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#3 2005

Sergheev S.P., Perevalov V.K., Komlyk M.Yu., Zakharov N.A., Seleznyov S.B., Timonina N.N. An automated control system for a complex gas treatment unit

The paper considers the automatic control system for a complex gas treatment unit based on low temperature separation technology. It includes process description, key process variables and the control system functionality.

Serdyukov O.V., Kuznetsov V.I., Nikonov A.V. Tornado hard-/software complex EnCERTICO certification in Russian JSC "Unified Energy System of Russia" (RAO UESR)

In 2004, Modular Systems Tornado got a certificate of Tornado hard-/software complex conformance to the requirements of EnCERTICO power industry certification system and the permission to apply the EnCERTICO mark of conformity. The paper narrates about the types of certification tests that Tornado-M hard-/software system was subjected to.

Plyutto V.P., Dubrovsky I.I., Lukyanov V.L., Dubrovsky V.I. Computer simulation of cascade control systems

The paper examines cascade control systems that are the most popular among multi-loop controls. The efficiency of cascade control systems depends on the selection of optimal controller settings both for master and slave control loops. Subsequent cascade system simulation enables to achieve desirable control performance at the design stage.

Tyurin I.V. Analysis and operative synthesys of energy-efficient control for multistage furnaces

The problems of analysis and operative synthesis of resource-saving control for power-consuming plants and key ways to solve them are discussed. The paper offers an approach based on the new mathematical tool of optimal control analysis and synthesis for distributed parameter plants and illustrates it with the example of a multistage furnace for thermistor production. It describes the furnace dynamics model and provides the fragments of the full optimal control analysis and synthesis. Basic results of the developed mathematical models and algorithms application in industry are also included.

Evaluation of the overall property cost for a computer center or a server room

The paper offers an advanced overall property cost evaluation techniques for the physical infrastructure of a computer center or a server room, also relative to the cost of the whole IT infrastructure. It adduces examples and evaluates cost sources of the overall property cost. The paper also shows that the key cost source is the excess costs related to the surplus capacity of the infrastructure.

Vanyulin V.A., Zhokhova M.M., Shagurin I.I. PLAZA realtime executive kernel for small and medium-size embedded systems

The paper considers PLAZA realtime executive kernel that can be easily set on various hardware platforms used in embedded systems. Its structure and key performance data are presented. Test results of RDAM08-GP controller modules based on Freescale Semiconductor 68HC08 8-bit microcontroller for their operation under the control of the PLAZA kernel are included.

Grigoriev G.A., Gnesdova E.A., Tsaliy A.V. A control system of a standby diesel-generator power plant for emergency supply of the A-plant`s power unit.

Destination, functions and design features of a control system of a standby diesel-generator power plant for emergency supply of Kolskaya A-plant`s power unit are presented. Control system`s components and structure are described. The choice of Schneider Electric as a key hard-/software supplier is substantiated.

Molchanov A.Yu. How to network a device

The ways of linking devices to various industrial networks are discussed.

Kutukov K.I., Buchner A.V., Kovyazina S.A. Sh9329A videographic paperless recorders

The paper presents domestic industrial novelty - Sh9329A videographic paperless recorder. The device is intended for measuring, viewing and recording in nonvolatile memory the information received from temperature transmitters with any steady-state characteristics as well as from other sources of unified voltage or current signals (pressure, level, humidity sensors, etc.) and transfers the transformed information in digital form to an upper level PC. Sh9329A can operate either independently or as part of an automation system. The paper compares the recorder with a wide range of domestic chart recorders and shows the expediency of replacing them with Sh9329A because it needs no expensive consumables and ensures high accuracy and reliability. Comparative analysis of Sh9329A and foreign analogs is included.

Communication abilities of the new high-performance BX Series controller

Beckhoff is being positioned as an innovation company for more than 20 years,. Its latest novelties are the PC-compatible CX1000 controller with Windows XPe or CE and the EtherCAT Ethernet-based industrial realtime protocol. The long-awaited premiere of BX series controllers took place in 2004. In the industrial automation market, generally, cheap controllers have low capacity while the powerful PLCs are rather expensive. BX Series are advantageous owing to the combination of reasonable price (ca. 400 Euro), capacity and functionality.

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Merits and drawbacks of integrated solutions

Terletsky M.Yu. GE PROFICY - a toolkit for integrated day-to-day management system development

The paper discusses the problems faced by enterprises while implementing integrated automation solutions or individual systems. It describes an approach to integrated production management systems design offered by GE Fanuc Automation. The approach is exemplified in PROFICY day-to-day production management.

Borozdenkov N.V. Merits and drawbacks of a complex approach to automatic production

The difference between the concepts of "complex approach to automatic production" and "industrial automation" is shown. The idea of a complex approach to automatic production is formulated, and the incentives to follow this approach in process automation activities are exposed. As a tool implementing the described approach, the paper proposes to use the "VIP-info" - an open, scaleable, flexible and human-independent solution that fills the niche between process control and ERP levels.

Vlasov S.A., Ghenkin A.L., Ovchinnikova T.I., Turetsky I.Ya., Yeleva O.O. A concept of an integrated automated control system for metallurgical works development and operation project

The paper presents a concept of creating an integrated automated control system for metallurgical works development and operation project in view of possible operating conditions change. It sets the targets, discerns the main stages of system development. and offers its generic functional diagram. Much attention is paid in the concept to sustaining the ecological balance of industrial zone.

Demidov V. Complex approach with vertical takeoff

A complex vertical approach to industrial plant automation is offered and its merits and drawbacks are discussed. The results of the approach application during the integrated information system implementation at the Fish Processing Plant No 1 are described.

Piterkin S.V. Is it reasonable to refuse a legacy system when turning to an ERP?

When an enterprise installs an ERP system it faces a dilemma of implementing an integrated solution and complete dismantling of the existing system or combining several ERP modules with some operating legacy components. The decision depends in many respects on the replacement costs, data integrity and the possibility and cost of interfacing with the new ERP system. It is not reasonable to hurry up with turning off the old system - rather it would be better to determine its efficiency for the enterprise. Remember that old management and decision-making practices should be abandoned when a new system is installed - otherwise the ERP implementation project will end in failure.

Overall automation: betraid expectations or a key to success?

The specialists of sales & marketing and client support departments of Russian Industrial Company discuss the advantages of integrated solutions in CAD and geoinformation systems.

Zakharov N.A. PAC - new technology, new capabilties

The paper discusses the features of Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC) - a newclass of control computers. It presents their featured properties and shows the potential benefits of their application.

Fire and water. On fire safety improvement problems in modern buildings

Aristova N.I. HiTech House 2004 exhibition: the solutions with industrial reliability level

The paper overviews the HiTech House 2004 exhibition. It considers three directions in the exposition that are of the most interest of industrial automation specialists. Those are boiler houses and boiler units automation systems, plumbing system control solutions, and intelligent building control hardware and software.

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