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Ильф И.


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#5 2010

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Numerical control systems

Grigoriev S.N., Martinov G.M.  Development outlook of distributed heterogeneous numerical control systems for decentralized production

The requirements to decentralized production controls are formulated. Key international geographically distributed projects in the field of industrial automation are listed. A unified concept of a distributed virtual industrial corporation is offered.
Keywords: distributed heterogeneous numerical control system, virtual industrial corporation, decentralized production, spare industrial capacity pool.

Krasilnikiants E.V., Ivankov V.A., Buldukian G.A., Yel`nikovsky V.V., Derbenev A.N., Varkov A.A.  IntNC Series package digital CNC systems

The topicality of creating and developing a modern domestic CNC system is determined, its key design concepts are offered. Functionalities and performance data of IntNC Series CNC system are presented. The features of its hard- and software implementation are demonstrated.
Keywords: numerical control system, metal-cutting machine tool digital control, open architecture, motion control, induction motor drive, accuracy.

Tikhonov A.O.  ServoCon CNC system - a cost-effective solution for gantry machine tools

The features and capabilities of ServoCon CNC system intended for low-cost milling, engraving, painting, and turning machinery as well as in laser cutting mills are described. Drive control through digital and CAN interfaces is discussed. An adaptive control algorithm for a machine tool using cutter stepover correction during work cycles is described.
Keywords: motion controller, numerical control systems, automatic control, real time, servo drive.

Rybalko A.P., Rybalko C.A.  Adaptive, diagnostic and programming capabilities of FlexNC universal CNC system

Architecture features and functionalities of FlexNC numerical control system developed by Moscow-based Stankcenter Public JSC are presented. The paper shows that FlexNC basic hard-/software toolkit owing to its adaptive algorithms and other unique capabilities enables system customization for various applications and significant process optimization due to product quality improvement, and production cost reduction. This can be achieved through cutting speed increase, tool expense reduction, and equipment downtime decrease. The СТС system can be integrated with a higher level enterprise management system.
Keywords: CNC system, modularity, adaptive control, control loop, motion controller, single-CPU architecture, diagnostics, integration, digital signal processing.

Kudinov A.C.  Sinumerik 840D solution line numerical control systems: compensation for errors affecting production quality

Sinumerik 840D solution line numerical control system from Siemens is presented. Its architecture and hard-/software advantages are discussed. The focus is made on control systems` error compensating capabilities (measurement errors, friction compensation, temperature compensation, neuron compensation for quadratic errors, etc.) aimed at product quality improvement.
Keywords: compensation, numerical control systems, pre-control, diagnosis, model.

Kutiev A.P., Fomin E.I.  iTNC 530 numerical control system: state of the art technology from HEIDENHAIN

Performance data, featured properties, functionalities, and advantages of iTNC 530 numerical control system from HEIDENHAIN are discussed. Basic control system`s components are described as the elements of system architecture. Auxiliary functions and applied software of numerical control system facilitating machine manager`s work are presented.
Keywords: numerical control, cutting, remote programming, central logical unit, digital actuators control unit, data input and viewing device, high-speed milling, dynamic interference check, programming station.

Numerical control systems from Mitsubishi Electric: the technology of the future - today

Three approaches to numerical control systems design developed by Mitsubishi Electric are outlined. Modern technologies for numerical control systems aimed at capacity increase and cutting quality improvement are briefly discussed.
Keywords: numerical control systems, OS, nano-, PC, smart optimization algorithms, error compensation, avoidance.

Kabakov I.A.  IndraMotion MTX advanced - a new demonstration of maximum efficiency

IndraMotion MTX numerical control system from Bosch-Rexroth for edge cutting machining is a reliable solutions for the applications where the highest accuracy coupled with fastest processing speed. The system supports up to 64 axes and 12 channels.
Keywords: numerical control system, interface, digital servo drive, simulator, cycle time analyzer, energy analyzer.

