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Advanced data visualization and data processing technologies and their industrial applications
Barladyan B.Kh., Deryabin N.B., Voloboy A.G., Galaktionov V.A., Shapiro L.Z., Valiev I.V., Solodelov Yu.A. Visualization systems for civil aircraft pilot’s screen
The challenges faced during the development of a certified visualization system of pilot monitor are discussed. The system complies with the domestic JetOS real-time operating system for civil aircraft. The system supports multi-window imaging of several aircraft applications with admissible speed on the advanced airborne computing platform. A number of algorithmic solutions ensuring the required visualization speed are listed, future research is outlined.
Keywords: pilot cabin screen, airborne visualization system, real-time operating system, avionics, visualization speed.
Biryukov E.D., Barladyan B.Kh., Shapiro L.Z., Voloboy A.G. Calibration and correction of geometric distortions of rearview camera
The paper discusses interactive algorithms for converting the images from fish-eye rearview camera into the ones applicable for helping the driver during backward movement. To variant of such algorithm are offered, which use independent transformations along vertical and horizontal axes as against the methods based on axial (rotational) symmetry of the camera. Additional algorithms for testing rearview camera are included. One of them controls geometric transformations, the other one checks image contrast under insufficient lighting conditions.
Keywords: rearview camera, visualization, navigation, geometric transformations, lighting monitoring
Konstantinovskaya T.B., Borisov V.E. Visualization of tip vortices under supersonic flows over tandem wings
The paper presents the results of the analysis of supersonic flows over tandem wings by means of scientific visualization techniques. Two tandem configurations were examined, which differed by the vertical arrangement of the lift generating wing with respect to the symmetry plane of the main wing. The study of tandem wing configurations plays a key role in the design of horizontal tail of high-speed aircraft.
Keywords: visualization of tip vortices, supersonic tip vortex, vortex identification, tandem wing.
Yermolaeva A.D., Yeliseev M.E., Tomchinskaya T.N. VR simulator for drivers training in urban environment with extreme driving conditions
The paper presents the hardware, software, and methodological knowledge base of a VR simulator for driver training in a big city with complex terrain and rough weather conditions with the example of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. For developing For developing automatic reactions in harsh environments, the simulator features the following functionality: driving in difficult road sections, checking the knowledge of traffic rules, demonstration of road accidents in case of rules violation, and demonstration of correct actions.
Keywords: virtual reality, driving simulator, information model, 3D modeling, city environment, complex terrain, weather conditions, training simulator.
Madaliev A., Ivanov V.M. Positioning of a mixed-reality surgical system
A positioning procedure for a mixed-reality surgical system is offered. The process of system operation is described from preoperative through postoperative scanning. Potential positioning error sources are identified, design and software-based approaches for their mitigation, such as the unity of markers location, and the implementation of markers, are described. The algorithm for cumulative positioning error estimation is outlined.
Keywords: positioning, positioning errors, augmented reality, mixed reality, marker, surgery.
Gromov Yu.Yu., Ishchuk I.N., Rodionov V.V. Application of artificial intelligence technologies in the tasks of data processing from remote terrene monitoring
The paper presents a method for classifying nonsimultaneous multispectral terrene images using U-net convolutional neural network. The images of visible and infrared ranges were obtained with the help of unmanned aircraft’s multispectral optoelectronic system and used for developing location orthophotoplans. Based on the data obtained, the neural network was learned for detecting technogeneous objects. The method for intelligent recognition of remote monitoring objects based on deep learning and the estimates of thermalphysical properties makes it possible to develop target environment with the help of a genetic algorithm. The algorithm resolves a coefficients inverse heat conduction problem and provides the estimates for the thermalphysical properties of materials.
Keywords: deep learning, classification, segmentation, remote monitoring, neural network, genetic algorithm, target environment, optoelectronic systems, thermalphysical properties.
Nenashev V.A., Nenashev S.A. Classification and recognition of ground objects in the radar frame stream on the basis of neural network approach
A procedure for classification and detection of ground objects in the radar frame stream is developed on the basis of the neural network approach, application recommendations are made. At the first stage of video frame processing, it is proposed to allocate quickly each object in a class and separate the static background in the video stream of radar frames. On the second stage, machine vision tools based on multilayer neural networks are applied for recognizing the objects in the selected class.
Keywords: radar image video stream, frame segmentation, neural networks, ground object detection, classification, recognition, machine vision.
Yakimenko Yu.I., Yakimenko I.V. Optical-information detection of artefacts by a robotized system in the infrared range against the complex background
A method is proposed for the optical-information detection of unmanned aircraft in the infrared range with the help of a passive optoelectronic system, which operates against the complex background resulting from the atmospheric radiation in the far infrared range (8…13 µm). The complex background formed by cumulus clouds of various intensity as well as other types of clouds with breaks is of particular interest. The research aims at the monitoring of the changes of space-time structure and the frequency parameters of the time structure of the radiating background.
