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При усовершенствовании средств автоматизации важно следить, чтобы трудности развития не превратились в развитие трудностей.
Industrial automation companies
From IT development to national security consolidation
An interview with Mr. M.I.Pertsovsky, head of Automated System Laboratory commemorates the company’s tenth anniversary.
Zhirov M.V., Khisamov R.N., Petrov S.S., Khokhlovsky V.N., Sovlukov A.S., Marianovsky S.A. A multi-channel laboratory bench based on TSX Premium PLC
Development targets, design features, functionality, and application areas of a multi-channel laboratory bench for monitoring and adaptive control of non-steady-state thermal treatment of process liquids in vessels and pipelines are discussed.
Samoilov V.V., Vlasov S.A., Devyatkov V.V. Simulation-based studies of the after-sales service system for hard-/software tools of Tatneft JSC
The paper presents an original methodology for evaluating the productivity of the after-sales service system for hard-/software tools of Tatneft JSC. The evaluation is based on simulation technique. The software suite enabling the simulation studies based on the proposed methodology is described.
Artamonov E.I., Romakin V.A. Virtual reality tools application in industrial production design and operation
The application of virtual reality tools enables new opportunities for industrial plants in developing generic cyber-models for all phases of product’s lifecycle, visualization of process operations and developing new documenting techniques. With a case study of developing a software system for the simulation and ergonomic analysis of supervisory control hardware, the paper shows the opportunities of its realtime investigation prior to manufacture and commissioning.
Ganshina A.U. OWEN’s Network Configuring Tool
Features and functionality of OWEN’s new Network Configuring Tool are presented.
Beckhoff’s computer control solutions for a dredger and for electrical appliances manufacture
The paper presents 2 control systems based on Beckhoff’s solutions:DredgerControl automatic dredger control system based on Beckhoff’s bus terminals and TwinCAT software ensuring video surveillance of all dredger’s components and the control from the dredger or from the land. Perforation process control system based on computer control combined with Beckhoff’s linear electric motors. The system can be easily reprogrammed for future manufacture changes and meets flexible production requirements.
Bretman V.V. ThinkIO-Premium controller as a precursor of automation market changes
The current status of industrial automation market fosters technologies adoption from adjacent sectors. This entails the emergence of various novelties not confined to traditional patterns and categories. Such products successfully combine conventional automation technologies with the ones new for this market. Kontron ThinkIO-Premium industrial computer and PLC is a good example of such synergetic product.
Shekhurdin A.A. Application of optoelectronic systems with monolithic quartz light-guide in industrial furnace controls
The problems of reliability improvement for flame failure control systems operating highly explosive industrial plants are discussed. The paper shows the role of flame failure indicators (FFI) in the hierarchy of National Industrial Instruments and Automation Devices System, justifies the need for FFI application, discusses the drawbacks of existing flame failure monitoring methods and tools, and suggests to use additional high-temperature tools which demonstrate a number of advantages as against optical FFI. Investigation results are included.
Discussing a Subject…
SCADA do not stay still
Itskovich E.L. Modern SCADA programs from various vendors: featured properties and differentiators important for clients
The paper overviews the Russian market of open SCADA programs offering both domestic and foreign products. Key differentiators of various SCADA programs are identified and analyzed that may be useful when selecting a SCADA for specific application.
Al’perovich I.V. Proficy iFIX 4.0 integrated SCADA
GE Fanuc (www.gefanuc.com) offers the Proficy family of software products and solutions for process automation. This includes several software suites for data acquisition, processing, and storage, and for process control tasks. Proficy iFIX included in the family is a toolkit for developing a real-time supervisory control system with data acquisition and processing, efficient data conversion into significant context-based information, contingency detection, data and alarm visualization. The iFIX architecture implements an integrated approach to supervisory control and monitoring in view of various data sources, user requirements, and operational environment. The iFIX 4.0 release develops the earlier solutions.
