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#10 2003

Mikhailin S.A. Simatic PCS 7 v. 6.0: high performance, system flexibility, low design costs

The paper describes the enhanced functionality of Simatic PCS 7 v. 6.0 DCS and discusses system performance, capacity, multiproject design, system configuring and batch control.

Lykov A.G. A process control system for the UPPG-2V gas treatment unit of Yamburg gas-condensate field.

The project implementation issues of a process control system for the UPPG-2V unit are discussed. The system was created based on the “completely integrated automation” concept. During 1999-2000 Gasprom pioneered at 2 sites (UKPG-1V second turn and UPPG-2V) of the Yamburg gas-condensate field the technology of a process control system development and application based on SIMATIC PCS7.

Shkamarda A.N., Babanov I.I., Grevtsov V.V., Glukhov V.I., et al. SM 1820M hardware systems

The paper shows that SM 1820M hardware meets DCS requirements. It describes hardware components and their performance. Application examples are also included.

Lysukhin S.K. Automation of a refinery in the Nizhny Novgorod Region

The paper describes the experience of process control modernization at LUKOIL’s refinery located in the Nizhny Novgorod Region. It justifies the choice of Simatic S7/PCS7 DCS for overall automation of the refinery.

A PCS7-based DCS for E200 ethylene furnaces

Functional principle, components and performance of a PCS7-based DCS for E200 pyrolysis furnaces implemented at KazanOrgSynthesys Open JSC are considered.

Lang M. Simatic PCS7 control system at the Shell/DEA refinery

The paper describes the modernization of process units at the refinery in Heide and argues for the choice of Simatic PCS7 DCS.

Truong D. Chau, Davydov V.G. Data exchange organization between OPC applications

The paper shows that an OPC (OLE for Process Control) server is a tool for DCS integration. It considers the OPC server structure and offers the mechanisms of data exchange between OPC clients and an OPC server.

Gorlanov A.V. System approach to evaluating the IT investemnt efficiency for commercial companies

The role of information in modern enterprise management is examined. The paper introduces and justifies the idea of company’s organizational maturity and offers a way of its evaluation. It discusses the techniques of IT investment efficiency assessment and analyses profitability approach as the most rational basis for due diligence.

Petrov A.V., Tatarintsev N.I. Application of variable-frequency drives at raw-coal feeders of boiler units

Variable-frequency drives application at raw-coal feeders of boiler units is considered. Qualitative analysis of the profitability owing to the replacement of D.C. drives with a state-of-the-art asynchronous controlled-velocity electric drive with frequency control is undertaken. The engineering calculations adduced are proved by successful application experience of such systems.

Komantsev A.V., Konkin V.B., Ivanova O.P. CPU boards for industrial and built-in systems: Intel Celeron- and Via EDEN-based solutions

The paper discusses basic technical features and application areas of NOVA-8890 and Wafer E668EV/669E2V single-board computers from ICP Electronics aimed at industrial and built-in applications.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Integrated enterprise mangement systems

Musaev A.A., Sherstyuk Yu.M. Integration of automated control systems at large-scale industrial enterprises: concepts, problems and solutions

The paper considers the problems of automated control systems integration at industrial enterprises with continuous process cycle. It focuses on the vertical integration of automated control systems as a critical component in the development of a unified integrated enterprise management system. Modern opinions on the creation of automated enterprises are adduced.

Babichev A.K., Kereynik Yu.F., Tkach G.G. A complex automated enterprise management system: problems and solution solution methods

The paper considers 4 levels of enterprise automation: ERP, MES, plant level and process communication and introduces a concept of EMI system (business and production intelligence). The concept is exemplified in the VisualPlant platform. Structural diagram of an integrated enterprise management system for Moldova Metallurgical Works is presented. The importance of creating a unified enterprise management infrastructure is emphasized.

Dul’neva V.V., Terletsky M.Yu. Intelligent Production Management – A modern concept of an integrated production management system

approach to developing an integrated production management system offered by GE Fanuc is described.

Khazaradze T.O., Kulikov A.I. SKAT System – The informational and technological vertical of aluminum production

The paper discusses functions, tasks, implementation features and development prospect of the automated SKAT system for process information handling. The system operates as a part of an integrated enterprise management system of the aluminum production at Volgograd Aluminum Open JSC.

An integrated enterprise management system at Slovnaft

The objectives of creating an integrated management system for Slovnaft’s enterprise are considered. Some technical features of project implementation are discussed. The paper notes that the application of Citect SCADA in the project ensured considerable improvement of the enterprise performance.

A control system for the swimming-pool of Cosmos Hotel based on Schneider Electric’s automation tools

RTSoft in the Kremlin

Aristova N.I. Chemical industry automation 2003

The paper reviews the Chemistry-2003 exhibition that took place in Moscow Expocenter. It emphasizes that considerable attention was paid to the sections of lab equipment, environmental protection as well as instruments and automation systems for chemical plants.

Contest between Russian students for the best project for Zelio Logic

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