Keywords: infrared range, field of vision, passive optoelectronic system, robotized system, atmospheric background, target image, artefact, unmanned aircraft.
Grebenyuk E.A., Rotkov S.I. Data processing in mobile laser scanning of city roads
Mobile laser scanning is the most complex type of engineering surveys for developing information models of roads and highways with adjacent infrastructure. The paper overviews domestic research in the field of laser scanning for road survey including scan processing. It informs about the implementation of a traffic organization project in a Russian regional city.
Keywords: mobile laser scanning, information models, highways, scan processing.
Kudryashov A.P. Improving the accuracy of visual navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles
The paper shows that the methods based on visual odometry may insure better navigation precision in local manoeuvring conditions at short distances from the objects. However, for long displacements of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), such methods accumulate trajectory calculation errors. An improved navigation method is proposed, which ensures significant improvement of AUV motion accuracy in the coordinate space of the object under inspection owing to the generation and application of a virtual gridding network for a subsurface object.
Keywords: autonomous underwater vehicle, subsea production systems, stereo images, navigation, gridding, virtual network.
Karabchevsky V.V., Kazakova A.S. Geometric modeling of crystal formation and growth processes
The paper examines vector and voxel modeling techniques and argues the advantages of the combined vector-and-voxel method for geometric modeling of the crystallization of pure metals and alloys on the basis of geometric features of crystal formation and allowing for the changes of the nucleus shape during its growth. Based on the algorithm proposed, a software suite was developed, which makes it possible to adjust crystal nucleation rate, nucleus size and faceting, specify the ratio of growth rates of various crystallographic facets, allow for the temperature effect on the growth rate of crystalline regions.
Keywords: crystallization, structure formation, geometric modeling, voxel.
Budak V.P., Zheleznov I.I. Visualization of self-consistent model of mercury-argon plasma in coaxial SHF discharge
The paper discusses the importance of developing hard-/software systems for data visualization and algorithm improvement in the research and modeling of low-temperature plasma and associated physical processes. Visualization results of a self-consistent model of mercury-argon plasma in coaxial SHF discharge are presented. Local sections of the computing domain were used, that made it possible to reveal the internal structure and the peculiarities of the distribution of the electric field and electron concentration in the discharge tube. The modeling data obtained underlay the development of the experimental prototype of cylindrical gas-discharge optical radiation source.
Keywords: data visualization, low-temperature plasma modeling, gas-discharge plasma, optical radiation sources.
Skripkina D.V., Levitin A.V. Comparative analysis of one-class and two-class support vector machines for detecting texture anomalies in skin images
A comparative analysis of one-class and two-class support vector machines for automating the detection of defects in skin images caused by its linear deformation is carried out. Anomalous textures were obtained as a result of linear computer deformation (tension and compression) of the original samples. Local binary patterns are used as texture features. The quality of work is assessed using the proportion of correct answers of the algorithm. The influence of the depth of deformation of anomalous samples on the performance quality of one-class and two-class methods in the absence of interference and in the presence of salt-and-pepper interference is analyzed.
Keywords: machine learning, one-class/two-class support vector machine, technical vision, skin texture.
Kasimov D.R., Koroleva M.R., Chernova A.A. Automatic identification and description of surfaces in 2D drawings
As part of the automation of technological process design, the problem of preparing initial information for creating a digital route map of a technological process in semi-automatic or automatic modes is solved. The software system used in the work allows us to identify and describe the main types of surfaces presented on a standard two-dimensional drawing of a part. The work describes the stages of drawing processing, as well as a flowchart of the recursive procedure, which is the core of identifying the main surfaces. The information obtained during the identification process allows you to move on to the next stage of the route technological process - the selection of types of part processing.
Keywords: technological process, automation of technological preparation of production, design documentation, identification and description of surfaces.
Durmanov N.V., Glinskaya N.Yu., Belonovskaya I.D. Modeling and calculation of a threaded pipe joint
The use of a finite element analysis apparatus allows one to model and calculate various stress states caused by the application of various loads, influences and forces. Models of assembly units are especially interesting. The modeling of pipe threads on drill string pipes under the influence of torque, compressive and tensile forces is considered.
Keywords: modeling, finite element method, finite element mesh, threaded pipe joint.
Panfilov D.N., Shtegman A.V. Evolving Energy Systems Using Digital Design and Modeling
The experience of JSC VTI in the field of designing new and modernizing existing energy systems is presented using the example of solutions for Tomsk State District Power Plant-2 and Omsk Thermal Power Plant-5. The projects reviewed used digital twins of the objects under study, as well as flow aerodynamics estimates and strength calculations using the Ansys package.
Keywords: energy systems, digital technologies, digital twins, flow aerodynamics assessments, strength assessments.
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