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#4 2009

Kuznetsova E.E.  Design methodology of a digital pressure controller for pumping unit outlet

The technique for synthesizing a digital pressure control system for centrifugal pumps used in oil pipelines is discussed. Basic design stages are described as well as the results of automated control system simulation with a nonlinear pumping unit model. The novelty of the control system`s representation and its key difference against the analogs is an additional feedback per pump drive`s speed that improves control performance.
Keywords: automatic control systems, digital controller, control performance, mathematical model, pipeline transportation.

Brovarniy D.P.  Evaluating road works sequence based on the analysis of road infrastructure defects

The list of repair-and-renewal and maintenance works for a road network and the resources of maintenance companies is represented as a system of interrelated defects and a set of tools for defects correction and prevention. Each road-building machine is characterized with a certain finite efficiency for the correction of various road defects. The approach to road network protection is based on searching the most probable way of defects evolution in time and space.
Keywords: road network, defect, oriented graph, probability, neuron network.

Integration of industrial networks using EtherCAT

The paper demonstrates the opportunity of industrial process reconciliation across the enterprise owing to the application of external synchronization interface for EtherCAT. Beckhoff`s EtherCAT modules for various industrial networks interaction are presented.
Keywords: external synchronization interface, industrial networks, system bus.

Chepchurov M.S., Feofanov A.N.  A vibration monitoring technique for processing systems

A method for cutting tool vibration monitoring in rotary machining is discussed. A block diagram of a system for cutting tool vibration monitoring and recording is presented, and a variant of its implementation for vibroacceleration measuring and recording is described. A technique for vibroacceleration monitoring results processing is offered.
Keywords: accelerometer, vibroacceleration, article, cutter, computer, monitoring, recording.

Autonics temperature controllers

Key performance attributes and design features of new temperature of controller families from Autonics are presented.
Keywords: PID control, solid-state relay output with phase control, synchronous regulatory control.

Network solutions from EVOC

Mamedov J.F. Animation toolkit structure for automated design of control system for flexible manufacturing system

A method for creating animation toolkit for automated design of control system for flexible manufacturing system based on integration, functional, and technological investigation of active elements in production cells is discussed. Animation toolkit structure is offered.
Keywords: CAD, software, dataware, animation research.

Discussing a Subject…
Industrial ecology for competitive production

Grebenyuk E.A.  The methods for monitoring and prevention of industrial emissions

The problems of environmental safety at industrial plants, environmental monitoring organization, plant emissions monitoring, and integrated assessment of plant`s environmental impact are discussed.
Keywords: industrial emissions, environmental monitoring, LIMS, state estimation, propagation model, environmental risks.

Yegorov E.V., Fadeev A.A.  Application of VIPA controller in control systems of UV water disinfection units

Application experience of a process control system for industrial UV water disinfection is described. The system is based on STEP7-compatable VIPA programmable controllers.
Keywords: UV radiation, water disinfection, PLC.

Kiyanov N.V., Kryukov O.V.  Solving industrial ecology problems with electrical equipment and process controls

Topical problems of modern industrial plant design and modernization in the context of environmental and economic assessments of their energy efficiency and competitiveness are discussed. Examples of nonpolluting industrial systems based on innovative electrical equipment and process controls are adduced including their implementation features in various industries.
Keywords: industrial ecology, energy conservation, energy efficiency, process controls for bioenergetic units and water circulation systems, effluent pumping unit.

Kryukov O.V., Titov V.V.  Process control system development for wind-driven power plants

The problems of modern wind-driven power plants design and modernization are outlined in the context of their energy efficiency. Nonpolluting wind-driven power systems based on innovative equipment and controls are described, their implementation features are discussed.
Keywords: wind-driven power plant, standalone generation, asynchronous and synchronous generators, array frequency transducers, automatic voltage amplitude and phase adjustment systems.

Kulida E.L., Kryukova I.P., Lebedev V.G.  Software engineering features in environmental monitoring and protection systems of chemical weapons disposal plants

The paper discusses an approach to environmental monitoring and protection systems design enabling software reuse at various chemical weapons disposal plants.
Keywords: industrial environmental monitoring, computerized training simulator, IAC, information model of monitoring, operators training.

Veresnikov G.S.  An approach to environmental identification problem solution based on ecological and meteorological parameters

An approach to environmental identification problem solution based on ecological and meteorological parameters read in test points is offered. A procedure for representative sample generation is developed.
Keywords: environmental information analysis, environmental situation analysis, environmental monitoring.

Schepelina O.V.  An automated system for electric power measurement and sewage disposal plants dispatching

An approach to environmental identification problem solution based on ecological and meteorological parameters read in test points is offered. A procedure for representative sample generation is developed.
Keywords: environmental information analysis, environmental situation analysis, environmental monitoring.

Kutuan A.A.  A computing device for atmospheric monitoring

The paper discusses an approach to the design of computing devices for air quality monitoring on the basis of semiconductor radiation and gas detectors. The application of semiconductor detectors allows to meet the requirements to computing devices for atmospheric monitoring.
Keywords: computing device for atmospheric monitoring, hardware function, convolution, mathematical model, semiconductor radiation and gas detectors.

Vasina N.M., Shugol` A.S., Zakharzhevsky V.V.  An automated hard-/software complex for continuous atmospheric SO2 monitoring

An automated air quality monitoring system based on automatic gas analyzers is presented. Its advantages against conventional monitoring techniques are shown.
Keywords: maximum allowable concentration, automatic gas analyzer, air quality monitoring system.

Spirin K.Yu.  Ecological means efficient

A methodology is presented allowing industrial enterprises to detect the areas related with environmental risks, high energy consumption, etc., identify the causes of problems, and find effective methods to eliminate them. ELMAS software developed in Finland is offered as a tool for statistical and operational data processing.
Keywords: mathematical modeling, organizational actions, conditions tree.

Safianov A.S., Yanin A.M., Tereschenko A.G., Tereschenko V.A.  Basic principles of successful LIMS implementation in environmental departments of industrial enterprises

Chemist-Analyst LIMS is a Russian commercial product widely used in industrial labs. Based on vast developers experience, the paper formulates key principles allowing environmental departments of industrial plants to implement and run LIMS.
Keywords: LIMS, environmental monitoring.

Ismagilov D.R.  VOC concentration analysis by dynamic gas extraction technique

An opportunity of applying dynamic gas extraction technique for analyzing VOC concentration in water is shown. Purge and Trap CDS 7000 concentrator was used in the experiments.
Keywords: VOC, drinking water, dynamic gas extraction, concentrator.

How to make energy conservation work: emission quotas

Key objectives and mechanisms of Kyoto protocol are overviewed. The paper suggests to use energy saving equipment to decrease environmental emissions, such as GRUNDFOS pumping equipment.
Keywords: Kyoto protocol, emission quota, energy conservation equipment

Automation synergy from Mitsubishi Electric for environmental protection

The paper discusses workplace automation in view of possible man-caused risks or how to prevent morbid environment syndrome and the destruction of ozone layer.

Journal`s Club

Kargapoltsev V.P.  Water counters calibration: pros and contras

In recent years, after the adoption of the housing code, the problems of water accounting in residential apartments has been intensively discussed. Without focusing on general water accounting issues, the paper focuses outlines the problem of apartment water counters calibration.
Keywords: water counter, calibration, calibration interval.

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