Кто планирует будущее, всегда старается спланировать его в свою пользу.

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#5 2003

Kotov N.A. Automated systems based on SM Series computers

The opportunities of building various-level automated and measuring-informating systems on the basis of SM Series computing systems are considered.

Tverskoy Yu.S., Golubev A.V. The study and analysis of the factors affecting dynamic behavior of control channels of controllers in hard-/software systems

The paper analyses the factors of a microprocessor-based regulatory control system as a part of a full-scale process control system that affect the dynamic behavior of the control channels of controllers. It makes recommendations on design and application of automatic control systems based on network hard-/software complexes.

Automated systems for engine fuel fitting diagnostics based on ICP Electronics equipment

The paper gives a concise description of an automated fuel fitting diagnostics system implemented on the basis of ICP Electronics equipment certified by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology.

Melenevsky B.L. Enterprise management system modernization: Minimizing the risks

The paper makes general recommendations for selecting an ERP-system and for modernizing or installing a process control system.

Serdyukov O.V., Timoshin A.I., Abrukovsky A.A., Skvortsov A.N., Novokhatsky D.A. A process control system for a boiler unit of Biysk Heat Power Station No 1 based on Tornado-M hard-/software system

The paper describes the implementation of a process control system project for a boiler unit of Biysk Heat Power Station No 1 based on Tornado-M hard-/software system. System functions, performance and structure are presented as well as the project implementation stages.

Yefimov A.S. A design constraint model for custom software of automated systems

A design constraint model for custom software tools of automated systems is presented. The paper shows that the model provides a priori information for analyzing the requirements to such custom software tools. It also demonstrates how the set of today’s IT standards can be applied to solving a specific scientific and technical problem.

Dereviago E.V. The two-stage mobilization

Modern philosophy of industrial display system design is considered. Thin Client technology optimizes the ways to solve the problem of remote plant mimics visualization and command entry. The new generation of remote industrial terminals is capable to employ any communication technology, either traditional or wireless. A mobile “process operator” is a compound of PDA and pocket PC hardware, Thin Client software and wireless radio/IR communications.

Vol’sky D.B. New capabilities of process visualization

Structure, design features and functions of Shchit-TM2 control system for dispatcher panels are considered.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Intelligent buildings: instruments and systems

Pavlov O.E. State and trends of Russian intelligent building market

The paper describes the state and development trends of domestic intelligent building market.

Gadalin A.A. Intelligent buildings: state of the art and development prospect

Rapid development of construction business in Russia did not pass over building automation market that was created practically from nothing. The paper shows that this market segment has not avoided the “development diseases” such as terminological confusion, mess of standards and technologies.

Sergheev R. Intelligent building simulation: a way to cutting construction costs

The paper substantiates the importance of simulating life support systems of intelligent buildings (IB) in their design stage. IB subsystems are considered whose operation scenarios can be run at ARMO-Engineering’s IB System Simulation and Integration Center.

Makarov M.D. Transparent Factory concept: a web technology in production automation

The paper considers the Transparent Factory concept of intelligent enterprise development based on applying open system architecture and web technologies.

Freidman A.V. Data communication protocol in ABOK’s “Intelligent Building” standard

Data communication protocols recommended for using in automated building control systems are described.

Nikiforov A.S. The concept of intelligent building design on the basis of EIB 3.0 standard

A building control system implemented on the basis of EIB data bus-line is described. Performance data, features, functionality and advantages of an EIB standard-compatible system are listed.

Intelligent building from NANKO

An automated building control and SCADA system DNK-2002 intended for implementing the intelligent building concept is described.

Bespalov E.K., Levina E.G. Application of universal iFIX SCADA package in on-line building control systems

The paper shows that all functions necessary for on-line building control system can be implemented with the help of iFIX SCADA package. The examples of buildings with iFIX-based life support systems are adduced.

Liberman B.M. Intelligent building. Some problems of security and life support systems integration

The paper briefly characterizes security systems and describes the problems to be solved for creating them, solution techniques and the features of security and engineering systems integration.

News from sensor world

The paper reviews new sensor models and technologies. The information is provided by foreign manufacturers.

Zilonov M.O. On control valve development history

The development stages of control valve design are considered.

Forthcoming events calendar

Shvabsky V.L., Vil’chinsky L.V., Selivanov A.A., Antonets V.I. Process control engineering and systems for compressor plants of gas-main pipelines

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