"Некоторые здания важные, потому что большие, а некоторые - потому что в них воспоминания."
"Некоторые здания важные, потому что большие, а некоторые - потому что в них воспоминания."
Misrikhanov M.Sh., Gelfand A.M., Friedman L.I. The problems of integrated process control systems development for substations of the national power grid of Russia
Basic design concepts of integrated control systems for extra-high-voltage substations of the Russian national power grid are discussed. These concepts underlie the commissioning and current operation of nine biggest substations of the Russian national power grid.
Serdyukov O.V., Nestulya R.V., Kuznetsov V.I., Timoshin A.I., Kulaghin S.A. Tornado-TM as a framework for integrated control systems of power network plants
The paper discusses some key issues of modern process control system design for power network plants and briefly describes Tornado-TM teleautomatics system – a new product from Modular System Tornado intended for developing process control systems with long lifecycle. System structure, embodiment, and functionality are considered.
Shubladze A.M., Kuznetsov S.I.Automatically tunable industrial PI and PID controllers
A relatively simple automatic tuning technique for industrial PI and PID controllers is offered. The performance of the new tuning technique is compared with other similar methods. The paper addresses the needs of software developers for industrial controllers.
Abramov A.V. Investigation of neuron network tool applicability to business prediction problems
The paper considers a prediction module as a part of a GRID technology-based software suite for control tasks. The prediction algorithm is based on modern neuron network technologies. Simulation experiments for a case study of sales volume prediction are described and their results are analyzed.
Dewey A.R., Borsh E.C. Teamwork: HART and Foundation fieldbus protocols interact in the integrated environment
The performance of HART and Foundation fieldbus (FF) protocols is compared; system architecture features and data management opportunities for both of them are discussed. System integration strategies employing HART and FF are proposed.
PC-based control is an instant win
The paper presents two new projects implemented according to Beckhoff’s PC-compatible technology: ProControl™ podium-style image printing system and an engineering services system for AMAG’s central vehicle parts depot.
Kudryavtsev V.S., Yanchuk A.N., Zifferman G.O., Yudina L.E., Fefelova L.M. The design of the electrical equipment control system for the decomposition department of SUAL Public JSC
Spetrsprom enterprise (Ekaterinburg, Russia), and Urals-RTSoft has developed the working documentation for the electrical equipment control system for the decomposition department of SUAL Public JSC. The project is currently close to completion. The paper outlines system’s basic objectives, architecture, and finctions.
Discussing a Subject…
Undesirable phenomena in supply circuits of automation systems and protection methods
Yegorov E.V. Healthy recipes
The paper analyzes undesirable effects arising in power circuits of process automation systems and systematizes the approaches to overcome the problems. The tools against disruptions and low quality of power supply, overvoltage, and interferences and for analog inputs protection against voltage application are overviewed.
Integrated approach to solving the power supply problem
The paper offers an integrated approach to developing a system of guaranteed uninterrupted power supply for industrial equipment and systems ensuring plant’s operation safety.
Malinovsky D.I. Power sources: reliable energy for industrial automation
Reliable power sources are paramount for industrial automation, because industrial production, as against, e.g., military machines or home appliances, is never stopped and is critical for ensuring welfare and existence of contemporary human society.
Pavlov V. OVEN power units and their application
At first sight, power units are rather simple manufacture. But at more attentive examination, we make sure that they are sophisticated electronic devices. The paper presents OVEN power units and explains the reasons of their durability.
Ivanov K.B. A review of Mean Well’s novelties
Key performance data and application areas of novel power sources from Mean Well (Taiwan) are presented.
Power electronics from Omron
Basic capabilities and design features of Omron’s new K8 Series relays and S8TS modular power sources are outlined.
Yachkula N.I. DUGA MT digital protection device against arc shorts
Internal faults through a voltaic arc are extremely dangerous for 6…10 kV switch-yards. Such accidents can entail on-the-job injuries and material losses up to the full destruction of the package substation as well as indirect losses related with long-term power supply interruption for users. The topicality of the problem stipulated the introduction of the requirement about switch-yards protection devices into RAO UES of Russia guidelines. The devices should protect package substations against voltaic arcs and ensure fast response, absolute selectivity, and high sensitivity. To overcome the challenge, Mechanotronica Scientific and Technical Center has developed DUGA MT digital protection device against arc shorts.
Plotkin I.R., Tverdov I.V.
Alexander Electric Power Sources (AEPS) specializes in development and manufacture of power supply modules for industrial automation, aerospace industry, telecommunications and related systems both ground-based and on-board. in For a long time, AEPS has been supplying Russian market with AC/DC and DC/DC modules in the 5…1200 W power range. The reliability of power modules depends not only on circuitry and electronic components, but rather on external noise immunity. At the same time, the modules themselves are high-frequency pulse converters of electric power and thus are radio noise sources for electronic equipment. In order to help the clients facing these problems, AEPS manufactures protection tools such as RFI filtration and overvoltage protection modules and UPS.
Babich V.I.Some electrical equipment inspection tasks and the hardware to accomplish them
Electrical equipment inspection tasks often require the estimation of its reliability and operation efficiency. As far as process variables deviation from design values are fraught with high unplanned maintenance costs, the reliability of equipment should be also considered as a business factor and evaluated subject to economic criteria. In this context, equipment inspection is considered as a method for improving the profitability of electrical equipment operation.
Shpiganovich A.N., Yermolov S.A The analysis of power supply systems operation at industrial enterprises
Simulation techniques is applied for analyzing the emergency development caused by three-phase fault of substation’s voltage distribution buses. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to identify the segments of industrial power networks the most prone to failures and to create the optimal operation algorithm for relay protection and automation devices.
Kharazov V.G. New instruments and systems at Automation 2006 exhibition
New industrial automation offerings of Russian and foreign companies to the Automation 2006 exhibition (St. Petersburg, Russia) are overviewed.
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