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#1 2012


Aristova N.I.  The Journal Automation in Industry - 2011 summary

Itskovich E.L.  Typical flaws in process control system implementation and operation

The paper discusses the prevalent drawbacks of process controls implementation and operation in Russian processing industries caused various reasons, mainly ensuing from management`s and operating staff's attitude to process automation systems. These drawbacks reduce significantly potential benefits from the implemented process control systems.

Keywords: process control design, process control spec quality, process control project drawbacks.

Discussing a Subject…

New domestic process control products


Discussing a Subject…

Anzimirov L.V.  TRACE MODE SCADA: 20 years of innovative development

The paper overviews the development history of domestic TRACE MODE SCADA. Innovative toolkits and functional blocks, which were added to the system during the course of its development, are listed.

Keywords: SCADA system, integrated design, unified programming line, drivers, teleautomatics systems, structured process database, real-time monitor.

Ablin I.E.  InSAT - the full software range for automation and scheduling

InSAT continues the development of the whole range of its automation and scheduling. The growth covers both the well-known products such as MasterSCADA and the new OPC tools and servers as well as the forthcoming full-scale controller programming system meeting IEC 61131-3 requirements.

Keywords: scheduling, recording, SCADA, OPC toolkits, controller programming system, automated design.

Shopin A.G., Zanin I.V.  The evolution of SCADA and industrial information systems

The evolution of domestic SCADA and industrial information systems is overviewed. A typical set of information systems needed by a modern industrial plant is discussed. The paper shows the expediency of using 2 types of systems: SCADA for control, and a MES-level information system for data delivery to a wide circle of users. Infocom from GK SMS Automation is an example of such plant-wide information system.

Keywords: SCADA, plant-wide information system, automation islets, control, data provision, integration.

Valiev E.A., Kirienko O.V.  SCADA Studio - a CAD system for a digital substation

The paper informs about the startup the works on the development of the Russian version of a digital substation. It briefly describes SCADA Studio - a digital substation CAD system developed by Energy Automation LLC.

Keywords: digital substation, CAD system, power objects.

Alexeev A.A., Varshavsky Z.M.  Application of EMICON industrial controllers based on DCS-2000 series modules in process control system design

EMICON controllers based on DCS-2000 series modules are presented. The paper examines 2 variants of DCS-2000 modules embodiment. Performance attributes of CPU-31 modules for rack mount are presented.

Keywords: controller, DIN rail, rack mount, redundancy, explosion protection, smart barriers, I/O device.

Buchner F.V., Syicheva E.E.  Sh932.7/02 Multi-channel measuring controller

Architectural features and functionality of Sh932.7/02 multi-channel measuring controller from Sensorika Scientific and Production Company are presented.

Keywords: multichannel measuring controller, virtual channels, cross board.

Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V., Tuchinsky V.R.  Process control system design with BAZIS 100 controllers

The paper presents BAZIS 100 modular controller for ESD, recording, and process control from Ecoresours Closed JSC (Voronezh, Russia), a novelty of Russian industrial automation market. The examples of process control system design based on this controller are adduced.

Keywords: controllers, PLC, hard-/software system, process control, ESD system, explosion protection, spark-proof design, distributed design.

Krasheninnikov V.S., Talanov D.V., Makarov V.N.  Application of domestic KR-500 controllers at industrial plants

The paper presents KR-500 multiprocessor controller from CONTRAST Series developed by Volmag Closed JSC (Cheboksary, Russia). The sites where process controls were modernized by Ivelectronaladka JSC using KR-500 controllers are listed.

Keywords: microprocessor, controller, process control system, modernization.

Stolyarov Yu.S.  KM2 hard-/software system - a breakthrough in automatics and scheduling system design

The paper presents basic innovative solutions and capabilities of KM2 hard-/software system developed by MZTA Public JSC based on the known KONTAR toolkit.

Keywords: client/server technology, Internet scheduling, virtual controller, development tools.

DENONT hard-/software system: novel solutions for industry

New products manufactured by DEP in 2011 are presented. These include T Series Decont devices and DECONT hard-/software system's components for power industry.

Keywords: explosion protection, SmartGrid, distributed architecture, electric parameter measurement, easy mounting, hot sparing.

Proshin A.I.  KRUG-2000 hard-/software system: quality traditions and modern features

The development history of KRUG-2000 hard-/software system is overviewed, the system's new features, capabilities and advantages are described. Key application areas of KRUG-2000 are process control systems for boiler and turbine units, plant equipment, gas-regulating stations, heat networks, technical and commercial energy metering systems, control houses, remote control systems, etc.

Keywords: hard-/software system, SCADA system, process control system, client/server architecture, openness, redundancy, distributed control system.

Lebedev V.O.  UMICON hard-/software system: the new outlook

Basic features of UMICON hard-/software complex based on system-oriented approach are presented. Its new hard- and software modules are listed.

Keywords: hard-/software system, system-oriented approach, modularity, platform independence, reliability.

Myakishev D.V.  Domestic automation environments: pro et contra

Objective and human factors affecting the competition of domestic and foreign vendors in the domestic market of advanced industrial automation solutions are discussed.

Keywords: component base, industrial automation, electronic module, controllers, system integration, specification, assembly article.

New ELEMER smart pressure sensors

Functionality and performance attributes of new ELEMER-100 and SAPPHIRE 22EM smart pressure sensors are examined.

Keywords: pressure gages, sensor, electronic module, HART protocol.

Kutyashova A.Yu.  SchM120 Multi-functional electrical-type instrument for data acquisition systems

Functionality and performance attributes of SchM120 digital multi-functional electrical instruments are presented. The architecture of data acquisition system based on such instruments is described.

Keywords: digital multi-functional electrical instruments, measurement range, data acquisition system, teleautomatics systems.

Nedel'ko A.Yu.  Controllers of digital temperature sensors

Small-size controllers for digital temperature sensors based on state-of-the-art temperature measurement techniques are the new product from Etalon Scientific and Production Enterprise. The paper describes their performance attributes and operation principle.

Keywords: controllers of digital temperature sensors, small-size environmental parameter sensor, real time, digital signal.

Teplopribor: on the verge of possible

The novelties of instrumentation developed by Teplopribor group of companies are presented.

Keywords: smart sensors, vibratory level relay, sensor.

Gridnev N.N. Thyristor push-pull control module

The devices for smooth induction motor start are in demand in Russian power electronics market. Their price and functional variety allows the user to choose between foreign and Russian vendors. Multifunctionality and reliability are the main selection criteria. The paper presents a thyristor push-pull control module developed by Electrum AV Closed JSC (Orel, Russia).

Keywords: smooth start device, induction motor, push-pull control module, indicator, microprocessor control system.


Round Table: the role of domestic vendors in the Russian process control market

This "virtual" round table discusses the Russian industrial automation market in the context of the increasing interest of the society and press in the development lines of Russian industry and the support of domestic vendors. Top managers of Russian industrial automation companies are addressed with questions about their competitive market position, their actions to increase sales volumes and product competitiveness, their expectations for the future and what kind of help do they expect from the government.

Shvetsov D.P.  Intelligent data storage systems in process control

Modern technologies of data storage in process control systems are examined. Basic functional features of process history servers, hardware platforms, compression, and hot sparing technologies are included. Design concepts of multi-level and distributed data acquisition and archiving systems are described.

Keywords: data archiving, process history server, database, SCADA system, data compression, redundancy, real time.

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