То, что для одного человека – константа, для другого – переменная.
Не бойся ступить на ложный путь, он может оказаться истинным.
То, что для одного человека – константа, для другого – переменная.
Не бойся ступить на ложный путь, он может оказаться истинным.
Mokhort I.A., Semikin V.Yu. The development of gas transportation facility’s informating-controlling system. Trial operation
With a case study of an informating-controlling system implemented in Tyumentransgas, the paper shows how the system development task can be accomplished during system trial operation. The objective is maximum employment of automatic information sources with the target to avoid any manual information data inputs in future.
Vasyutinsky V.V. ASU E – the solutions for energy consumption management and energy accounting in oil and gas industry
The paper presents ASU E – an integrated multi-level solution for energy consumption management and energy accounting at industrial plants. This automated energy management system was developed by Prosoft-Systems engineering company.
Yakimenko Zh.S. Typical hardware toolkits for oil production plant automation
Standardized hardware toolkits used for oil production plants automation in a wide temperature range under nonstaible communication are described. The solutions for single wells, single well groups, and well clusters are considered.
The modernization of veneer drier drives
Borovichi: the motherland of Russian refractory
Roh Tae-kyun, Diachko A.G., Smirnov O.M. Correction of innovative project’s indices subject to dynamic simulation results
A dynamic mathematical model for an innovative project of casting blocks production for the new large-diameter pipe factory in Nizhny Taghil is presented. Dynamic simulation of design operation modes showed performance gaps and much unused equipment capacity. Organizational and managerial actions were proposed and tested on he simulation which decrease the resource demand. Predictive simulation was used for analyzing the effect of random disturbances on the operation results. A control algorithm was offered and tested ensuring stable plant operation under random noises.
Weking G. Standardization of common cabling
In modern buildings, the infrastructure of IT communications is as important as heating, lighting, and electricity. The communications structure ensures global permanent connection of workstations. Therefore, the standardized approach to design and implementation of IT communications is a primary aspect of the whole building’s design. State of the art and development outlook in the field of building’s common cabling are discussed.
Alexeev A.A., Alexeev A.A., Varshavsky Z.M. I/O devices design on the basis of DCS-2000 and DCS-2001
Basic objectives and consumer data of I/O devices are discussed. Comparative analysis of CDS-2000 and DCS-2001 controllers is undertaken with the purpose of their application as I/O devices. The recommendations on controller series selection are made.
Alexeev A.A., Alexeev A.A., Varshavsky Z.M. CP72xx compact size panel PC with IP65 protection
Beckhoff presents the new Economy CP72xx compact panel PC. The device meets all hardware requirements to process control devices. Owing to rational housing design and innovative motherboard, the CP72xx model set a new performance class for this type of devices.
Denisenko V.V., Litvinov N.Yu., Metelkin E.E., Trubachev O.E., Khalyavko A.N. RealLab! modules of NL-Ex intrinsically safe series
The paper presents the new product of the Research Laboratory of Design Aurtomation: the RealLab! hard-/software system of NL-Ex series for explosive industrial plants. The system comprises a programmable controller, several I/O modules with Modbus RTU protocol, interface converter and repeater, intrinsically safe power supply, OPC server, and any standard SCADA and is operable in –40…50ºC temperature range.
Meyer Ch., Stephens U. Ceramic flow tube for high-precision flowmetering
The process of ceramic lining development for electromagnetic flowmeters used in recent 25 years is descrived. Modern flow tubes with ceramic lining combine high precision and good thermomechanic properties.
Kutzker G. Profibus design on the basis of Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG components
Despite the versatility of Ethernet, the overall automation of industrial processes can be accomplished only with additional application of fieldbus technology. Modular automation terminals and field peripherals are the basic components for simple and cost-effective design of industrial data communication network. The paper discusses the Profibus structure based on Phoenix Contact’s hardware.
Special-purpose pressure sensors for oil, chemical, and gas industries
BD Sensors specializes in the development and manufacture of electronic devices for pressure and level metering. Its product range includes more than 40 models from economy class for housing and communal services and general-purpose industrial sensors up to intelligent multi-functional instruments. The paper overviews pressure sensors for oil, chemical, and gas industries.
Discussing a Subject…
Advanced regulatory control techniques in industrial control systems
Itskovich E.L. Advanced regulatory control algorithms and their industrial applications
Various classes of universal control algorithms implemented in controllers through standard software are discussed. State of the art in regulatory process control at Russian plants is analyzed. The approaches of Russian and foreign manufacturers of algorithmic and software tools do development and implementation of new classes of advanced control algorithms are discussed.
Denisenko V.V. PID controller types
Various PID controller types applied in industrial automation are overviewed. Their merits and drawbacks are identified.
Yakovis L.M. Simple standard controllers calculation techniques for complex industrial plants
The paper analyzes the difficulties of applying the known control theory methods in typical industrial automation objects. A method for calculating standard controller settings for multivariable objects with different response and dead times in control channels. The method is based on combined application of control theory and dynamic simulation.
Serezhin L.P. On the worldly and the vital
TECNOCONT Scientific and Production company specializes on the problems of the applied level of regulatory controls. The paper presents TECNOCONT’s view of their effective operation at industrial plants.
Bazhanov V.L., Vaishnaras A.V. MM-tuning software for PID controller settings calculation by the scaling method
The paper presents the new MM-tuning applied software – a professional tool for PID controller tuning in closed loop. The program provides quick optimal controller settings calculation by using the capabilities of a new engineering technique called “scaling method”. The adaptability property enables successful program application for PID controller tuning at any plant. A case study shows the technology of the program application.
Peshehonov A.A., Korchaghin E.V. Discrete material flows in industrial technology: control actions and control objects
The problem of effective realization of control actions on continuous processes as a time sequence of impulse material flows is discussed. The examples of industrial application of such type automatic systems are adduced, and the recommendations on the selection and calculation of pulse control parameters are made.
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