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#1 2020


Index of 2019 publications

Aristova N.I.  Applied science 18+

Journal’s Club

Aristova N.I., Itskovich E.L.  Suggestions on the assessment of papers and ranking of Russian industrial automation journals

The paper shows the important role of Russian industrial automation journals in the illustration and promotion of domestic applied research products in the field of automation. Key features of papers describing the results of applied scientific research in automation are discerned. Possible article assessment and journal ranking procedures are proposed.

Keywords: science and application journals, applied research products, industrial enterprise automation, bibliometric indicators, expert judgements.

Dozortsev V.M.  Notes on theoretical and applied sciences journals in automation

Bibliometric indicators of theoretical and applied automation journals are compared. Based on real-life data, the causes of significant discrepancies on formal assessments of these journal types are analyzed. The importance of their tighter cooperation is substantiated that should be based on right quantitative and qualitative assessments of applied journals.

Keywords: bibliometrics of scientific journals, theoretical and applied sciences journals, Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science, impact factor, Hirsch indices of journal and authors, self-citation rates, SCIENCE INDEX rating.

Discussing a Topic…

Ergatic systems in industrial automation

Zakharov N.A.  Place and role of operator in ergatic systems

The paper shows that reliable and safe operation of ergatic system and control plant basically depend upon the operator. Operator admittance to work should allow for his/her fitness shape; necessary psychological qualities should be developed in process of operator training. The possibility of applying medical diagnostics tools for operator state assessment in the operating ergatic system is discussed.

Keywords: ergatic system, operator, functional condition of operator, training simulator, man-machine interaction, artificial intelligence.

Revonchenkova I.F.  Controlling assembly robots with conversational interface

The relevance of conversational interface utilization in the control of assembly lime’s robot system is shown. Speech recognition algorithms used in robot systems are overviewed. An approach to Russian conversational interface development is discussed.

Keywords: conversational interface, robot system, assembly line, vocabularies.

Malafeev S.I., Malafeeva A.A.  Ergatic mechatronic system of an open-mine excavator: new technical solutions and human factor

Present-day approaches to the automation of open-mine excavators are analyzed with regard to ergonomic requirements. The increasing role of human factor in the automation of mining machines is shown. The paper argues about the specificity of human factor demonstrations in innovative conditions such as informatization, controls modernization, new instrumentation and telecommunications. It analyzes key operator functions, discusses the features of controls design in view of human factor manifestations. Examples of new engineering solutions ensuring improved effectiveness of excavator’s ergatic mechatronic system are cited.

Keywords: ergonomics, excavator, mechatronics, automation, electric drive, control, human factor.

Molchanov A.Yu.  Controlling mobile applications functionality in physical asset management systems

Mobile devices with special applications add more functionalities to enterprise’s physical assets management systems. Such mobile applications may operate either in direct connection with other information system’s components or in stand-alone mode. Application user rights should be managed for various functions and with reference to various assets reflected in the system. The paper reviews basic rules and features of mobile application functions administration in physical asset management systems.

Keywords: physical asset management, EAM, distributed computing, mobile applications.

Korablev I.G., Reshetnikov I.S.  Assessment of automation level of production systems

The paper offers a technique for MES level assessment in the context of MESA models and ISA-95 standard. An assessment procedure is proposed which is applicable basically to any processes or information systems class. Processes and automation systems are analyzed under the assumption that both people and automated/robot systems can perform the same operations.

Keywords: automation level assessment, production processes scheduling, context functionality.

Petrunin V.V., Bolshukhin M.A., Belokrylov P.Yu., Komissarov K.V., Poverennov E.Yu.  Integration of “Calculation-Based Structures Validation” business process in the unified information space of Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau

The paper presents the results of and IT project of integrating the “Calculation-Based Structures Validation” business process in the unified information space of the enterprise. Engineering documentation development time was reduced owing to the implementation of software link between PLM and SPDM systems. A solution optimizing the storage and utilization of calculation results in the information infrastructure of the Design Bureau is offered.

Keywords: digitalization, unified information space, calculation-based structure validation, SPDM system, PLM system

Lubnina L.A., Galimulina F.F., Bronskaya V.V., Aminova G.A.  On the development of petrochemical clusters. A case study of Tatarstan Republic

A definition of industrial economic cluster is offered; Italian, Japanese, Finnish, North American, Indian/Chinese, Soviet Union, and Russian industrial cluster models are examined. A new form of cluster policy for petrochemical plants named cluster intensification of ecological competitiveness is proposed. The model was implemented in Tatarstan Republic of Russia for improving the competitiveness of petrochemical plants.

Keywords: industrial cluster, cluster intensification of ecological competitiveness, petrochemical plants.

Andryushkevich S.K., Kovalev S.P., Nefyodov E.I.  Ontological model-based development of a digital twin for a power system

A digital twin of a power system is considered as a key tool for control automation in decentralized digital decarbonized power industry. The results of digital twin development for a representative pilot power user is discussed; the digital twin architecture is proposed. An application example includes the calculation of optimal power system configuration including energy storage and renewable energy-fueled power generators. Prototype digital twin for the pilot plant is developed on the basis of Nrjpack, Matlab, and Homer PRO toolkits.

Keywords: digital twin, power system, ontological modeling, active power user.

Ishchenko A.N.  DispSky SCADA system

The evolution of SCADA systems is traced. With DispSky example, the capabilities of cloud SCADA systems are discussed. The advantages of using cloud SCADA solutions are formulated.

Keywords: SCADA systems, cloud technologies, safety, control point.

Kalashnikov А.A.  New application of concentration effect in measurement technology. Part 1. The features of self-generating concentration elements

A series of articles is offered discussing the features of self-generating concentration elements and their outlook in wide range of measuring applications from precision level metering and flow recording to metrological self-checking of sensors and industrial measuring channels.

The first article from the series presents the results of multiple experiment sets aimed at the research of concentration elements properties. The experiments were carried out for developing a new level measurement method for conductive and non-conductive polar liquids in a single-phase and two-phase saturated state for nuclear and thermal power industries. Based on the results obtained, the capabilities of the concentration level measuring are compared against the ones of the known industrial capacitive and conductometric sensing techniques.

Keywords: electrochemical concentration element, concentration EMF, polar liquids measurement, level measuring.

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