Наука любит точность, но ученый должен уметь фантазировать. Можно сухие научные идеи излагать интересно и взволнованно.
А.В. Фокин
Наука любит точность, но ученый должен уметь фантазировать. Можно сухие научные идеи излагать интересно и взволнованно.
А.В. Фокин
2006 Index of papers
Poletykin A.G. A new technology for informating-controlling hard-/software systems design for the upper level of A-plant control systems
A new information technology for hard-/software systems design for the upper level of A-plant control systems is presented. The technology was developed in the Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia) and is successfully applied at domestic and foreign A-plants. The requirements to such systems are formulated. System architecture and basic algorithms are described.
Titov V.S., Bobyr` M.V., Milostnaya N.A. An automated on/off switching system for swarf and dust removing device
A functional principle of an on/off switching system for swarf and dust removing device is proposed and its operation algorithm is described. The device removes swarf and dust from the cutting area of a numerical control machinery. Application of the control system enables power savings and the improvement of surface treatment accuracy.
Khametov R.K. A monosystem for object`s spatial coordinates measurement
A three-dimensional machine vision monosystem with reduced measurement error is presented. The system ensures on-line remote monitoring of a fixed domain of manipulator`s working area and enables non-contact sensing of detected object`s attitude and orientation. The monosystem`s structure is described, its key merits and drawbacks are discussed.
Semikin V.Yu. Modeling energy efficiency indicators of gas-compressor units based on informating-controlling system`s data
The problem of energy efficiency information acquisition and processing for gas-compressor units and for the whole of gas-transport plant is formulated. To solve the problem, the paper offers a toolkit for estimating actual compressor performance characteristics including an information acquisition subsystem. The procedures for evaluating the performance characteristics of compressor guns and detecting their stable operation area are briefly discussed.
Shubladze A.M., Kuznetsov S.I., Gulyaev S.V., Shubladze A.A., Olschwang V.R., Application of adaptive impulse controllers with various type actuators for process control
The Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia) has developed adaptive impulse controllers that can underlie high-performance automatic control systems for non-steady dynamic processes with various type actuators. The performance indices of the systems based on these controllers drastically exceed similar indices of the control systems based on traditional PID controllers. The paper compares the effectiveness of PID and impulse controllers with various actuators in temperature conditions control of a drying chamber. The comparison shows significant advantages of the new controllers against PID controllers in drying chamber control modes both with constant and with variable parameters.
Ryazanova D.V., Kharazov V.G., Kholodnov V.A. The simulation of chrome elimination from waste water in a batch reactor
The paper examines a simulation model of hexavalent chrome neutralization in a batch reactor as a control object with "reactant flow - concentration" and "alkali - solvent pH" channels.
Marakaeva G.T. Application of data mining approach in LIMS development
Information technologies are necessary in the areas where a large amount of handicraft still exists. A lot of tests are undertaken in plant laboratories with the results processed and recorded in logs. Full or partial automation is provided by LIMS whose functions comprise various tasks from work planning and samples recording up to creating product certificates including all intermediate tasks. Moreover, these systems are often integrated into plant`s integrated information environment. In due course, the vast amount of accumulated data can be processed using data mining algorithms. The paper discusses one of data mining tasks: chemical samples classification based on learning sample, i.e., unknown sample categorization based on some attributes. The need in solving this problem was formulated by a plant laboratory carrying out chemical samples analysis.
Get out of the black box
The availability of standard hard- and software modules for control systems design facilitates the automation and modernization of industrial equipment and processes. The application of proven automation technologies enables the enterprises to improve product competitiveness and quality. By resting upon in-house products ("black boxes"), the users restrict their development capabilities. The paper shows how Beckhoff`s automation technologies affected the industrial processes of Airspray and Radiator Specialty companies.
A process control system for sour crude treatment unit
The paper describes the destination, design targets, structure, and operation modes of process control system for a sour crude treatment unit of Yamashneft oil field of Tatneft Public JSC (Tatarstan, Russia).
