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#7 2009

Zaichenko S.N., Pertsovsky M.I.  New generation of mixed and dynamic modular informating-measuring and telemetric VXI and LXI systems

The architecture of measuring and telemetering systems based on VXI-LXI standard and ACTest toolkit is the most promising and optimal for testing and research, inspection and diagnostics of complex technical systems, monitoring of industrial and power plants. The VXI standard is aimed at the development of precise and protected diagnostic and control systems. The paper examines the design of such systems based on the equipment manufactured by Informtest holding company and ACTest-VXI software developed by Automated Systems Laboratory.
Keywords: dynamic system, static system, statodynamic system, iunformating-measuring system, automation, complex inspection systems testing, highway-modular interface, VXI, LXI, ACTest.

Wagner Yu.B.  BPMS effect

The evolution of information systems from applied software to business process management systems is overviewed. Various approaches to the integration of diverse software into the unified information space are discussed. Featured properties and advantages of service-oriented architecture are outlined.
Keywords: business process management (BPM) system, unified information space, service-oriented architecture.

Yelov A.I.  An automatic control system for air coolers

The design concepts of an automatic control system for air coolers are presented. Its consideration as a stand-alone hard-/software product is substantiated. Implementation examples for various user requirements and system functionalities are included.
Keywords: air cooler, automatic control system, automatic temperature maintenance, fin fan, variable speed drive.

Akifieva N.N., Zhilkin B.P., Zaikov N.S. Kisel`nikov A.Yu., Mirensky V.Yu.  On the application of thermal image scanning for furnace control

A procedure for evaluating the tongue border and its structure based on thermal images is discussed. The sequences of thermal images are considered as digital matrices forming a 3D array. Borders determination is based on the variance of temperature change in each thermogram point, while the structure is identified per the characteristic frequency calculated using FFT technique.
Keywords: diagnostics, variance, spectrum, structure, thermal imager, control, tongue, frequency.

Kodentsev D.A.  A scanner-based measuring system for linear and angular dimensions

The structure and features of an optical system for measuring linear and angular dimensions of manufactured articles are presented.
Keywords: microscope, measuring system, linear and angular measurements, scanner.

Shmal`ko D.Yu., Korchaghin S.I.  Improving redundancy effectiveness of the Integrated complex of physical protection systems

A way for improving the reliability of the Integrated complex of physical protection systems by hot sparing based on BAM-13 controllers implemented by Kompania Bezopanost JSC (Moscow) is discussed.
Keywords: hot sparing, controller, reliability.

Graphical panels from Autonics

EtherCAT modules with embedded anti-wreck protection PLC

Discussing a Subject…
Decision-making support systems for industry

Drevs Yu.G., Lykov O.M.  A decision-making support system in machinery renovation task

The paper describes a decision-making support system in production rearrangement task using a model developed with the help of MathCad. A simulation experiment is described which allowed to obtain the characteristics of optimal production rearrangement process per given simulation parameters.
Keywords: decision-making support system, production rearrangement task, mathematical model, optimal process, simulation parameters.

Smirnova D.A., Fedorov V.I., Lisitsyn N.V.  Benzene column optimization

The operation of a distillation column at an operating refinery is discussed. The methods to improve the efficiency of benzene and toluene fractionation are presented. An algorithm for calculating optimal controller setpoints to help process operators is developed. The application of the results enabled process stabilization and higher consistency of product quality.
Keywords: benzene, fractionation precision, optimal temperature, soft sensor.

Khokhlov A.S., Boronin A.B., Gainetdinova A.N.  Automatic actualization of optimization models in continuous production planning

The use of optimizing modeling systems in continuous production planning tasks is discussed as well as the application of automatic model actualization (tuning) tools. The approaches proposed have generic features; however the paper focuses on their application with RPMS modeling system.
Keywords: planning, optimization, automated tools, efficiency improvement, planning horizon, model actualization.

Danilov E.N., Lokshin A.V., Novichkov A.Yu.  Modular approach to process model design

An approach to the organization of simulation model design for chemical processes is discussed. Model development problem is proposed to be decomposed over several client applications. The approach enables wide development opportunities for both simulation models and design tools.
Keywords: modeling, simulation model, database, modular approach, concurrent design.

Kiselev V.F., Milov V.R., Sanin M.A.  Informating-learning system for training and certification of supervisory staff operating gas-main pipelines

An informating-learning system was developed for training and certification of supervisory staff operating gas-main pipelines. The system employs virtual reality technologies and multimedia applications. The system combines theoretical learning procedures with training techniques that contributes to deeper knowledge and skills acquisition.
Keywords: informating-learning system, training simulator, virtual reality.

Plekhov V.G., Kondrashov S.N., Shumikhin A.G.  Application of a multi-layer mathematical model of catalytic reforming process in control systems

An hierarchical approach to the design of a multi-layer mathematical model of catalytic reforming process and model interaction algorithms are offered. The algorithms are based on factorial numerical experiments with more sophisticated, rarely used model. A set of algorithms for selecting process conditions precedents from analytical database is developed. These algorithms can be implemented at process engineer`s workstation for identifying reformer catalyst status and adjusting water and chlorine balance of reactor section for improving catalyst run cycle.
Keywords: catalytic reformer, mathematical model, hierarchical approach, control algorithm, automated control system.

Kulida E.L.  An approach to training automation in a computerized training system

An approach is described enabling the automation of computerized training for operators of chemical weapons disposal plants.
Keywords: computerized training system, information model of the computerized training system, automation of training, training exercises.

Protalinsky O.M., Scherbatov I.A.  A decision-making support system for operators of weakly formalized processes

A decision-making support system based on production knowledge bases is developed for improving the operation of weakly formalized processes whose intellectual model features structural uncertainty. The paper describes the design of intellectual models for weakly formalized processes and their implementation at KLAUS sulfur recovery process.
Keywords: weakly formalized process, structural uncertainty, decision-making support system.


Kharazov V.G.  An overview of XVI International specialized exhibition Power and Electrical Engineering

Unique technologies of Kontron modules based on Intel Atom and QNX real-time OS aroused keen interest of St. Petersburg specialists.

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