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Образование слишком важно, чтобы быть отданным исключительно педагогам.
Industrial automation companies
Automated Systems Laboratory (AC) - always up!
In 2012, Automated Systems Laboratory celebrates its 15
th anniversary The company was established and got its independence in April 1997 after seceding from ASNI Engineering Center. The times were not simple both for the country and for industrial automation. The Default of 1998 was not far off with the subsequent expansion of foreign vendors to Russian market and customers' disregard of domestic products. All these challenges had to be surmounted by a young and ambitious team of Russian scientists. Dr. M.I. Pertsovsky, Director of Automated Systems Laboratory (AC) "www.actech.ru" overviews both the company's evolution from its early stages and its outlook.
Keywords: industrial automation, measuring systems, automation of scientific research and comprehensive tests.
Discussing a Subject…
Smart Grid technology in Russia and abroad
Sparling J. The advantages of power consumption management
The paper shows how state-of-the-art smart technologies enable power consumption optimization: dynamic pricing, peak demand shift, specialized equipment for residential buildings, etc. The participation of governmental organizations and the development of appropriate open standards further promote Smart Grid initiatives.
Keywords: dynamic pricing, peak demand, relay, thermostats, smart meters, renewable energy sources, power consumption management.
Kupriyanovsky V.P., Bogdanov A.G., Volkov S.A., Sinyagov S.A. Power industry, Smart Grid, smart industrial solutions for power
The paper examines practical opportunities of Smart Grid concept implementation at Russian industrial enterprises. It adduces success stories of Smart Grid elements implementation in the countries with power industry structure similar to Russian. The implementation of these opportunities may presumably enable the planned Smart Grid implementation in Russian power grid in reasonable time and at minimum cost. The availability in Russia of approaches and toolkits successfully applied in western Smart Grid projects may be a key to the success of the process and to the decrease of risks.
Keywords: Smart Grid, power grids, loss of energy, standards, geoinformation systems, substation.
Moore A., Tyunyatkin A.V. A smart power grid
The paper shows that the availability of a control strategy for large amounts of real-time data is a prerequisite of the efficiency of electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. Data integration became a key factor on the path to smart power grid. The paper discusses the requirements to the power grid's infomedia and the key features of real-time data infrastructure. Case studies from power companies' experience are described, which demonstrate the challenges posed to the companies and the ways to overcome them.
Keywords: Smart Grid, real time, renewable energy, substation, distribution, data infrastructure, meter, city with smart grid, micro-grid.
Ledin S.S. The "Electric energy as commodity" concept as a driver of Smart Grid development
The paper presents the Russian project of smart meters deployment launched in 2011 in the city of Perm (Russia) and informs about other projects of accounting systems development for retail market. The requirements to accounting instruments and systems within these projects seldom intersect that means the lack of unified approach in the field of smart metering. The paper shows that the attitude to electric power as commodity may promote innovations to power industry.
Keywords: electric power, commodity, Smart Grid, Smart metering, smart meters, electric power accounting system.
Skvortsov D.A. Schneider Electric for Russian smart grids
The paper shows the importance of Smart Grid technology for world energy and discusses the specificity of Russian power industry. The activities of Schneider Electric aimed at smart grids development is presented.
Keywords: Smart Grid, smart power grids, renewable energy, project payback calculation, power companies's structure systematization, redundancy.
Piani G.A. "smart" grid: still a myth, it's time to become the reality!
The key aspects of Smart Grid operation and their possible application in Russia are examined. The technology of "smart" grids based on KIPP-2M smart meter from Communication and Telemechanics Systems is described.
Keywords: Smart Grid, smart meter, demand management, load management, energy efficiency, distribution networks.
Smart Grid & DEKONT, or a standard solution for intelligent distribution networks
The paper presents an integrated solution based on DEKONT hard-/software complex aimed at a "smart" control system for power grid modes and equipment.
Keywords: Smart Grid, smart power grids, scheduling, process control, relay protection and equipment, energy accounting.
Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V., Plekhov A.S. Automated controls for power supply systems of gas mains' facilities based on Smart Grid concepts
Actual problems of design and modernization of modern automated controls systems for power supply of gasmains are discussed. Design solutions for innovative independent supply systems based on smart grids and combined power suppliers are presented. The features of their implementation for along-gasmain consumers are included.
