Копирование видов деятельности другой организации воспринимается некоторыми людьми как промышленный шпионаж, но истина в том, что бенчмаркинг – это вполне законное и этическое поведение.

1925), американский педагог и писатель, Уоррен Беннис (Warren Bennis


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#5 2006

Prokopiev A.M., Tikhonov V.S. Object-oriented hard-/software complexes for developing process control systems of 1-, 2- and 3-burner steam and water boilers

Structure, components, and functionality of Parovoy Kotyol (Steam Boiler) object-oriented hard-/software complex is reviewed. The toolkit is aimed at design and development of complex process control systems for various-type steam and water boilers.

Akhmetzianov R.R., Bespalov A.P., Samoylov V.V. Development and operation of process control systems at Tatneft oil-production enterprises

The paper shows that one of the key problems of process control systems design in oil industry is telemetry data transmission over long distances. The variants of the problem`s solutions implemented at Tatneft Public JSC enterprises are presented.

Shiyanova N.I., Mamtsev A.N. A transportation lag compensated robust control system for milk dehydration process

A robust control system with transportation lag compensation enables making high-quality dairy produce both with additives for functional nutrition and with artificial oxidants owing to the reduction of feedstock and products residence time in the drying tower.

Promyslov V.G., Zharko E.F., Promyslova O.A. Modification quality assurance for highly reliable complex software systems

Dramatic changes in process control during the recent 10 years entail significant complication of control system software and its lifecycle. In the year 2000, LICS software suite was developed in the Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia) for next-generation A-plant process control systems. The life of an A-plant process control system is about 30 or more years that requires the development and implementation of sizeable and complicated procedures for software systems maintenance and modernization. The paper reviews the experience accumulated in the Institute in process of LICS maintenance for assuring the modernized codes quality and predicting maintenance and upgrade costs.

IMA Klessmann: EthernetCAT-based system conversion for edge-trimming machinery

The most of vendors` doubts about the necessity of new technologies application are often fed by the apprehension of potential unpredictable expenses or practically unsolvable engineering problems. The transition from Lightbus to Ethernet-based EtherCAT for IMA Klessmann`s edge-trimming machinery demonstrated the groundlessness of such doubts, at least for EtherCAT. A bumpless transition including a carefully designed integrated bus system opened a straight path to the new Ethernet world.

Sytin E.A., Golovko F.P., Bulanov A.A., Leushin V.V. A unified automation system for Chelyabinsk Zinc Works

Firmware platform and architecture of a process control system for a leaching workshop implemented at ChelyabinskZinc Works Public JSC in 1999 are described. The paper shows how control systems for other important production sections were implemented due to system enhancement with additional controllers, measurement channels and functionality.

Gorbunov S.N. The revamping of power supply supervision system at Severstal Public JSC

Targets and objectives for the revamping of power supply supervision system at Severstal Public JSC are formulated. System`s structure is described, hardware and software tools employed are discussed. Project implementation phases are denoted.

Yanchuk A.N., Belenkov O.V., Strashinin E.E., Semenov V.V. Automated control system for glass-melting furnace of Irbit Glasswork

In 2004-05 Urals-RTSoft developed engineering documentation for the development of an automated control system for Irbit Glasswork glass furnace, supplied the equipment, and provided equipment installation and commissioning.

Sedyshev M.A. OpenRail concept from Hirschmann. Industrial Ethernet hardware manufacturing per custom designs.

Hirschmann`s revolutionary industrial assembly technology for Ethernet switches per custom requests is presented. The technology is named OpenRail.

Popkov A.N. XC100/200 high-capacity modular PLC

XC100/200 Series modular PLCs are presented. The controllers can be connected with CANOpen directly through an optical interface.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Pneumatic automation in process controls

Sokolov M.V., Kharazov V.G. Pneumatic automation: the past, the present, the future

The paper briefly reviews the history of pneumatic automation and mentions the most eminent milestones and inventions. Modern classification of pneumatic automation systems is presented; present-day and future development lines are discussed.

Pneumatic Islands from Festo

The concept of pneumoisland is introduced; application areas, design features, and power connection types are outlined. Technical and design features of the new ISO 15407-2 compatible VTSA Type 44 pneumoisland are considered. The examples of Festo`s pneumoislands application in dairy industry are adduced.

Lysenko O.N., Estimation of pneumocylinder rod`s position with the help of SICK`s magnetic sensors

SICK`s magnetic sensors for pneumocylinders are presented. Pneumatic cylinders are widely applied in various industries, and determining rod`s position is a topical task that can be accomplished with the help of magnetic sensors. SICK AG (Germany) as the industry leader in this area, and their products have a most attractive performance/price ratio.

Murashov V.M. Improving calibration accuracy of pneumatic and air-to-electric length meters

Design features and performance attributes of a measurement gap emulation device used for pneumatic and air-to-electric length meters calibration are presented. The device`s operation principle is described.

Trofimovich A.G. Pneumatic equipment for control systems

A variant of control task solution by fluid or gaseous process flow injection using pneumatic automation is discussed.

Bezmenov V.S., Yefremova T.K., Rudnev V.V., Tagaevskaya A.A., Efremov V.A. Liquid products filling systems for small-scale packing plants

The paper discusses the design concepts of automatic batching systems with indirect dosage measuring for filling process automation at small-scale packing plants.

Journal`s Club

Akhunzianov A. Integration of heterogeneous automation facilities: the unforeseen difficulties

The paper makes recommendations on the networking of multi-vendor (VIPA, Beijer, LUMEL) equipment operating under various data communication protocols.

Energy efficiency: modern consumption culture

The cold winter of 2006 will be remembered in middle Russia owing to its enduring 30 centigrade frosts, while it was even far colder in Eastern regions. Severe frosts pushed us to energy conservation. In many offices, the staff was dismissed, in others the workday was shortened, the elevators were switched off, and some premises were deenergized. In Russia, saving was recalled due to frosts only, while in Europe energy conservation is a part of life style. The ways of rational energy usage at home and in industry are discussed.


AAT North-West 2006 Exhibition

March 15-17, 2006, the annual Exhibition Advanced Automation Technologies North-West took place in St. Petersburg. Simultaneously, the North-Western Conference on Process Control and Embedded Systems was organized as well as the ElectronExpo forum with the sections Electronic components in transportation systems and Brand-New Technologies in Russian Electronics. 85 companies from USA, Germany, Finland, Belgium, Slovenia, Belorussia, and Russia participated in the events.

Aristova N.I. Electronics-Transport 2006: components and solutions

The first exhibition Electronics-Transportation 2006 took place in Moscow in February 2005. State-of-the-art solutions and embedded electronic components developed and applied in various transport facilities were presented.

Nikulina I.V. The 30th Industrial Automation Seminar in the Institute of Control Sciences

The 30th seminar presentation Automation. Hard- and Software. Systems. Applications with international participation took place in the Institute of Control Sciences (Moscow, Russia) on April 4-7, 2006. The paper provides a report from the venue.

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