Dudkin A.V.  EtherCAT and XFC technologies for superfast synchronous control

Operation principle of EtherCAT technology is presented, application advantages of EtherCAT drives are substantiated. The mechanisms ensuring superfast control in XFC (eXtreme Fast Control Technology) and thus improving equipment capacity are briefly discussed.
Keywords: EtherCAT, I/O, superfast control, drive, time marker, query cycle.

Plikhunov V.V., Kovalenko A.V.  Adaptation of standard numerical control systems to electron-beam welding units

Key features of electron-beam welding are listed. Possible enhancement of commercial numerical control systems to electron-beam welding applications is discussed. The examples of such systems based on Siemens SINUMERIK 840Di sl numerical control are adduced.
Keywords: welding, vacuum, electronic beam, numerical control, controller, NC data.

Martinova L.I., Grigoryev A.S., Sokolov S.V.  Diagnosis and forecasting of cutting tool wear at CNC machines

The problem of cutting tool monitoring and its residual cutting power is formulated; the architectural model of a generic diagnosis system is offered and its software implementation is illustrated. A communication protocol of the diagnosis module with the CNC system kernel is specified. A versatile solution for implementing the diagnosis and prediction of cutting tool wear is presented on the basis of an external calculator.
Keywords: cutting tool diagnosis, real-time monitoring, cutting tool wear prediction, CNC processing, generic diagnosis system.

Artamonov E.I., Nichiporovich T.A.  Structural organization of virtual manufacturing corporations

The possibility of CALS technologies application for developing virtual manufacturing corporations (VMC) is demonstrated. A new structural design method applicable for synthesizing several variants of VMC operation and selecting the best one is presented. Design concepts of VMC informational management system are exemplified in the distributed CAD system for engineering documentation, information preparation for machinery with numerical control and some custom engineering tasks.
Keywords: structural organization methods, virtual manufacturing corporations, CALS technologies, model, local algorithm.

Artamonov E.I., Romakin V.A., Balabanov A.V.  Software tools for virtual tuning of robots

Software tools for assembly robot tuning based on virtual models of assembly units are presented. The tools developed may be useful not only for robot control systems programming but for operator learning and training without using real-life robots and assemblies.
Keywords: software, virtual models, CNC system for mechanotronic objects, virtual programming and tuning tools for robots.

Kadyrov E.D., Koteleva N.I.  Neuron network data representation in a control system for shaft furnace calcination of metallurgical limestone

The paper discusses basic techniques of data preprocessing for a neuron network and presents their efficiency estimation for the design of neuron network used in the control system for shaft furnace calcination of metallurgical limestone.
Keywords: neuron network, data preprocessing, shaft furnace, metallurgical limestone calcination.

Kosinsky M.Yu., Shikhin V.A.  A methodology of on-line estimation of reliability indices of power accounting systems

A fuzzy-set theory-based solution to the problem of reliability indices estimation for operating industrial measuring systems is offered. The advantage of the approach is the possibility of effective automation of information system`s reliability characteristics in view of its occasional technological and structural changes The problem of fuzzy model tuning is solved for the application field of commercial power accounting for major consumers. The operability of the methodology proposed is exemplified in a case study.
Keywords: reliability, fuzzy-set theory, automated power accounting systems.

Schelkanov S.V., Tereschenko A.G., Yunak A.L., Grigoriev V.P., Vylegzhanin O.N.  A conceptual model of algorithm design kit for intra-laboratory quality control of analysis results

Automation of computing per a changing set of intra-laboratory quality control algorithms according to various normative documents is a rather sophisticated task. A conceptual model of dynamic check algorithm design is offered not only for existing normative documents but also for their possible modifications.
Keywords: LIMS, laboratory, intra-laboratory control, Shuhart cards.

Kuznetsov A.A.  Russian universities master QNX: from theory to practice

SWD Software has been actively participating in young scientists and engineers training in Russia by providing QNX licenses, delivering lectures and master classes for teachers and young scientists, organizing scientific and practical conferences. Some projects implemented in the field of robotics by technical universities on the basis of QNX real-time operating system are presented.
Keywords: robots, hard real-time, OS, embedded systems, learning.

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