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#4 2004

VME in the Astronaut Training Center

42 years ago the first astronaut-inhabited spacecraft Vostok piloted by Yuri Gagarin opened started the space era. Since then, the Soviet and later the Russian astronautics is truly considered the best in the world in many respects owing to advanced and permanently improving national astronaut training school. The training of Soviet and Russian astronauts was always underpinned by all state-of-the-art technical solutions. Of course, the astronaut must not be necessarily aware of what actually allows him/her to simulate at the Earth all off-optimum situations and the operation of space-borne systems in various modes and provide a realistic picture of starry sky or earth surface. And hardly anyone of them knows anything about international standards of computer system design or will remember the abbreviation “VME”. The technologies developed by Astronaut Training Center professionals will hardly get government awards or be widely covered in press. But astronaut-inhabited space looks hardly conceivable without them today.

Kizhaev S. A. The automation problems of P 6043 press targeted to cable-s aluminum shields making

The automation problems of hydraulic press for superposition of aluminum envelopes on cables are considered. The operating algorithm of the stabilization system of an aluminum envelope diameter is described; the block diagrams of a diameter measurement and its regulation are resulted.

Microsoft Axapta – a sound choice

The paper presents the functionality of Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta ERP solution, its features and the advantages of the technologies involved. It describes a new system module – a corporate portal, which enables on-line interaction with partners and clients.

Microsoft Axapta in Russian enterprises

The paper considers the Microsoft Business Solutions–Axapta ERP systems implemented for Pervouralsk New Pipe Mill, Energomash Open JSC (Chudovo, Novgorod Region) and TINKOFF Group.

Korostelev A.Ya., Gribov V.V., Koida A.A. The techniques for accelerating project implementation in iFIX 4.0 SCADA

The paper discusses the problem of accelerating project implementation in SCADA systems and the ways to decrease the work content of screen graphics design. With the example of iFIX SCADA it shows practical ways of improving the coders’ work effectiveness and efficiency in process control system design. The practices described are advised for application, in particular, in process control system design in hydrocarbon and chemical industries.

Kukharenko S. Yu. Revolution or evolution?

People often speak about the “revolution” in automation in order to attract the attention of audience or readership. But can we actually expect fundamental, drastic changes in future automation? The odds are low, though the growth of products and technologies aimed at meeting consumers’ requirements and improving the efficiency will continue. Neverthelesss, further PLC development is no more related with components improvement. IT-integration of all automation systems’ components will become a priority branch of development.

Ivanov P.B. Generation change at top level: performance and functionality increase

The paper presents new CPU for Simatic S7-400 Series controllers and considers their performance attributes and functionality. It shows that the new equipment series can be successfully applied both in discrete and continuous process control.

New industrial controller series from IKOS

Features, capabilities and performance attributes of new IKOS NE-1600 Series controllers are presented.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Control systems for power engineering

Moghilko R.N. SMART-RTU – a multi-functional distributed object system for data acquisition and communication

Structure, features, components and functions of SMART-RTU multi-functional distributed system for data acquisition and communication are considered.

Plesser G.D., Matsavey N.K., Borilko P.Yu. Application of iFIX and iHistorian packages in process control system design for a gas turbine of a heat power plant

The paper describes a gas turbine and lists the requirements to its automation facilities. It justifies the choice of iFIX software package for automation applications. A block diagram of a process control system for a gas turbine power plant developed by Energomash Open JSC specilaists is also included.

Larionova V.V. Regulatory control systems in power engineering – approaches and solutions

Approaches and solutions offered by PromAvtomatika PLC for regulatory control systems in power engineering are presented. Frequency and power controllers for hydraulic and steam turbines are considered.

Serdukov O.V., Timoshin A.I. Application of the industrial control system based on Tornado hard-/software complex

Structure and performance of an automated control system for boiler unit No 13 of Biyskenergo PLC is considered. The system was implemented by Tornado Modular Systems, Ltd. on the basis of Tornado hard-/software complex.

Scherbakov D.V. New solutions in on-line diagnosis of A-plant unit’s emergency power supply system

The paper considers the block diagram of informating and emergency event logging system for emergency power supply system channels of the power unit No 1 at Kolskaya A-Plant. It describes the hard-/software complex for such systems at the power unit No 2, which is integrated with these systems of the power unit No 1.

Samko Yu.G., Vasilieva O.V., Suvorov M.V. Application experience of the automated supervisory control system based on the hardware from Communication and Remote Control Systems

The paper describes key features of the projects implemented in 2003 by the specialists from Communication and Remote Control Systems JSC for Bryanskenergo, Buryatenergo, Ammophos, Pyatigorsk Municipal Networks and North-West On-line Supervision Administration.

Titov N.N., Prokhvatilov V.Yu., Rybal’chenko T.V., Krivonosov A.I. Modernization of the Automated Supervisory Control System of Ukrainian North Power Network

A block diagram of the automated supervisory control system for the North Power Network of Ukrainian National Power Company is presented. The system includes the equipment of the on-line informating system, control points, workbenches for substations and communication channels. Performance attributes of hardware and software involved are listed.

Glezerov S.N., Zolotykh A.G., Undol’sky A.A. NEVA hard-/software system – a proven solution


Functionality, application fields and structure of NEVA hard-/software system are described. The paper focuses on some of its key functions, such as digital alarm oscillography, condition monitoring, remote switch control, status logging, equipment uptime and energy consumption accounting, and electrical and thermal parameters’ recorder.

Amelin S.V. Modus software system as a development platform for power engineering applications with schematic graphics

The paper describes new applications of Modus software system available from Version 4. It emphasizes that the automated system for power loss analysis in Mosenergo’s highway networks was implemented with the help of Modus.

Automation abroad

Power plantsomation abroad

per discusses the implementation of automation projects in Abu Dhabi (UAE) and the digital control system for KWO substation (Switzerland) based on hard’/software solutions from VA TECH SAT (Austria).


Modern remote control tools, workstations and control panel arrangements

Nondestructive inspection and technical diagnosis in industry


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