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#7 2004

Uvarov A.V. Building up integrated electric power accounting and teleautomatics systems based on DECONT complex

In order to get timely and valid energy measurement data, it is proposed to combine teleautomatics, technical accounting and energy accounting and monitoring functions. The paper shows that the implementation of such combined function based on DECONT hard-/software system meets all requirements to energy accounting systems.

Kirilin M.V., Blum A.S., Shutnikov V.I. A YOKOGAWA CENTUM CS-based process control system for a sewage sludge burning plant

The structure of a CENTUM CS-based process control system operating at a sewage sludge burning plant in St. Petersburg is presented. The system is maintained and supported by the specialists from FOROUS JSC. The paper shows that YOKOGAWA CENTUM CS provides all necessary functions for production development in future.

Kalyanov G.N. Enterprise architecture and its simulation tools

The paper considers the composition, structure and construction process of enterprise architecture. It analyses the available simulation environments and methodologies and notes that in the nearest future the enterprise architecture will become an important tool of real-time enterprise change management.

Control systems for fired turbine and diesel generator power stations

Control systems for 125 MW fired turbine power plant, two AOY-1.6AA fired turbine power plants, and a four-unit diesel-generator power station 4?1.2 MW implemented by Neva Electric Open JSC are considered.

Kiselyov S.K., Romanova E.V. The algorithmization technology for instrument calibration automation systems

The paper discusses the problems of algorithms development for automation systems used in instruments calibration. It offers a technology for adjusting the calibration automation system to new instrument types. The technology is based on the learning of an artificial neuron network, which underlies the system algorithmization.

Industrial Ethernet – the most popular industrial bus of 2003

Based on 2003 results and the forecast up to 2006, the paper shows that Ethernet became the most frequently used fieldbus. It notes that Klinkmann in cooperation with Wonderware, Unitronics and Hirschmann has developed a concept of industrial Ethernet application to process automation and reports preparation. It finally presents a range of Hirschmann’s equipment intended for Ethernet applications, and a new Unitronics Vision 2xx PLC with an Ethernet interface.

News bulletin

Discussing a subject…
Process modeling and simulation in modern automation systems

Aflyatunov R.M., Fokin A.L., Kharazov V.G. Robust stabilization of thermal conditions for tube furnaces in oil refining

A robust thermal conditions stabilization algorithm for tube furnaces used in oil refining is considered. A block diagram of a process control system for a catalytic reforming unit, where the algorithm is applied, is presented.

Makshanov A.V., Musaev A.A. Process control optimization based on multivariate statistical analysis

A statistical approach to the design of a decision-making support system intended for process optimization is discussed. The procedure proposed has sufficient versatility and can be applied to a wide range of process controls. The approach implementation is illustrated with an example of catalytic reformer control optimization.

Borzov A.N., Sotnikov V.V., Lisitsin N.V., Sibarov D.A. A control system for the reactor section of a diesel hydrotreating unit

The paper presents a mathematical model for a hydrotreating process at oil refineries. The model enables to undertake all numerical experiments necessary for hydrotreating process control. The model structure for the reactor section and control system are offered as well as the computations management algorithm and its operation results.

Slobodchikov K.Yu. Mathematics and dataware for a control system of a gas compressor unit

The paper briefly analyses automated control techniques for a compressor unit. It provides test results of a compressor mode controller gathered during January–February 2004 testing at Algasovo compressor station of Morshansk Gas-main Pipeline Administration. The paper further justifies the necessity of developing an information system for decision-making support.

Timofeev A.V. Application of predictive simulation to ensure the internal rhythm of innovative discrete productions

The philosophy of predictive process simulation is presented. The paper notes that the simulation module is commissioned and successfully used by Maria Bizaro – a company operating in clothes modeling business.

Nikishchenkov S.A. Diagnostic information-logical models for reconfigurable production systems

The paper considers reconfigurable production systems and the information-logical process schemes as the models for functional diagnosis. The properties shown by information-logical schemes during fault detection in a parallel operation flow are examined as well as the approach application problems.

Nikul’chev E.V. Regulatory control systems design and the modeling of complex engineering systems in MATLAB

MATLAB scientific and engineering calculations environment is considered as a regulatory controls design tool for complex engineering systems.

Nikul’chev E.V. Industrial heat exchange system modeling

The paper describes an approach to identification and modeling of complex engineering systems with an example of a heat exchange system used in confectionary industry. The methodological background of the approach is the symmetries theory, while Identification Toolbox is the development tool.

Automation abroad

On the benefit of process simulation tools

The paper defines main application areas of computerized simulation. It adduces examples of simulation tools application in process control context and concludes that simulation models are a valuable weapon that is still used insufficiently.

AUTOMATICA – The International Robotics and Automation Fair

The paper summarizes the results of the 1-st AUTOMATICA International Fair that took place in Munich in mid June. It focuses on the 3 key development trends in automation and robotics: flexibility and the ability of fast response to demands and technologies changes, the availability of simple and intelligible HMIs, and the adaptation of commercial robots to various application areas.


Kharazov V.G. Power and Electrical Engineering – the 11-th Specialized International Exhibition

The paper overviews the 11-th Power and Electrical Engineering International Specialized Exhibition that took place in St. Petersburg on May 11-14 2004. The displays are considered by sections: high-voltage and power equipment, low-voltage equipment electric drives, cables, automation tools, power engineering equipment, process control systems design, manufacturing, assembling and tuning.

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