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#1 2014


Aristova N.I.  Journals and/or Internet?

Itskovich E.L., Grebenyuk E.A.  Design features of mass balance reconciliation systems for process industries

The methodology of mass balancing system design for process industries is considered; system design and operation features critical for users are discussed.
Keywords: mass balance reconciliation, above-level loss detection, production accounting reliability.

Lopukhov I.V.  Security provision of process control systems

Present-day industrial control systems are gradually migrating to Ethernet and thus becoming vulnerable to malicious software aimed at various control system types. The paper overviews the principles of industrial network protection against the existing and potential threats according to ANSI / ISA-99 standards.
Keywords: cyberattacks, viruses, firewall, virtual networks, security, threat sources, network segmentation.

Discussing a Topic…
New in Industrial Automation

Andreev V.S., Bogomolov A.A.  Integration of heterogeneous process control devices

The paper discusses the possibility of connecting the equipment with heterogeneous data transfer protocols at the process control level using smart ShI-01 Series gateways from Cascade Group Scientific and Production Company (Cheboksary, Russia).
Keywords: smart gateway, instrumentation, data transfer protocol, integration.

Ukhov V.I., Kovtsova I.O.  Software design and implementation for SysteLLogic UIP.12 digital meter

Digital substation architecture is discussed; the structure of MeterSoft software, which is a key component of SysteLLogic UIP.12 electricity meter, is described. Test pattern of SysteLLogic UIP.12 prototype is included.
Keywords: digital substation, protocol, IEC 61850, IED, electricity meter, data quality, software.

Verbitsky V.Yu., Polosin A.N.  Processor-less controllers in automatic control systems

The features and functionalities of AIS(T) innovative IC chip enabling the development of high-speed passive digital systems of low power consumption coupled with high reliability and immunity to environmental exposure.
Keywords: processor-less controllers, IC chip, reliability, power consumption, addressless associative memory

Zuckerman Yu.D., Zuckerman A.Yu.  Flowmetering systems for gas and liquids with calorimetric sensors

The paper presents a solution developed and tested by InSAT Scientific and Production Company for liquid and gas flow metering based on thermal calorimetry sensors.
Keywords: thermal calorimetry measuring technique, sensor, flowmeter, linearization, PLC.

Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V.  Novelties in BASIS-35 controller family

The paper provides comprehensive information about BASIS 35 intrinsically safe industrial controllers for ESD and alarming systems and presents the recent novelties. Controller functionality and performance data are included.
Keywords: industrial controllers, emergency shutdown automatics, alarming, intrinsic safety.

Yeltsov A.A.  OWEN PLC323 communication controller: an integrated approach for telemetry

The paper presents the new PLC323 communication controller for scheduling applications such as process equipment inquiry via various protocols. Its featured properties are an embedded GSM/GPS module for remote wireless communication and a Web server. The embedded OS Linux supports telecommunication protocols and the embedding into vertical integrated SCADA systems and information-measuring systems.
Keywords: communication controller, scheduling, remote wireless network, information-measuring systems.

Titov S.P., Vechkanova O.A.  "Direct" integration of process control and MES

An approach to process control and MES integration offered by Mitsubishi Electric on the basis of hardware MES communication module is discussed. The solution is a part of e-F@ctory concept.
Keywords: MES, process controls, PLC, integration, communication module, interface gateway, reliability, safety.

Bespalov A.A.  SmartWire-DT communication system

Key features and advantages of SmartWire-DT innovative communication system are presented. Project case studies from Russian enterprises are included.
Keywords: communication systems, assemblage, human factor, cabling.

Contactor: today and tomorrow

Today, when everything that might have been invented seems to be already invented, the improvement of the recognized technologies comes to take the place of new discoveries. The paper presents the contactors with unique electromagnetic system developed by ABB in 2013.
Keywords: contactors, electric circuits, electronic control coil.

New products from Allen-Bradley

The features and state-of-the-art functionalities implemented by Allen-Bradley in electrical soft start devices, I/O modules, RFID systems and AC drives are presented.
Keywords: electrical soft start devices, I/O modules, radio-frequency identification, AC drives.

Levelflex FMP5x next-generation high-frequency radar level sensors

Performance data and design features of FMP5x high-frequency radar level sensors are presented. Innovative solutions underlying these next-generation instruments are discussed.
Keywords: memory management technology, phase interface measurement, echo effects, level sensors, reliability

Parsunkin B.N., Andreev S.M., Logunova O.S., Akhmetov T.U.  Estimation of heated metal's thermal condition prior to fall in energy-saving control mode

Energy-efficient heating modes for continuously molded billets not cooled down after casting are determined for nonsteady operation of present day flatting-mills. The paper shows that the existing design of continuous furnaces and the conventional thermal load distribution concept aimed at maximum throughput do not enable energy-efficient heating. The investigation undertaken proves that the furnace temperature used for control and measured by thermocouples in protective carborundum cases does not reflect unambiguously the instantaneous condition of the heated metal during the transients. Therefore, it makes sense to use the heated metal surface temperature in energy-efficient heating modes. A procedure for estimating thermal condition of each billet prior to the fall from the furnace is offered and tested in real-life conditions to exclude the fall of underheated billets.
Keywords: flat manufacture, rational control criterion, heating mode, billet surface temperature, laboratory temperature, billet's thermal condition prediction.

Glebov R.S.  Real-time simulation of a control system

A control system is synthesized with the control program implemented in the industrial controller and a Matlab Simulink model replacing the plant. The PLC and the simulation model are integrated via OPC protocol supporting the real-time simulation.
Keywords: simulation, real time, OPC server, PLC, control system synthesis.

Kondrashov S.N., Mustafin A.I., Burakova A.E.  Naphtha distillation control based on pressure-compensated temperature

The paper offers an automatic control technique for naphtha distillation at atmospheric crude units based on a mathematical relationship between column's overhead temperature, pressure, and naphtha quality. The column's reflux flow is manipulated dependent on overhead pressure-compensated temperature. The pressure compensation allows for the pressure of the distillate with the specified endpoint adjusted to overhead vapor flow and column's internal reflux estimated at the external reflux entry point. The technique allows to improve naphtha quality control.
Keywords: automatic control, distillation process, naphtha.

Journal's Club

Antonov I.A.  License acquisition is just the beginning…

The paper discusses the migration and application experience of GKS Scientific and Production Enterprise with Eplan CAD system.
Keywords: CAD, engineering, design, teaching, licenses, technical support.

On cloud solutions, real-time systems, and Facebook

The current state of domestic and international industrial automation market is overviewd by Dmitry Krasyukov, Deputy CEO of SAP CIS in his interview given to Automation in Industry.
Keywords: cloud solutions, ERP systems, planning, data transparency, industrial systems.

News Items

Nikulina I.V.  Practical aspects of simulation

Industry - and economy-aimed papers presented at the IMMOD-2013 6th Russian Conference on Simulation Theory and Applications held in October 2013 in Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia) are overviewed.
Keywords: simulation, economy, simulation expertise, logistics, transportation, computer networks, discrete manufacturing, agriculture.

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