlock logic, microprocessor controllers.

Kiyanov N.V., Kryukov O.V., Lebedeva A.A.  Indoor climatic control systems: comfort and energy efficiency

State-of-the-art design methods for climate control systems of accommodation and production spaces are considered. The features of induced-draft forced-air heating systems are analyzed. Examples of industrial implementation of climate control hardware and software for production spaces ensuring energy efficiency and comfort are adduced.
Keywords: climatic control for production spaces, forced-air heating, induced-draft ventilation system, invariant control system, hard-/software.

Sel`chenkov V.L.  Standard engineering solutions for ventilation and microclimate control systems of gas-measuring stations` cabinets

OAO Gazprom widely applies cabinets for instruments and equipment which are often located in explosive areas. The design of ventilation and climatic control systems for such cabinets makes specific requirements both to engineering solutions and to operation algorithms of such systems. The paper presents key engineering solutions and operation algorithms of ventilation and climatic control systems for measuring transducer cabinets located at gas-measuring stations.
Keywords: cabinet, microclimate control, ventilation systems, gas-measuring and gas-distributing stations.

Mage M.  Microclimate control for distribution cabinets

To control distribution cabinet microclimate effectively, right selection of cooling equipment and evaluation of desirable cooling capacity are required. It is common to consider the cooling system in the last place in the design process. However, it makes sense to design effective cooling of heat-sensitive electronics which is a key component of a whole system from the very outset.
Keywords: microclimate control, distribution cabinet, refrigerating unit, cooling.

Ablin I.E.  SCADA systems in house supervision

MasterSCADA is a versatile vertically-integrated software suite. The paper discusses its application in supervision of all house`s engineering systems as well as the design of house and apartment resource accounting systems.
Keywords: microclimate control, distribution cabinet, refrigerating unit, cooling.

Yermolaev G.Yu.  The features of the modern approach to edifice climate automation

Nano-, neuro-, Internet, 3G, IP-TV are all tied together by a hi-tech web which, per human will, has been wrapping up our houses increasingly tightly and frequently. The "smart house era" has set in, and more attention is paid to the unification of heterogeneous systems of a house into a unified automated complex. The approached to climatic systems operation in houses and edifices have also changed. The paper discusses the primary tasks and challenges and how they are responded by Russian vendors.
Keywords: climatic systems, fire-alarm systems, intrusion protection systems, access control, SCADA, remote access.

Sapunov A.V.  High-performance sensors - the background for stet-of-the-art climatic control systems

Generic engineering features and capabilities of VERIUS Industries` sensors for climatic control systems are presented.
Keywords: sensor, air quality control, temperature sensors, power circuits.

Vysokinsky D.G., Platonov A.M.  The need in automation of managing company`s operations in housing and communal services

The problem of automating the operations of a managing company in housing and communal services is discussed against the background of industry reformation and new contractual relations development. New PAUK software modules operating in major managing companies of Ekaterinburg housing and communal services are described.
Keywords: housing and communal services, managing company, inventory taking, housing stock, financial planning.

Obtovka O.V.  Supervision system for Aquamarine multifunctional complex

The paper briefly describes an automation and supervision system for Aquamarine multifunctional complex and discusses its key technical features.
Keywords: induced draft ventilation, emergency gas removal, air temperature and moisture monitoring.

Beckhoff`s building automation system in a CO2-neutral house

The paper briefly describes the features of an automation project for a energy self-sufficient Leaf House based on Beckhof`s hard-/software solutions.
Keywords: energy self-sufficient house, energy conservation systems.

Khavansky O.V., Tikhonov A.B.  Comfortable climatic conditions in free layout premises

How to make employee`s workspace comfortable against adverse environmental impacts such as noises, insufficient light, workspace layout, recreation and nutrition conditions, etc.? Emplyee`s feeling of happiness and commitment to employer are often associated with his/her workplace and, this being well organized, can significantly contribute to overall work productivity and efficiency. The paper discusses the problem of making comfortable climatic conditions in free layout premises with an example of a specific building.
Keywords: climatic conditions, fan, refrigeration loops, temperature setpoint.

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