Самые умные головы сидят не в правительстве. Если б они там были, частный бизнес переманил бы их.
Самые умные головы сидят не в правительстве. Если б они там были, частный бизнес переманил бы их.
Institute of Control Sciences is 70
Dozortsev V.M. Developing a training simulator for process operators: key participants, their roles and cooperation
Key participants of a training simulator development and implementation and their roles at various project phases are outlined. The paper shows that well organized interaction between client`s and contractor`s project teams is a major key to success. The requirements to professional skills of project participants are discussed.
Keywords: operator training simulator (OTS), modeling, simulation, OTS project.
Control systems from EVOC
Yelkhov A.A. Approaches to the development of decision-making support systems based on prediction software
In integrated approach to forecasts development using special hard- and software tools is described. The recommendations on prediction techniques selection for automated predicting systems are made and the possibility of applying some expert procedures to some formal algorithms results is examined.
Keywords: forecasting, system approach, expert judgments, trade-off rule.
Batraeva A.E., Parsunkin B.N., Andreev S.M. Self-adjusting optimal control system for the temperature field of continuous casting machine
The paper presents a self-adjusting optimal control system for the temperature field of continuous casting machine which provides temperature setpoints at the casting machine outlet and minimum thermal stresses in the billet.
Keywords: forecasting, system approach, expert judgments, trade-off rule. The system`s key component is a dynamic model of billet cooling underlying billet`s temperature calculation and control in real time.
Keywords: self-adjusting control system, dynamic model, billet cooling, optimization, temperature field.
Batraeva A.E., Parsunkin B.N., Andreev S.M. Self-adjusting optimal control system for the temperature field of continuous casting machine
The paper presents a self-adjusting optimal control system for the temperature field of continuous casting machine which provides temperature setpoints at the casting machine outlet and minimum thermal stresses in the billet. The system`s key component is a dynamic model of billet cooling underlying billet`s temperature calculation and control in real time.
Keywords: self-adjusting control system, dynamic model, billet cooling, optimization, temperature field.
Vologdin V.V., Kharazov V.G. Application of industrial controllers in induction heating process automation
A new approach to induction heating automation in fusing processes is based on PLC application in the optimal control system. Control philosophy underlying the patented automated induction fusion plant can be used in other indusction heating processes.
Keywords: induction heating, optimal control, controller, operator panel.
Motion control devices from Autonics
Mashtakov A.D. "Scientific automation" from Beckhoff or the expansion of industrial automation technologies over new fields
The opportunity of using EtherCAT I/O modules for industrial automation in measuring systems is presented and grounded. New series of I/O modules for temperature, voltage, current, and resistance measurements are presented. The new release of TwinCAT Scope software is helpful in measurement tasks. To enhance measurement and data processing capabilities, this software can be integrated with LabVIEW.
Keywords: I/O modules, precision measuring systems, industrial buses, EtherCAT.
Discussing a Subject…
Self-identification systems
Boenko I.A. RFID-based self-identification system in industry: why apply, implementation variants, benefits calculation
Identification systems especially self-identification in manufacturing cannot be considered separately ignoring their mission and destination at specific plant enterprise or industry. Self-identification systems (AIS) are a part a package of actions aimed at productivity increase, better production management, minimization of operation errors and associated losses. Technology and principles underlying AIS may be different. The paper discusses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and shows the systems that can be built for production needs on its basis.
Keywords: self-identification systems, barcode, RF identification.
Automation of goods movement in manufacture
DKLink Pro hard-/software system developed by DK-Expert (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and intended for inventory holdings accounting at industrial enterprises is presented. Its application at the warehouses of the steel plant of Seversky Pipe Works is described.
Keywords: inventory holdings accounting, self-identification technology, metallurgical works..
An automated system for material flow accounting and monitoring
A system structure for material flow accounting and monitoring is discussed with case studies of a coal pit and a concentrating mill where a self-identification system is used.
Keywords: material flow accounting and monitoring, weighting equipment, RFID-tag, antenna, reader.
Alexeev A.A. Application of self-identification systems from Siemens
The paper discusses two projects implemented in motor-car construction and metallurgy where MOBY and Simatic RF self-identification systems from Siemens are applied.
Keywords: self-identification system, real time, logistics, position monitoring, transponder.
RFID systems for motor transport identification
The tasks that can be accomplished with the help of RFID technologies are shown. Key properties, as well as similarities and differences of UHF and microwave RFID systems are formulated. Application examples in Russia and abroad are included.
Keywords: motor transport, UHF and microwave RFID systems, RFID-tag.
Application of self-identification in motor-car construction
Application areas of RFID technologies and 2D code at various automaker processes are discussed. Examples of SICK`s equipment application are included.
Keywords: motor-car construction, RFID technology, 2D code, barcode.
Kravtsov A.S., Markin A.A. RFID application features for passenger fare automation in Moscow subway
Application features of RFID technologies for passenger fare in municipal transport are considered. Comparative characteristics of non-contact smart cards are presented..
Keywords: RFID technology, non-contact smart cards, tickets.
Abramov E.A. Crisis - time for changes: IEI Technology develops a new niche
New self-identification products such as ACT-08А-ATOM full-scale hand-held access terminal, and IRFD-100 desk-top/wall RFID module are presented.
Keywords: embedded self-identification system, RFID cards.
Aliev E.V., Vesnin E.N., Malyghin L.L., Tsarev V.A. Optical rolling-stock identification in rail traffic management tasks
ARSCIS hard-/software system for rolling-stock monitoring by automatic detection and identification of freight, tank, and flat cars per their serial number is presented. The paper demonstrates an opportunity and discusses the examples of ARSCIS-based full-scale automated control systems development enabling improved rolling-stock monitoring and higher efficiency of rail traffic management at industrial enterprises.
Keywords: optoelectronic railcar identification, automation of railroad freight activity monitoring.
Tsarev V.A. Scientific aspects of design and optimization of optoelectronic vehicle identification systems
The problem of development and customization of optoelectronic road traffic monitoring systems is examined. A methodology for automated design of car numbers detection algorithms is offered.
Keywords: car numbers detection, optoelectronic identification, vehicles.
Automation abroad
Berdichevsky B.E. New applications of foreign industrial robots developed in recent years
New applications of industrial robots developed in the recent years are overviewed. The challenges faced by developers in robotics are formulated. Numerous examples of new robots application for the automation of small and medium-size plants are adduced.
Keywords: robots for small and medium-size enterprises, gantry robots, mechanical arm type robots, algorithms.
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