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#8 2010

Chadeev V.M., Gusev S.S.  Building a dynamic model for critical heat flow prediction using experimental data

An identification algorithm which enables for a dynamic object to select arbitrary rows from raw data transformation block, switch to parameter space and use a priori information about the domain of parameters existence for accuracy improvement. This allows to build a dynamic plant model with lower prediction error. The algorithm is applied for building a mathematical model based on the results of experimental investigation of heat pick-up on a model of a fuel assembly of a nuclear power plant.
Keywords: identification, dynamic plant, transformation process, transition process, critical heat flow.

Zak Yu.A.  Mathematical models of multi-stage optimal huckaback slitting

The problem of multi-stage huckaback slitting subject to limited maximum width of slitting machines and the number of blades is formalized as a high dimensionality LP problem. The procedures for automatic formation of feasible slitting mode matrices are offered. The paper considers their parsimonious representation based on interchangeability vectors combined with various slitting modes; such representation enabled significant reduction of the number of variables and the optimization problem`s dimensionality.
Keywords: optimal slitting, huckaback, slitting machines, parsimonious mathematical representation.

Akinshin L.G.  Intel Core i3/i5/i7 platform for embedded systems

The unparalleled operating features of Intel Core i3/i5/i7 platform are very well accepted by the developers of embedded applications. The vast number of new embedded products and systems based on this platform is mainly caused by the highest capacity per 1 W which makes these products and systems competitive against the solutions based on alternative microarchitectures.
Keywords: capacity, power, embedded technologies, functional blocks integration with CPU, evolution.

Discussing a Subject…
MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems)

Anisimov D.E., Kozletsov A.P., Reshetnikov I.S.  Small-scale MES or What for does small-scale business need this?

The paper analyzes some implementation issues of MES-type systems in small-scale domestic businesses (up to 100 employees and up to 400 mill. RUR annual turnover).
Keywords: small-scale enterprises, MES, business processes, investment risks, integration.

Demidov V.M.  MES: tool or concept

The benefits of MES application benefits are distinguished against process controls, EAM, ERP, etc., and discussed from various viewpoints: management and operations personnel, other information systems, quality management, etc.
Keywords: MES, quality management, information source, personnel.

Onischenko A.G., Listunov L.S.  Quality management in HYDRA MES

Functionality and key features of CAQ quality control module included in the HYDRA MES from MPDV GmbH are presented. The module is intended for quality management from feedstock supply through claims management at discrete and batch production.
Keywords: MES, product quality control, statistical quality control, Shewhart charts, defect analysis, LIMS.

Vysochin S.V., Smirnov Yu.N.  Philosophy and principles of MES application with a case study of Zenith SPPS

The capabilities of modern enterprise management systems can be significantly extended by incorporating a specialized production module. Such modules called MES-type systems are often addressed with conflicting requirements. For example, the complexity and the need to input large datasets are to agree with user-friendly interface and the opportunity of quick implementation. The paper discusses some features of Zenith SPPS MES which allow to surmount this challenge.
Keywords: MES, operational planning, supervisory control, MES.

Shonin A.G., Zanin I.V.  Information systems for production: the devil is in the details

The convenience of development, deployment, support, and use of information systems for production is discussed. Implementation details are discussed in a case study of Infocont software suite.
Keywords: information systems for production, SCADA, Historian, MES.

Reshetnikov I.S.  Automation of a regional resource allocation company

An automation system structure for a geographically distributed resource allocation company is offered; the modular approach to its implementation is discussed. The paper notes that such system does not compete against ERP - rather both systems cooperate and supplement each other, each aiming at its own targets.
Keywords: operation support systems, modular systems, production process automation.

Komonyuk O.V.  Automation of supply management for maintenance

Maintenance supply management at major plants is a rather sophisticated task. It is often associated with significant unnecessary expenses caused by nonoptimal purchase and uncontrolled inventory. Against this background, informatization and automation of purchasing is a topical and necessary issue for an enterprise. The paper discusses key functionalities of a computerized maintenance supply system. An example of a project of such system implementation at Smolensk A-plant is adduced.
Keywords: maintenance supply system, maintenance, A-plant, reference books, unified information space.

Kats B.A.  When to start EAM operation

The paper shows the capabilities and advantages of applying EAM-type systems at early phases of plant`s lifecycle.
Keywords: EAM, plant`s lifecycle, design solution.

Dudnikov E.E.  A methodology of automated maintenance scheduling at an enterprise

The paper discusses maintenance scheduling at an enterprise subject to various constraints such as personnel availability and the overall planned maintenance schedule. An automated scheduling algorithm is offered.
Keywords: industrial equipment maintenance, maintenance scheduling, automation of scheduling process.

Milov V.R., Shalashov I.V., Kryukov O.V.  Prediction and decision-making procedures in a maintenance support system

The paper offers a concept of a technical plant control with prediction which enables efficiency improvement of automated maintenance systems. Efficiency criterion for object`s state prediction is obtained. A procedure of decision-making on technical diagnosis execution and maintenance preparation is proposed.
Keywords: automated decision-making systems, maintenance, maintenance factor, failure prediction.

Safianov A.S., Tereschenko A.G., Tereschenko V.A., Schelkanov S.V., Yunak A.L.  LIMS role as MES component in the unified information space of an enterprise

The problems and differences of enterprise`s information space automation with MES and ERP level systems as well as LIMS are discussed. The ways of organizing optimal interaction of these systems is shown with the example of implementation and adaptation of Chemist-Analyst LIMS successfully operated at more than 250 chemical laboratories all over Russia.
Keywords: LIMS, MES, ERP, standard design solutions, corporate information systems.

Bogdan S.A., Kudinov A.V., Markov N.G.  Implementation experience of Magistral`-Vostok MES in an oil and gas production company

The paper discusses the development experience of Magistral`-Vostok MES for process industries and its implementation in Vostokgasprom JSC oil and gas production company. Key development and implementation challenges are pointed out, and the ways to overcome them in Vostokgasprom case are considered.
Keywords: MES, oil and gas production industry, integration, geographic distribution, geoinformation control system.

Skasyrsky P.V. Development and implementation of MES solution based on SIMATIC IT

Step-by-step development of a MES level system for Sayanchemplast JSC by Sinetic CJSC specialists on the basis of Siemens SIMATIC IT platform is discussed. Data acquisition phase and overall system functionality are described in detail. Project features, challenges, and user advantages are outlined.
Keywords: MES, heterogeneous information, integration, supervisory control, quality management, resource management, information immediacy and validity.

Gusev S.N., Postnikov V.A. Integrated control system for oil refining and chemical complex

The process of creating a unified integrated management system for oil refining and chemical complex under construction in Nizhnekamsk, (Tatarstan, Russia) is described. Plant features, and challenges faced at a facility under construction are discussed. Key phases of the draft design process are discussed.
Keywords: integrated management system, unified information space, general contractor, strategy, draft design, modeling, standards.

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