Keywords: independent supply sources, smart grids, automated control systems for generating complexes, wind-driven power plants, gasmains.
Orlov L.L. Innovative development: from automation systems to digital substations
The paper briefly presents the integrated approach of RTSoft to the development of automation systems and solutions for a digital substation.
Keywords: digital substation, automation systems, smart devices, active-adaptive networks, supervisory control, cluster architecture.
Gorelik T.G., Kirienko O.V. Digital substation
Application of digital relay protection devices, emergency automation, base-level process controllers, commercial power accounting and quality control systems is an important development line in domestic and world power engineering. The appearance of new international standards along with the development of state-of-the-art information technologies opens up the opportunities for innovative approaches to automation through enabling the development of a new type of substation - a digital one.
Keywords: digital substation, computer-aided design system, power objects, standard, digital devices.
Maslov A.M., Mayer S. ABB's experience in the implementation of a digital substation concept
The appearance of IEC 61850 standard commemorated the и breakthrough in substation automation. The implementation of IEC 61850-9-2, which describes data sample transmission via Ethernet - the so-called process bus, is just an example. By integrating this integrated into substation automation systems, ABB has combined its more than ten-year experience of making "nonconventional" voltage and current measuring transformers with novel communication technologies. Now, the opportunity of switching primary high-voltage equipment to ABB's relay protection devices exists that enables higher reliability and availability along with secondary circuit optimization at the substation. ABB has been now reconstructing the substation, which it has commissioned in 1999; thus the world-first commercial project based on IEC 61850-9-2LE is being implemented.
Keywords: IEC 61850, process bus, nonconventional measuring transducer, digital substation.
Pezalla W. Smart grid technologies enable advanced substation monitoring
New smart grid technologies enable substation automation without significant efforts and investments. The paper shows that a local HMI installed at a substation can implement the functions of alarm signaling and data acquisition, as well as provide useful information to process operators, engineers and other end users.
Keywords: local human-machine interface, SCADA system, substation, relay protection and automation systems, alarm signaling, data acquisition and storage, contextualization, power companies.
Software for developing smart power networks in a building
Power grid's challenges related with renewable energy sources utilization are formulated. With a case study of power nets organization in buildings, the concept of energy consumption following its generation is discussed. Siemens powerrate and b.data software suites intended for decreasing power network load are presented.
Keywords: "smart" power networks, renewable energy sources, load balancing.
Smart energy
Technological solutions implemented by HARTING in the field of Smart Grid development are presented. These include Ethernet switches, SEoP (Switched Ethernet over Power) technology, and mCon switches. The components of smart power mains are tested with the help of SmartFactory, the smart application factory.
Keywords: smart power mains, switch, Smart Grid, power nets, integartion.
Cisco and Smart Grid
New Cisco's products for smart grids development are presented. A case study of Cisco technologies application in power net infrastructure development at the USA West is included.
Keywords: Smart Grid, power grid infrastructure, power grid control and protection, safety, communications, transmission networks and substations, router, synchrophasor.
Morzhin Yu.N., Rabinovich M.A., Yadykin I.B., Bakhtadze N.N. A multi-agent control system for large power grids: a conceptual approach
The paper presents the design concept of a smart multi-agent system intended for preventing the instability in the control system of Russian power grid with active-adaptive network. New algorithms for evaluating power grid's stability margin based on gramian technique are included.
Keywords: smart multi-agent system, instability, electric power system, gramian technique, agent.
Morzhin Yu.N., Yadykin I.B., Bakhtadze N.N. A multi-agent smart immune system for a power grid with an active-adaptive network
The development of a smart control system for Russian power grid with active-adaptive network based on intelligent prediction methods is discussed. The concept of an integrated smartly-immune power grid with active-adaptive network based on multi-agent approach is offered for preventing the grid's instability and recognizing external and internal threats.
Keywords: smart electric power system, active-adaptive network, dynamic prediction, static instability, adaptive control, immune system.
Journal's Club
Yakovis L.M. In memory of the teacher
The paper commemorates Anatoly A. Pervozvansky (1932-99), the renowned scientist in the field of automatic control. It overviews the content of his several monographs and shows their value both for science and applications.
Keywords: automatic control theory, science, practice, optimization.
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