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#10 2014


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Industrial applications of PI System


Sergheev A.K., Slughin P.P., Kogay A.A.  Implementation of a supervisory control and monitoring subsystem of an information-management system at Bovavenkovo oil and gas field

The paper describes the functionality and structural features of a supervisory control and monitoring system implemented at Gazprom's Bovavenkovo oil and gas field on the basis of PI System. it discusses application results and development outlook.

Keywords: supervisory control and monitoring system, database, real time, process control, integration.

Zamyatin M.V., Manturov V.Yu., Chistova E.I.  Production control and monitoring systems at Angarsk Petrochemical Company based on PI System

The paper overviews development, implementation and application features of a PI-System-based family of production control systems comprising process monitoring, supervision, material balance generation and diagnostics in Angarsk Petrochemical Company.

Keywords: process monitoring system, supervision system, LIMS, material balance generation system, PI System's software tools.

Kovbasa N.I., Fedorov V.N.  Application of PI System at Gaspromneft Omsk Refinery

The implementation of PI System at Omsk refinery is overviewed in historical perspective from as early as 1995. Key systems, their implementation features and functionalities are examined. Further development of PI-based automation systems is outlined.

Keywords: process monitoring, senior supervisor's workstation, oil product movement and handling monitoring, energy resources accounting.

Nasibullin F.G.  Supervisory production control systems in ANK Bashneft JSC

The structure of a supervisory production control system implemented on the basis of PI System at ANK Bashneft JSC (Russia) is outlined. Project's business objectives, key features and development outlook are discussed.

Keywords: computerized supervisory production control system, portal solution, reports, multi-component data model, monitoring.

Dronov A.V.  PI-System-based production recording in Sibur-Khimprom JSC

The paper describes a pilot project on the implementation of MES modules in Sibur-Khimprom JSC. These include supervisory control, laboratory management, energy resources accounting, production control and efficiency analysis.

Keywords: process control, MES, supervisory production control, energy resources accounting, material balance generation, efficiency.

Grinevich P.V., Syuch E.O.  Indusoft's portal solution for PI System data representation

Based on PI System operation experience Indusoft specialists have developed a portal solution as a universal tool for data representation to end users. The paper discusses the solution's architecture and capabilities.

Keywords: software, portal solution, Web service, "thin" and "thick" process schematics, reports.

Grebenyuk E.A.  Monitoring the changes of qualitative variables of continuous processes with control charts - Application features

The paper examines the methods of control chart design for analyzing the dynamics of qualitative variables of chemical processes. Computation algorithms and qualitative characteristics of control charts are presented; various approaches are compared.

Keywords: Shewhart control charts, EWMA charts, CUSUM charts.

Maslov I.P., Semykina I.Yu., Kiselev A.V.  Automatic control of a local mine ventilation fan

A concept of an automatic control system for a local mine ventilation fan drive is offered. The system should maintain the underground air quality according to standards based on weighting technique principle used in multicriteria control. The mathematical model is described, the results of numerical experiments in Matlab/Simulink environment are included.

Keywords: local ventilation fan, mining safety, multicriteria control, automatic control system.

Abakumov E.M., Kozhevnikov N.O., Kazanbekov S.B., Reshetnikov I.S.  Design concepts of a general-system directory for engineering plant's equipment

The paper discusses the development of a general-system equipment directory as a backbone for the integration of control systems of main and tooling production with the example of a Rosatom's site.

Keywords: equipment directory, referenced data, general-system directory, mechanical engineering, component parts and assemblies.

Journal's Club

To the 80th anniversary of V.G. Kharazov

Lobanov A.V., Kosilov A.A.  Fire-resistant cables for structured wiring systems

The Russia first SPECLAN fire-resistant cable series for structured wiring systems is developed. The attained fire resistance level enables the application of such cabling in fire alarm systems for a wide range of plants. The serial production of SPECLAN cables is launched at Spetskabel Scientific and Production Plant in Moscow.

Keywords: fire-resistant LAN cables, structured wiring systems, fire alarm.

Pinaev A.L.  A universal soldier

Capabilities and performance attributes of a new Smart Portal 500 Series of hard-/software solutions from Pro-face are overviewed. Possible application fields are identified.

Keywords: human-machine interface, embedded computer, control module, display.

Devyatkov V.V.  Investigation of transportation logistics of Tatarstan Republic's Agroindustrial Park

The paper describes the simulation research of Tatarstan Agroindustrial Park's transportation system with the objective to analyze the sufficiency and stability of its infrastructure during peak traffics. The bottlenecks of transportation processes are identified, debottlenecking recommendations are made and substantiated.

Keywords: agroindustrial park, transportation system, simulation.

Setin S.P.  Monitoring of interlock and alarm variable setpoints at hazardous process plants using process control systems

The paper shows the importance of revealing unjustified changes of process interlock and alarm threshold values in process control systems of domestic industrial sites. It offers an algorithm for checking and monitoring the compliance of process interlock and alarm thresholds to process manual requirements that significantly saves the time needed to reveal discrepancies.

Keywords: process, process manual, minimum and maximum values of process variables, process alarms and interlocks, data array.

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