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#8 2008

Spiridonov A.V.  The development of process control projects based on E3.series system

The paper presents key functionalities and justifies the application advantages of E3..series system, an integrated CAD solution from CIM-Team GmbH (Germany).

Shubladze A.M., Guliaev S.V., Kuznetsov S.I., Malakhov V.A., Ol`shvang V.R.  On overview of PI and PID controllers operation in interval saturation mode

The paper overviews PI and PID controllers operation on the interval saturation mode that takes place in case of constrained controller output. Various algorithms overcoming this problem are presented, and their application results are compared.

Yakshin Yu.N., Bretman V.V., Akinshin L.G.  MicroTCA standard: system architecture for a wide range of applications

MicroTCA specification has found its niche at the at the periphery of telecommunications infrastructure. But the application area for this standard is much wider: owing to such featured properties as low cost, compact size, flexibility and user-friendliness this equipment has been finding wider use in medical, industrial, mobile, airspace, and defense applications.

A reliable ultrasonic flowmeter with lay-on sensors

The paper shows that ultrasonic flow transmitters with lay-on sensors are a convenient tool for liquid flow measurements requiring no process interruption.

Jansen D.  XFC - a superfast control technology

EtherCAT components family comprises a wide range of I/O modules as well as special XFC modules for time stamping, resampling and high-speed I/O.

Yelov A.I.  Application of EPZ-800 electronic disengaging clutches for improving the reliability of turbine overspeed protection systems.

The paper presents design features, functionalities, and application advantages of EPZ-800 electronic disengaging clutches intended for improving the reliability of steam turbines` overspeed protection systems.

Industrial automated systems in power industry


Matafonov V.P., Myakishev D.V., Nakonechny S.V., Stolyarov K.A., Tarkhov Yu.A., Yuzhakov A.P.  PASSAT toolkit-based automation system for steam generator feed controllers of the 3rd power unit of Beloyarsk A-plant

Featured properties, performance data and components of PASSAT hard-/software toolkit used for automating steam generator feed controllers of the 3rd power unit of Beloyarsk A-plant are presented.

Akhmedov N.Sh.  Design concepts and project implementation of process control system project for Belgorod heat power plant

Plant features are described; the structure, featured properties, and functionality of a hard-/software complex for the process control system of Belgorod heat power plant are described.

Kachanov V.M., Poniaeva, T.Ya., Pshenichnikova O.A., Tolmachev A.L., Chausov Yu.N., Shapiro V.I.  DelTec hard-/software system and its application at heat power plants

Key structural, technological, and functional features of DelTec hard-/software system are demonstrated with the examples of 3 automation projects implemented at various heat power plants.

Andreev A.V.  Frequency and active power control in UES of Russia at modern conditions

Frequency and active power control is a primary problem oа supervisory control that allows to control the frequency and active power flows at desirable ranges. Recently, the interest to this task has been increasing significantly with the growth of power markets and possible integration with European power community. The paper describes the state of the art in frequency and active power control in Russia and its possible improvement

Bumaghin A.V., Rutkevich A.V., Sakharov K.V., Stepanenko V.B., Shishkin G.V.  Operation algorithms and hardware implementation of sine signal parameters meter in generators` excitation circuits

The algorithm and hardware implementation of a measurement technique for generator`s electric current and voltage parameters during its excitation. It is known that the measurement time of these parameters is critical. The speed of such devices has been limited by the frequency of the generated voltage that is 50 Hz. The paper discusses an algorithm and a hardware implementation of a parameter predictor working faster than conventional devices.

Discussing a Subject…
Power monitoring, accounting and distribution systems

Sapronov A.A., Goncharov D.S.  Poor quality power: an additional component of power company`s commercial losses

Electric power supplied by power companies to end users subject to supply contracts is a specific commodity featured by simultaneity of manufacture, transportation and consumption as well as the impossibility of its storage or return. The paper shows that the quality concept is applicable to electric power as to any other goods because electric power is characterized by a set of properties determining its applicability for ensuring design operation of end users` power-supplied facilities.

Golubev S.V., Golikov I.N.  The design of an integrated process control system for power engineering on the basis of IEC 61850 standard

The tasks, features, and advantages if IEC 61850 standard application are described. The problem of automatic efficiency of IEC 61850 implementation at power substations is outlined. Performance data of TOR200 relay protection terminals supporting IEC 61850 and UniSCADA hard-/software system based on IEC 61850 are presented.

Komkov E.Yu., Tikhonov A.I.  Control model development for a cooling system of power transformers

A universal control model for power transformer`s cooling system with forced cooling implemented in MatLab environment is presented. The model is built on the basis of a power transformers` monitoring system and the neuron network techniques. Transformer cooling control algorithms based on the developed control system are included.

Yegorov E.V.  Power monitoring and accounting systems based on LUMEL equipment

With the example of LUMEL`s (Poland) products, the paper presents a family of equipment for building the lower levels of power monitoring and accounting systems in the context of modern requirements to the functionality of such systems.

Proshin D.I., Gurianov L.V.  Electric power metering system based on DataRate SCADA/HMI

A low-cost solution for building automated electric power metering systems based on DataRate versatile SCADA/HMI and an OPC servers library is offered.

Power plants automation with MOXA communication equipment

Two automation projects for electric power facilities based on MOXA communication equipment are presented. These are a power supply monitoring system and an automated control system for a transformer substation. The plants` features, automation tasks, and the requirements to communication equipment are formulated.

Shauro V.S.  SCADAPack E Series controllers in automation systems for power substations

The possibility of applying SCADAPack controllers for power substations automation is discussed. The requirements to automation equipment for power engineering are formulated, and the compliance of SCADAPack controllers with these requirements is examined.

Antonenko I.N.  Automation of maintenance process control for power networks

The paper continues a series of publications discussing the computerization of maintenance processes in various industries and addresses the maintenance processes in electrical and heat networks.

Amelin S.V.  Modern requirements to a graphical system of circuits imaging in software systems for power industry

The paper presents state-of-the-art tools, structural features and architecture of Modus system meeting the requirements to graphical systems for power engineering.

Bagleibter O.I.  On the selection of current transformers and current circuit section at high response time of the primary network

The selection of current transformers (CT) at high response time of the primary network is discussed. The physical background of CT saturation with the direct component of short-circuit current is explained, general requirements of foreign standards to CT selection for relay protection are formulated as well as the individual requirements for implementing relay protection devices from AREVA T&D.

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