Integrated automation of Uralmash JSC management
The experience of ERA Financials ERP system application at Uralmash JSC engineering plant is briefly presented.
Matrix transformer: dream or reality
The advantages of matrix transformers as against conventional ones are discussed. Energy conservation is the key advantage. The generic operation principle of matrix transformation technology is described. The objective reasons hampering the technology development are indicated.
Discussing a subject…
Automated energy accounting systems
Telemera hard-/software system - accounting without excess costs
The approaches to the design of engineering accounting and supervision systems from costs minimization viewpoint are stated; engineering accounting systems based on Telemera hard-/software toolkit are briefly discussed.
Energy accounting systems - a tool for strategic enterprise development
The challenges to be overcome by users and designers of automated energy accounting systems for their successful implementation and subsequent operation are formulated. These include communication channels organization, hard-, software, and main contractor selection, system functionality determination. Key objectives underlying energy accounting projects implementation by Mobile Solutions JSC (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia) are formulated.
Pervushin D.R., Petrov A.A. Information energy accounting system design in the framework of enterprise`s unified IT complex
The improvement of energy efficiency both in manufacturing and marketing is one of the most topical tasks for any business. Energy costs cover a sizeable share of operating expenses. The paper discusses the problems of information energy accounting system design in the framework of enterprise`s unified IT complex with a case study of a power company transmitting and selling power to end users.
Ivanin O.I. An informating-measuring energy accounting system
The structure of an informating-measuring energy accounting system based on UKI-01 universal controllers is presented. System`s advantages and featured properties are demonstrated.
Laboda O.N. SEM 2.01 adders in energy accounting systems
The paper presents the structure of an informating-measuring energy accounting system based on SEM 2.01 adders and Energy for Windows software. Two significantly different algorithms implemented in SEM 2.01 for taking power readings from the meters are considered.
Grigoriev S.N. ISTOK hardware toolkit. Energy accounting methods and tools
ISTOK hardware is a certified metrological toolkit intended for building multinode flowrate measurements and for accounting the sales and consumption of energy such as power, heat, gas, water, and compressed air, in various industries, energy, agriculture, housing and communal services. System architecture is shown; available energy measuring techniques are described.
Instrument data acquisition and processing in energy accounting systems
The paper shows how ClearSCADA software and SCADAPack controllers enable the development of an effective and reliable energy accounting system.
Titov N.N., Prokhvatilov V.Yu., Krivonosov A.I., Levenets N.Yu., Strukov D.V. Application experience of local-level automated energy accounting systems
Functional principle of a local-level automated energy accounting system developed by Hartep, Ltd. is presented. The system includes the equipment of substation level, duty operator`s workstation, remote access equipment, and communication channels. System requirements and hard-/software performance data are included.
Kuznetsov P.D., Sobina N.P. The commercial and technical energy accounting system for JSC Sibkabel`s facilities
The structure of the existing automated informating-measuring system for commercial energy accounting at Sibkabel JSC is presented. Technical energy accounting system`s functions are included as well as its implementation and operation features.
Tumanov D.N., Metan G.N., Tumanov N.A. Automated energy accounting systems at Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Public JSC
The approaches to heat and power resources and material flows accounting at Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers Public JSC during the recent 10 years are discussed.
Industrial Automation companies
Modern instruments and automation facilities: made in Russia
Avtomatika Scientific and Production Company celebrated the 15th anniversary in autumn 2006. During this period, the measuring instruments and automation devices manufactured by the Company gained the esteem at the enterprises of various industries. The Company pursue active marketing policy, participates in all major industrial automation events including permanent participation the annual Industrial Automation Seminar and Exhibition conducted in Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia). The paper presents an interview with Yu.F.Petrov, Director of Avtomatika Scientific and Production Company
Aristova N.I. PTA/AAT Advanced Automation Technologies 2006 Exhibition: news from industrial automation market
The evolution of PTA/AAT exhibition is shown. Industrial automation novelties offered by exhibition participants are overviewed.
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