Nikanorov V.E. SIMATIC WinCC v. 6.2 SCADA – the basis for “Intelligent Manufacturing”
The paper shows that SIMATIC WinCC v. 6.2 SCADA is the most cost-effective solution for building “Intelligent Manufacturing”. New capabilities in data archiving and representation such as processing and analysis tools, process monitoring software, open interfaces for vertical and horizontal integration are considered.
Yashin A.M., Tomilin E.E. ClearSCADA – a new generation SCADA
The paper overviews the market of process control software tools and describes basic capabilities and differentiators of ClearSCADA software, updated in 2007.
Nikitin S.V., Freudman A.V. Phocus 4 for embedded SCADA development
The originality of Phocus SCADA software for QNX can be briefly characterized as “embedded SCADA”. This implies reliability and stability, high capacity and modest resource requirements, hard real-time, modularity and compactness of the code, as well as the opportunity of supplying OEMs with original software codes for further development of commercial products.
Kiprushenkov R.O. SCADA systems in the changing world: recommendations on selection criteria evaluation
Characteristics and functionalities recommended to be taken into account when selecting a SCADA for automation projects are discussed with the case study of RealFlex 6 real-time SCADA from RealFlex Technologies Ltd.
Dolgova A.V. New ICONICS solutions for SCADA and BI markets
The paper presents new functionalities of GENESIS32 v. 9 SCADA and BizViz.NET software suite from Business Intelligence (BI) product class intended for integrating production and business management.
Ivanov I.A. The XXI century SCADA
Wonderware’s state-of-the-art SCADA solution based on ArchestrA open, object-oriented software architecture is presented. Future development of the platform is outlined.
Process status visualization software from Omron
Key software of CX Automation Suite platform intended for acquisition and processing of process and equipment condition data based on an open OPC interface is briefly overviewed.
Anzimirov L.V. TRACE MODE SCADA: new technologies for modern process controls
TRACE MODE 6 is a SCADA popular in Russia and FSU countries intended for developing process control, resource accounting, training simulation, plumbing, and other systems. The number of installations in 2006 reached 24,000, mainly in Russia/FSU. Basic TRACE MODE 6 development lines are discussed.
Ablin I.E. MasterSCADA as a mirror of modern trends
The times set up new requirements to SCADA systems in functionalities, architecture, reliability, project development methodology, hard- and software compatibility. These requirements arise both in traditional application fields (the appetite comes with eating!) and in view of new applications. That is why there is no reason to focus on basic MasterSCADA’s functionality within the subject discussed. Comparing basic SCADA functionalities lost any sense due to the alignment of all market leaders in key items. It rather makes sense to discuss where MasterSCADA responds to new challenges.
Proshin D.I., Gurianov L.V. KRUG-2000 v. 3 SCADA: integration into enterprise information space
The paper overviews new capabilities of KRUG-2000 v. 3 SCADA such as inter-server exchange and multi-server access, event system, commercial accounting of heat resources, natural gas, and its components, KRUGOLTM integrated application development environment, and KRUG OPC v. 2 client.
Podlesny S.Yu. GSM-control SCADA
GSM-control SCADA is a new domestic product based on Web technologies and widely employing Internet and GSM protocols for data collection. The examples of the projects implemented with the help of GSM-control in Finland are adduced.
Abrosimov M.B., Ghil’man E.A. Some solutions based on KIRAS SCADA
Two solutions based on KIRAS SCADA enhancing its typical application are discussed. The first one is a process schematic system improving the representation of topical information for operators and dispatchers; the second one is intended for implementing the decision-making support system.
Apukhtin D.Yu. Application experience of various SCADA systems – the basis for ATLANT system development
The paper notes that the selection of a SCADA is a rather difficult task complicated with the impossibility of evaluating a number of criteria due to the lack of information and the similarity of functionalities. It shows that in that case, serious attention should be paid to the problems of system mastering and maintenance.
Journal’s Club
CRM and ERP: divide and rule!
The problems of effective industrial implementation and application of CRM and ERP within the same project are discussed.
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