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#11 2010

In focus: inferential measurements

Zubov D.V., Kokotko M.A., Kramm E.A.  Automated control of continuous medium sterilization system in biotechnological production

The control of continuous medium sterilization unit in microbiological production is considered. The target of maintaining the desirable sterilization level is set. The equations for calculating the contaminant die-off factors are derived. A mathematical model is built which describes the operation of a continuous sterilization unit with a closed steam heater.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, continuous thermal sterilization, soft sensor-based control, inferential measurement.

Beghishev S.V.  Electrical resonance as the equivalent of the mechanical one

The paper offers еру oscillatory circuit-based technique for simulating the mechanical resonance which may appear during vibration table operation.
Keywords: vibration test control systems, resonance, modeling, simulation, virtual instrument.

Davydov I.A., Shelpyakov A.N.  Temperature controller using pulse energy technique

Based on energy representation of parametric object`s state control a pulse energy technique is offered. The relationships for determining control signal`s on-off time ratio are presented. Based on fuzzy logic elements a procedure for evaluating on-off time ratio correction is offered. Adaptive control algorithm using pulse energy technique and fuzzy logic elements is developed. Regulator.exe software enabling regulatory control of object`s output parameter according to the developed algorithm is described.
Keywords: temperature controller, regulatory control, pulse energy technique.

New generation electricity measurement

Timoshenko D.P., Serghienko N.N.  MFK1500 new industrial controller with medium information capacity

In autumn 2009, Promcontroller production company, a subsidiary of TEKON Group has presented its new product, MFK1500 multifunctional programmable controller with original state-of-the-art design. MFK1500 demonstrates the switch of domestic automation tools from the obsolete metal-intensive Euromechanics 19 form-factor to qualitatively new level. Its modules are placed in a patented plastic flame-proof polycarbonate housing.
Keywords: controller, I/O modules, duplication, redundancy, reliability, diagnostics.

Kovalev A.N., Akinshin L.G.  PC/104 equipmwent from Switzerland

With the acquisition of Swiss DIGITAL-LOGIC company, Kontron has become a key player in the PC/104 market by enriching its product portfolio with a variety of PC/104-compatible articles addressing the needs of high-reliability compact system developers.
Keywords: standard, embedded boards, reliability, small size, compatibility, critical application segments.

Discussing a Subject…
Simulation for industrial automation

Shpakov V.M.  An approach to the development and application of simulation models of industrial process units

The paper describes an approach to the development of industrial unit models based on process evolution knowledge formalized with a rulebase of interacting processes state transformation. Rule structures ensuring intuitive situational way of knowledge representation. The ways of models` software implementation are discussed. The approach can be applied for industrial unit models development using versatile programming tools as well as serve as a framework for developing software tools aimed at modeling such units. An application example of liquid helium process simulation is included.
Keywords: simulation, knowledge formalization, rulebases, dynamic expert systems, logical programming, control theory.

Pol`ko P.G., Logunova O.S., Andreev S.M., Ryabchikova E.S., Ryabchikov M.Yu., Parsunkin B.N.  Fuzzy control algorithm for synthesizing digital process variable stabilization loops

The paper presents simulation results of a digital stabilization loop for a slow process variable with a time lag. The loop was synthesized using fuzzy sets and fuzzy logical deductions and is able to operate under incomplete information about the controlled variable. The advantages of fuzzy control using simplified process models are demonstrated.
Keywords: fuzzy control, fuzzy controllers, fuzzy control rules, transient performance.

Korobeinikova Y.Yu., Fedorov V.I., Lisitsyn N.V.  Simulation program development for methanol synthesis system

The results of developing a simulation program for methanol synthesis which allows to find optimal values of process parameters, monitor catalyst activity and make numerical experiments.
Keywords: methanol synthesis, simulation, program, catalyst activity.

Zen`kovich M.V., Drevs Yu.G.  Decision-making support in moulding line design

Methods and software enabling the evaluation of work efficiency and the comparisons of alternative moulding line designs are discussed. The evaluation was done using simulation techniques.
Keywords: decision-making support, simulation model, moulding line, aggregative system.

Zyubin V.E.  Iterative development of control algorithms based on control object`s simulation

The application of simulation technique in the development of PLC level control algorithms is discussed. In iterative procedure of PLC programs development based on virtual control object concept is offered. The procedure makes it possible to improve the efficiency and the reliability of the developed algorithms.
Keywords: simulation, virtual control objects, iterative software design model, PLC programming.

Model-based design with automatic code generation

B&R Automation Studio Target for Simulink software is presented which supports the interaction of The MathWorks` simulation suites and B&R`s Automation Studio environment for controller programming. The advantages of simultaneous application of simulation and design tools are demonstrated.
Keywords: programming, simulation, industrial controllers.

Salibekyan S.M., Panfilov P.B.  Object-Attribute architecture for design and modeling of distributed automation systems

The paper describes the application of Object-Attribute (OA) computing environment architecture to the implementation of distributed automation systems with computational nodes (computers or PLCs) of various hardware architecture. The features of OA modeling of distributed automation tools are demonstrated as well as basic OA modeling, coding, and debugging techniques for such systems.
Keywords: object-attribute architecture, millicommand, informational pair, capsule, parallel programming model .

Makarova N.Yu., Tatmyshevsky K.V., Pavlov D.D.  Modeling and simulation of a mechanoluminescent pressure sensor

The paper examines the process of mechanoluminescent transformation of a pressure sensor which consists the excitation of light under the mechanical loading. The mathematical model of the transformation is a system of integro-differential equations. The results of mechanoluminescent sensor`s light simulation under various mechanical effects are included.
Keywords: simulation, mathematical model, mechanoluminescence, pressure sensor, mechanical effect, optical signal.

Journal`s Club: Discussion of a Paper

Bakhur A.B.  System definition of an object: approaches to formalization

The paper offers a system model pattern intended for decision-making support in design. The models basic idea is the combination of the "behavior" of the object under design in the spaces of "external" coordinates describing the object`s state with respect to the specified goal and "internal" coordinates characterizing its functional state. Thus the conflict is modeled between what is needed for goal attainment and available functionalities.
Keywords: system, system model, design, structure functional organization..

Novoseltsev V.N.  In search of a trade-off

Chadeev V.M. From hierarchy chart to system definition


Kharazov V.G.  XVII International Specialized Exhibition "Power and Electrical Engineering"

XVII International Specialized Exhibition "Power and Electrical Engineering" took place at LENEXPO exhibition hall of St. Petersburg on May 11-14, 2010. About 300 companies from Russia, Germany, China, Finland, Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Ukraine, Belorussia, and Azerbaijan took part in the Exhibition.
Keywords: electric equipment, electric drives, relays, sensors, controllers.

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