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Аврелий Марков


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#5 2005

Poletykin A.G., Promyslov V.G., Mengazetdinov N.E. The concept of protection against unauthorized access in the process control system of Busher-1 A-plant

A new method of developing a protection system against unauthorized access in a process control system is offered. The method ensures integrated protection against intended and unintended deleterious actions of various user groups upon software elements.

Dubovik E.A., Kotov N.A. Automated systems for power distribution

The paper shows that major industrial automation companies have a full range of equipment for creating various level (local, distributed and geographically distributed) power distribution systems. Therefore, the formation of system agreements on standard information exchange both horizontally and vertically is a paramount problem in the development and effective operation of various level global automated control system for power distribution in Russia in order such systems could combine multivendor equipment at different levels.

Belousov O.A. An automated control system for energy-efficient electric furnaces

The paper discusses electric furnace control tasks implemented with the help of an intelligent system based on synthesizing variables and fuzzy logic. Model parameters correction and system adjustments can be made remotely using Miniwebserver (MWS) technology. System structure and performance data are presented.

Kovalyov S.M., Kovalyov V.M. Organization structuring and description technology: jobs, functions and business processes

The paper offers a formula for organization building and optimization. The formula includes a strict sequence of the following steps: organization base case ("as is") model development, base case model analysis, "should be" model development, transition plan development; changes implementation and building the organization as "should be". The base case description phase is considered. It consists of 4 steps: describe business areas, describe jobs, function and business processes; describe company`s organizational structure, and allocate responsibilities of company`s teams to jobs, functions and business processes. Steps 2, 3, and 4 are considered.

Krivolapov S.V., Sorochinsky I.V. CAN device driver based on multithread resource manager of QNX 6 real-time operating system

A resource manager (driver) intended for working in QNX 6.x with CAN adapter is presented.

Davydov A.E. A new step on the way to complete automation of turbine section of Nizhny Taghil metallurgical works` heat power plant

A process control system for the turbounit No 1 of the Nizhny Taghil metallurgical works` heat power plant was commissioned in November 2004. The system includes the process control subsystem for the pumping unit. The paper describes system structure and features.

A supervisory control and monitoring system for the apartment building`s heat point

The paper describes the supervisory control and monitoring system for a central heat point of an elite 17-storey 105,000 m2 apartment building in Moscow. The system is based on Andover Controls Continuum hard-/software. The tools of the system`s graphic interface are described. System application benefits data are also included.

Akinshin L.G. Secret weapons of the 21st century or the brutal side of 3U CompactPCI format

With the example of tier one Western vendors, the paper shows that since recently the 3U CPCI format is becoming increasingly popular among special-purpose systems. This is caused by the maturity of CompactPCI architecture as well as the low cost and technical advantages of 3U CPCI boards.

Extending the range of embedded computers

Three years ago, Beckhoff launched the Embedded-PC CX1000 controller and thus integrated PC-compatible hardware with modular I/O system into a single unit mounted inside a cabinet on a DIN-rail. At the 2005 Hannover fair, the Company will present a new piece of its embedded PCs range - more powerful CX120 controller which enables direct connection with the new EtherCAT I/O system.

BOXER - a new product in the embedded platforms market

Performance and design features of BOXER embedded system platform developed by Aaeon are presented. The paper considers AEC-6810 and AEC-6820 embedded control computers, AEC-6840 fanless controller, as well as AEC-6830 multimedia entertainment system.

Metran innovative pressure measuring system

Metran innovative pressure measuring system produced by Metran Industrial Group is presented. The system is based on Metran-100 and Metran-49 Series pressure sensors that support HART and RS-485/232 digital data communication protocols.

Podust D.P., Badian I.I., Ivakhnenko D.L. The analysis of file system organization in flash memory of nonvolatile noncontact information tanks

The paper discusses the technology of USB flash drives application in industrial systems and overviews key flash drive vendors. It further describes a device for information storage and processing with nonvolatile noncontact drive developed by FGUP PKP IRIS (IRIS Production and Design Enterprise, Russia). The device can be used for data exchange between industrial equipment and a computer.

CIMREX operator interface solutions - "all included"

Distinctive features of Beijer Electronics products are listed and CIMREX touch panels are presented.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Application of alternating-current drives

Kharazov V.G. Variable-frequency electric drive. Frequency converters for asynchronous motors

The paper discerns key advantages of motor rotation speed control with the help of frequency converters. It formulates generic features of frequency converters and control principles implemented in modern variable-frequency electric drives. The products from world known variable-frequency drive vendors are overviewed.

New drives from Siemens

Performance data and architectural features of a new Sinamics drive family from Siemens are presented. An example of drives application in packing equipment manufacturing is adduced.

Zagorsky A.V. Control Techniques AC drives

Key features and application advantages of Control Techniques Commander SE, Commander SK, Unidrive Classic, and Unidrive SP Series a.c. drives are discussed.

Dorrer A.G. SEW-EURODRIVE frequency converters and their features

Features and performance attributes of SEW-EURODRIVE MOVIMOT and MOVITRAC® 07 Series frequency converters as well as MOVIDRIVE® Series inverters are presented. IPOSplus positioning and sequence control system and MOVITOOLS software are also described.

Zakharov N.A. SERCOS-III -new generation interfaces for drives

SERCOS digital interface for communications between controls and servo drives is considered. Interface specifications meet IEC 61491. Distinctive features of the 3rd generation interface launched in 2005 are listed.

32 trajectory axes are under control

Since TwinCAT CNC software for complex motion appeared in late 2002, Beckhoff is an active participant of numerical control systems market. Frank Saueressing, Beckhoff`s specialist on numerical control systems recounts about the pace that the "newcomer`s" has set in machine tool industry.

A modular servo-system. AX2500 small-size digital servo-drive

Performance attributes of Beckhoff AX2500 Series modular servo-drives are presented.

Potapov V.A. HVR vector control and nanocontrol from FANUC

The paper briefly characterizes vector control (HVR) and nanocontrol functions appeared since recently in the servo-drives for FANUC CNC-type numerical controls.

Vlasov S.A., Devyatkov V.V. Simulation technique in Russia: past, present, and future

Historical aspects of simulation techniques development in Soviet Union are overviewed. The paper shows that along with the improvement of economical situation in Russia and FSU countries the interest in simulation is arising again. A brief review of simulation Russian tools market is included. The paper argues for the necessity of establishing Russian Simulation Society and reveals the measures to be taken for making simulation one of most requisite technologies in Russia.

North-West 2005 Advanced Automation Technologies Exhibition - a good start

Process control systems for major heat power plants - Novosibirsk seminar summary

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