По каким критериям можно определить истинность критериев истинной идеи?
По каким критериям можно определить истинность критериев истинной идеи?
TEKON Group: 20 years in industrial automation market
Kruchinin A.Yu. Optimization of real-time pattern recognition systems
An approach to the optimization of pattern recognition process in real time is offered which allows to make a trade-off between the risks of recognition error losses and the recognition rate.
Keywords: process control, pattern recognition, recognition complexity, adequacy, data representativeness, optimization, optimality criterion, real time.
Tuchinsky V.R., Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V. Implementation of automatic control in BASIS Series spark-proof controllers
Functional and engineering opportunities of automatic control system implementation with the help of BASIS Series controllers are discussed. The results of investigations underlying regulatory control and self-tuning algorithms development are presented.
Keywords: regulatory control, controllers, loop tuning, user interfaces.
Nesterova A.Yu., Samoylova T.A. Preactor 11: new opportunities for industrial activities planning
Functional features of Preactor ver. 11 system of FCS/APS class developed by UK-based Preactor International company are presented.
Keywords: production activities planning, procurement and supply management, production schedules.
Nazirova D.A. Metran-150RFA: Annubar technology becomes available
Featured properties, performance attributes, functionalities, and application areas of the new Metran-150RFA variable pressure drop flowmeter based on averaging pressure tube Annubar 485 are presented. The flowmeter was developed by Metran Industrial Group.
Keywords: flowmeter, variable pressure drop, pressure tube, sensor, pipeline.
Kiselev A.A. Car fuel rate control in satellite transport monitoring systems
The 3 different solutions to the problem of fuel rate control implemented in AutoTracker satellite-based transport monitoring system are discussed; their merits and drawbacks are described. The paper notes that the AutoTracker system with the fuel rate control module is successfully operated by many oil companies.
Keywords: satellite system, monitoring, fuel rate control, flowmeter, fuel level sensor, haul.
Discussing a Subject…
How to build an energy-efficient enterprise
Chuksina E.V. Implementation of enterprise energy management systems
The phases of energy management implementation at an enterprise according to ISO 50001/EN 16001 recommendations are described.
Keywords: energy management, energy manager, energy audit, energy efficiency.
Dubinsky M.Yu. Energy audit in railway enterprises
Energy audit implementation phases at the departments of Syzran-Oktyabrsk rail junction (Samara region, Russia) are described.
Keywords: energy audit, railways, electric power, energy efficiency.
Kosmin A.S. Energy accounting systems from Siemens
Key opportunities of Powerrate system are presented. This process-level system dynamically distributes energy according to its current consumption level. B.Data energy management system meeting EN 16001 standard is also described.
Keywords: dynamic energy distribution, energy management, energy accounting.
Chulkov E.L. Implementation of energy service contracts according to the Russian Federal Law no. 261 on energy conservation
Energy service program offered by Privodnaya Technika Industrial Group for housing and communal enterprises and fuel-energy complex is presented.
Keywords: energy service, housing and communal services, energy-saving technologies.
Yemelianov K.S. Organization of energy accounting at enterprises: the first step to energy efficiency
Industrial enterprises have considerable energy conservation potential. The paper lists the actions which implemented will contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency indicators. The importance of energy monitoring and accounting system implementation is emphasized. Case studies are included.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy conservation, automated energy monitoring and accounting system.
A standard automated system for electric power accounting at an enterprise
An informating-measuring energy monitoring system based on EnergoKrug software platform is described. This standard solution easily customized to specific enterprise`s requirements can be a framework for building integrated energy accounting system of an enterprise.
Keywords: informating-measuring energy monitoring system, energy monitoring and accounting system, process data consolidation server, OPC server, energy accounting instruments, controller, protocol.
Khrenov K.E., Potemin A.A., Sapozhnikov S.I. An automated information system for electric power consumption planning and management at Mosvodocanal`s plants
Energy consumption planning and optimization are critically important for improving enterprise`s energy efficiency. The paper describes a project on development and implementation of an automation information system for electric power consumption planning and management at Mosvodocanal (Moscow water supply company).
Keywords: energy efficiency, automated information system for electric power consumption planning and management, planning and optimization.
Chipulis V.P. Informational and analytical systems for monitoring, control and analysis of heat-power plants` operating modes
The experience of development, implementation, and support of informational and analytical systems operated at heat-power plants of the Russian Far East (Vladivostok Region) is discussed. Systems` abilities of historical data analysis are examined.
Keywords: informational and analytical system, monitoring, heat sources and consumers, measurement data, regression analysis.
Marchenko D.A. On pneumatic systems` energy efficiency improvement, monitoring, and diagnosis
Compressed air used in pneumatic systems of industrial equipment is one of the most expensive utilities. The ways to decrease energy consumption by leaks elimination, compressed air flowrate monitoring and pneumatic circuit optimization implemented on the basis of Festo`s equipment are discussed.
Keywords: pneumatic systems, energy efficiency, compressed air, leaks, monitoring.
Kryukov O.V. Analysis and implementation of energy efficiency factors in innovative solutions for electrically driven turbine compressors
Statistical condition analysis of electrically driven gascompressor units is undertaken. Innovative ways of modernization and design of state-of-the-art automatic control systems for electric drives of turbine compressors at gas-main pipelines are considered.
Keywords: electrically driven gascompressor units, automatic control systems for electric drives of turbine compressors, energy efficiency factors of innovations.
Skvortsov D.A. The future belongs to smart grids
Topical tasks of Russian power network complex development are discussed in the light of smart grids design and replication. The paper overviews the tasks, ideas and principles of smart grid design based on worldwide analysis and Russian experience and provides practical recommendations on the implementation of new generation networks in Russia.
Keywords: intelligent power networks, Smart Grid, remote control systems, energy efficiency.
Krizhevsky P.V., Levin I.K. New control algorithm for a pumping station of a major city`s water supply system
The paper presents a control algorithm for a pumping station of a major city`s water supply system. The algorithm includes an adaptive algorithm for tuning a linear model of water supply zone, critical point calculation technique, and a control algorithm for plant`s outlet pressure.
Keywords: pumping station, algorithm, critical points, normative daily plan, real time.
Shevelev A.V., Zatsepilova Zh.V. Optimal control of electrolytic metal recovery process
A method for energy-efficient metal recovery by melted salt electrolysis is described. The method is based on periodical measurement of process rate using ultrasonic measurement of melt level and the developed optimal control algorithm.
Keywords: calcium recovery, electrolysis, optimal control, energy conservation.
Vinogradova T.O. Electronics - Transportation 2010: summing up
The exposition and key events of the business program of the "Electronics-Transportation 2010" 4th Russian specialized exhibition of electronics and IT for transportation and infrastructure are described. The paper notes that the following sections were presented most extensively: electronic components and modules, fare collection systems, power supply solutions, Information systems for passengers, navigation, dispatching, and traffic management solutions, transportation systems safety.
Keywords: components and modules, fare collection systems, power supply, information boards, electronic equipment.
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