Успешное новаторство – достижение не интеллекта, а воли.
Успешное новаторство – достижение не интеллекта, а воли.
Rotach V.Ya. On adaptive control systems with on-line object identification
Practical impossibility of applying adaptive control systems with on-line object identification is shown. The paper discerns the system inconsistency of solving the problems of both passive identification and controller tuning optimization. It refutes the diffused opinion about the possibility of getting an object model suitable for further application by means of passive identification techniques based on object’s design operation data. Basic directions of adaptive system design using extended range of active impacts are considered.
Kulikov A.I., Kucherenko V.V., Gogolev P.V. Energy conservation methods for K-250 and K-500 centrifugal compressors
The paper discusses an air compression control system intended for K-250 and K-500 centrifugal compressors. It shows that the system application improves compressor operation efficiency and decreases energy losses by 10-15% per unit.
Musaev A.A., Sherstyuk Yu.M. An information storage of an industrial enterprise: a concept of plant floor experience storage system
The paper describes an advanced approach to automated storage and usage of plant floor experience as a set of historic values of process variables that describe the operations at a certain time interval. It focuses on the differences between data warehouses and traditional systems. Key features of analytical information systems based on data warehouse, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining technologies are briefly discussed.
Kiryukhin S.V., Kutsevich N.A. Production assets control systems as a tool for effective management
The paper considers key problems solved by production assets management systems, their basic functions, the capabilities of integration with external systems and the expected application results.
Ananiev V.N. Schneider Electric’s network technologies at Russian and Kirghizian glass-works
The problem of creating state-of-the-art process control systems for Russian glass industry is formulated and justified. Implementation examples of specific projects using various network technologies are adduced. Energy conservation technologies and product quality control issues in glass manufacturing and forming processes are discussed.
Panchenko V.V., Matveev V.M., Mazurov V.M., Komkov V.I. Algorithmization of control processes in water treatment units of heat power stations
The paper justifies the topicality of automatizing the water treatment process at heat power stations. It describes the development experience of the first stage of the control system for the water treatment process at Tyumen Heat Power Station No 1. Experimental results of system trial operation are presented.
Trofimov V.V. Follow-up level gages and a free-water flowmeter
New instruments from Techno-T JSC for various industries are considered. Descriptions and performance data of angle transmitters, follow-up level gages and free-water flowmeters are presented.
Ushakov D.L. Coriolis flowmeters and batching systems
Operation principle, design features, advantages and application areas of Coriolis flowmeters are considered. The paper notes that Metran Industrial Group is the first Russian company to manufacture a Coriolis flowmeter (Metran-360) and a batching system (Metran-1360) based on it.
Industrial computer novelties in ICP Electronics family
Novel CPU boards and enclosures for industrial computers from ICP Electronics are presented. Performance features of new hardware are considered.
Discussing a subject…
Control systems for hydrocarbon industry
Turkin O.V., Matveev V.I. Remote control introduction using SCADAPACK controllers
The requirements to controllers applied in oil production are formulated. Performance attributes and features of SCADAPACK Series controllers are presented. Oil fields where these controllers are applied are listed.
Lebedinsky A.A., Dozortsev V.M., Kneller D.V. Advanced process control systems based on Honeywell’s Profit® Controller
Advanced process control systems based on multivariable predictive models are the most popular real-time optimization tools in various industries including oil refining, chemistry, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, aluminum and food production. The paper considers the destination and design concepts of APC systems and discusses key project implementation phases and the sources of application benefits.
Saifutdinov A.F., Nesterov G.A., Kalashnikov A.A., Korabel’nikov A.Yu. The synthesis of Linas distillation technology and advanced industrial automation in oil refining
The paper presents the novel Linas distillation technology and discusses its advantages as against conventional technologies. It notes that Linas distillation towers are equipped with Siemens automation tools. The examples of Linas units application at Russian enterprises are adduced.
Abramov G.S., Zimin M.I., Arbuzov V.L., Sakharov V.M., Barychev A.V. A set of modular units for well production measurement, quality control and separator oil accounting
Distinctive features of West Siberian oil fields are formulated. Performance, structure and operation principles of modular units for well production measurement, quality control and separator oil accounting manufactured by Sibnefteautomatica Open JSC are considered.
Akimov N.V., Shibaev A.A., Shrago L.G. AMT’s stations for monitoring oil and gas wells drilling
The paper describes the experience of AMT (Automation of Technologies Monitoring) JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia in development, manufacturing ana operation of monitoring stations for oil and gas wells drilling. The methodology of software development for these stations is also discussed.
Syuch E.O. Engineering calculations in Plant Information System
The experience of applying context calculations using PI Advanced Computing Engine for evaluating the mass of products in refinery tankage is considered.
Industrial automation companies
Merrill F., Berner L.I., Kovalev A.A. ATGS and BBI cooperation anniversary – history of success and development outlook
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