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Intelligent automation tools and systems
Itskovich E.L. The intelligence of automation tools and systems
The application features of the notion "Intelligence" with reference to automation tools and systems are discussed. Intelligent control and monitoring problem statements and solution techniques are discerned. Solution features of these tasks in the automation tools of plant floor control systems are listed. The causes of low application of intelligent tools in Russian industrial automation are identified.
Dozortsev V.M. On the term "intellectualization" with reference to control tools and systems
Various characteristics of intelligent process control systems are discussed. A criterion is offered that enables to "test" control systems` intelligence.
Nazin V.A. Computerized instruction systems for process operators
The paper describes computerized instruction system (CIS) for process operators. The CIS employ a knowledgebase of process cause-effect relations and can be considered as intelligent systems because they take into account the cognitive structure of process operator`s activities. The advantages of the new approach to personnel training and the factors of successful CIS application are discussed.
Berman A.F., Nikolaichuk O.A., Pavlov A.I., Yurin A.Yu. An intelligent decision-making support system for failure and accident cause detection in petrochemical industry
The paper describes the functional modules of a toolkit that enables applied software development for determining the causes of condition changes and ensuing failures and accidents in chemical and petrochemical industries. An example of the toolkit application in the case of deterministic precedent search by visually observable parameters of component part damage and destruction is adduced.
Lopatin S.S. Intelligent piezoelectric vibration-type sensors for process control
General development line of instrumentation intelligence is shown. With the case study of Endress+Hauser`s piezoelectric vibration sensors, the paper identifies 3 critical areas related with the intellectualization of this class of instruments: sensing element`s sudden failure check; predictable sensing element`s behavior and its operating availability monitoring; sensing element adaptation to operation conditions by means of electronics.
Tselikovsky Ya.M. Exercise all HART`s functionality
The paper shows that Moore Industries new HIM smart HART loop interface and monitor module enable the utilization of all HART protocol functionality and continuous monitoring of all measured process variables.
Sedyshev M.A. Hirschmann Rail Series switches in industrial automation systems
Design features and capabilities of the first industrial Hirschmann Rail Series switches that support Industrial Ethernet standard are presented. The examples of the switches application in oil and gas automation systems are included.
Ellender D. Benefits of a Digital Field Architecture for Remote Wireless Applications
The advantages of field instrumentation`s digital architecture used for remote applications in oil and gas production with wireless data exchange are discussed.
TwinSAFE safety system
Modern safety technologies demonstrate wide capabilities in functional flexibility, operating environment, diagnosis, and layout. But real profit can be gained only in the systems with optimal combination of standard automation tools and accident prevention technology. Beckhoff TwinSAFE integrates functional safety elements into existing automatic control system`s structure.
Bogdanov V.V., Kulikov A.I., Sin`ko S.N., Schwarzkopf V.F. The design concept of an integrated oil-field control system
The problem of an integrated oil-field control system design is discussed. The paper suggests, first, to switch from teleautomatics to fully automated unmanned oil-field objects, second, to integrate objects` automation systems with the help of a real-time process network based on RadioEthernet, and, third, organize automated objects interaction. The concept`s novelty is also its underpinning by the advanced technology of discrete injections for seam pressure maintenance.
Rozhenok R.M., Complex solutions for crude oil accounting based on MicroTEK measuring and computing system
The paper presents a complex solution to on-line and commercial crude oil accounting problem based on MicroTEC measuring and computing system implemented at Tomskneft and Yukos plants. Block diagrams of field equipment connection to MicroTEC system are included.
Sushkov A.A. A process control system for the water treatment plant of Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill
The water treatment plant of Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill is described as an automation object. Targets and objectives of process control system design are formulated. Component parts, implementation features and control system functional diagram are presented. System application advantages are analyzed for various user categories. Technological warranties undertaken by Rakurs Scientific and Production Company during VPU-700 process control system development and the results of the first 3 months of its operation are discussed.
Semikin V.Yu. Spatial representation of architecture for the efficiency estimation of equipment certification
The paper shows how the 3D representation of equipment architecture can underlie the efficiency estimation of its certification and allow to switch to the system level of integrated analysis of equipment configuration and condition subject to intersystem, inter-module, inter-element links. Basic principles of 3D representation of equipment architecture and the procedures of "architectural cube" formation are included.
Wonderware IndustrialSQL Server 9.0
New functionality of the new Wonderware IndustrialSQL Server 9.0 database that supports all industrial automation levels are presented.
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG new explosion-proof interfaces
Explosion hazard is present in many industries such as chemistry, oil production, oil refining, and power. To prevent the explosion, safety measures should be taken during electrical equipment operation and maintenance. In this context, the paper discusses the requirements to intrinsically safe electronic interface modules, their functions and different types of operation in various applications. It focuses on such features of intrinsically safe electronic interface modules as separable design of electronic and basic terminal block, hard wiring and portable design.
Ruzhitskaya E.V. A new series of valve blocks and clusters: an ideal solution for pressure sensors integration into process controls
Performance attributes, design and application features, and advantages of a new series of À, Â, Âõ, Ñ, and Å valve blocks and modified clusters from Metran Industrial Group are presented.
Kroshkin A.N., Zagarian K.R., Oleynik S.V. New generation sensors: optimal price/performance ratio
Geolink Consulting is well known as official distributor of world`s major vendors of industrial sensors as well as a system integrator. The Company`s new business line is common projects with Western vendors for the localization of sensors manufacturing in Russia. This enables considerable reduction of product price and delivery time while retaining the original product quality. The first such project was the manufacturing of BD SENSORS pressure gages, the next one will be induction flowmeters from SIMA (Czech Republic). The Company also offers integrated control and data acquisition systems based on state-of-the-art hard- and software components.
Alexeev A.A., Alexeev V.A., Trofimov E.A. Automatic fire-fighting system for Grushovaya tank farm based on EMICON controllers
The paper overviews the applications of KSAP-01 and KSAP-02 controllers in microprocessor-based automatic fire-fighting systems for Transneft JSC, Transnefteproduct JSC, and other users. Key characteristics and parameters of a hard-/software complex for the fire-fighting system of Grushovaya tank farm commissioned in 2005 are presented. The paper notes that the experience accumulated by Emicon CJSC allows to implement similar systems in other industries.
Light-section mill rolling automation
The paper discusses the application experience of advanced systems for rolled metal trimming for increasing the output of measured rolled metal from a light-section mill. The case study of Krivorozhstal, the largest Ukrainian metallurgical works with annual capacity of 7 mill. MT steel and 6 mill. MT rolled metal, is examined.
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