Выработка планов — напрасная трата времени, если это не поручено тем, кто будет их исполнять.
Генри Киссинджер

Киссинджер Генри


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#9 2003

Avkhadeev V.V., Veryovkin A.P., Gorin V.N., Zaynetdinov F.F., Lerner A.S., Matalinov V.I. A process control system for dichlorpropanol solution production of Caustic Close Corporation (Sterlitamak, Russia)

The paper states the problem of an automatic multi-stage cascade control of alkali, chlorine, allyl chloride and water feed to reactors for synthesizing the dichlorpropanol solution. It offers a distributed computerized automatic control system structure for the dichlorpropanol solution synthesis process and discusses technical and software issues of the project implemented with the help of Trace mode 4.23 SCADA.

Batalov S.A. Development features of process control CAD system’s components

A general-system approach to developing a CAD system for process control is considered as an integrated industrial complex. The paper shows that the implementation of the approach proposed implies the increase of the process automation level both at design and operation stages.

Melenevsky B.L. Application experience of corporate information systems at Russian enterprises

General recommendations on the application of corporate information systems at domestic enterprises are made.

Skryabnev S.V. Automatica Plus, Ltd. – the developer of process control system projects

The paper informs about the process control system projects implemented by Automatica Plus, Ltd. (Penza, Russia) for various industries. The descriptions and performance attributes of hard-/software employed in the projects are included.

Bogdanov N.K. Aspect-oriented methods for data flow control in SCADA databases

The problem of extra complexity in classes’ structure occurs both in SCADA databases and in general object-oriented software. The cause is that the classes have to support a number of constraints and requirements related to the whole information system. Applying aspect-oriented methods allows to separate classes’ contracts from their entity abstractions.

Zakharov N.A. RX7i – new generation of GE Fanuc’s control systems

The paper considers GE Fanuc’s PACSystemsTM – a new generation of control systems whose first product is RX7i. The features of architecture and programming are discussed; the opportunity of building redundancy systems is demonstrated. Maximum preservation of user’s investments when switching to newer products is emphasized.

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Approaches to plant floor and enterprise level systems integration

Grebnev S.A., Kuzyakin V.I., Sinenko O.V. Integration of automated control systems: past, present and future

The paper examines the evolution of industrial automated control systems integration. It offers 5 ways of solving the integration problems today and shows that the development of effective integrated enterprise management systems will be impossible in the near future without applying Internet/Intranet technologies.

Potapova T.B. “Axioms” of enterprise level and plant floor systems integration

The paper discusses 2 problems of MES in continuous processes important for developing general-system solutions at the first stage of design works. The problems discusses are the evolution of MES systems’ architecture and the integration of enterprise level and plant floor subsystems within their framework.

Musaev A.A., Sherstyuk Yu.M. Automation of production process supervision at industrial enterprises

The paper considers the future of industrial process control automation. It focuses on the problem of developing an automated process supervision system and notes that its solution is connected with the necessity of applying a complex approach based on automated control systems integration and the development of enterprise’s unified information space. The problems of analytical support of production management processes are also discussed.

Budnik R. FOBOS Production management system – a tool for integration and competitiveness improvement

The paper argues for the importance and necessity of applying MES at industrial enterprises and thus ensuring the transparency of process control. It formulates the competitive advantages of the domestic FOBOS system and shows the need for integrating MES with ERP and CAD systems’ level.

SCADAa strategic center of information technologies and business integration

Today industrial companies need to develop a heterogeneous information space based on low-cost and easy-to-use IT solutions. An open SCADA with extendable functionality supporting the approved standards could make an ideal platform. The paper shows that the development of the information space is hardly possible without applying ITs and integrating enterprise’s business. i.e. without integrating process control and enterprise management levels. It is not enough now for the system to be just a ‘gage glass’ to a process. The requirements to modern SCADA systems are considered by example of the new Version 6 of Siemens WinCC visualization system.

Studenikin S.A. PI System – a solution to the integration problem

The paper advocates the importance and topicality of the medium level in the enterprise management structure that could combine the automation levels of production and business processes. It shows that the PI System software can ensure successful process data integration, analysis, storage and handling per user\s request.

Blynsky L.G., Kurganov V.Yu. Organizing a data warehouse for information transfer between process control and enterprise management levels

The paper discusses the opportunity of process control and enterprise management systems integration on the basis of a three-level architecture with a data warehouse at the medium level and XML as an information transfer format. It shows that the approach proposed ensures an effective, low-cost solution.

ERP systems: what’s ahead?

The paper gives an ERP market forecast for the next 5 years. It emphasizes the trend to increasing the number of ERP applications for small- and medium-sized enterprises and shows that ERP systems’ development tends to employing the latest achievements of Internet technologies, e-business and Web Services.

Matveev A.G. Information about the replacement of obsolete pressure gage models with Metran 100 Series

Aristova N.I. Industrial automation novelties for oil and gas industries

New instruments and automation systems presented at the Moscow Oil & Gas 2003 exhibition in the automation section are overviewed.

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