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#10 2016


In Focus: Monitoring and diagnostics of actuators and control valves


Specialist’s opinion: When control valve does not meet the requirements

Possible unfavorable situations that may be faced after control valve installation are discussed. Expert recommendations are included.

Keywords: control device, actuator, positioner, wireless technologies, self-tuning, diagnostics, modularity.

Specialist’s opinion: Positioner – hopes and outlooks

Performance attribute of modern positioners are formulated. Key development trends are outlined.

Keywords: control device, actuator, positioner, wireless technologies, self-tuning, diagnostics, modularity.

Zilonov M.O., Shevchenko A.D.  Diagnostic systems based on next generation SMART control valves

General development trends of SMART control valves are formulated. Featured properties of SIPART PS 2 positioners manufactured by PNF LG automation LLC with Siemens support are presented. The variants of diagnostic functionality implementation in SMART valves are discussed with the case study of SIPART PS 2.

Keywords: SMART control valves, positioner, diagnosis, wireless communication, HART protocol.

Avtonomov Yu.N.  Fisher Control-Disk: a rotary valve with equal percentage characteristic

The features of process flow control with butterfly valves are discussed along with the influence of inherent characteristics of installed valve on the closed-loop control performance.

Keywords: process flow control, butterfly valves, control valve, control performance.

SMART valve design news from Emerson

Zheleznyakov S.G.  Electro-pneumatic positioners from ABB

Performance data and functionalities of EDP300, ABB’s new smart positioner are presented.

Keywords: smart positioner, actuators, pneumatic system, diagnosis tools.

Ozerov I.E.  Prostor-Avtomatica LLC: key development lines of domestic control valve design

Three development phases of domestic control valve design market in the recent 25 years are identified. The influence of Russian economic and political circumstances on the evolution of domestic control valve design are discussed with the case study of Prostor-Avtomatica’s products.

Keywords: control valve design, control valves, block valves, capacity, energy efficiency.

Masoneilan Svi Series electropneumatic digital positioners

Fault diagnostics of microprocessor-based control systems' equipment

Monitoring, inspection, and technical diagnosis

Chizhov K.A.  Condition monitoring of industrial equipment based on APROL process control system

The paper discusses APROL ConMon, an R&R’s solution based on a standard distributed control system. It is customized for condition monitoring of industrial mechanical equipment.

Keywords: distributed control systems, integrated automation, condition monitoring, vibration diagnostics systems, energy accounting systems.

Milakov V.A.  SIPLUS CMS vibration diagnostics platform addresses urgent condition monitoring problems

The paper overviews the existing approaches to machinery and mechanisms maintenance and diagnostics with the assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Basic condition monitoring procedures for the vibrations of nonrotational parts of rotating equipment are discussed. A solution based on Siemens products is offered for actual vibration diagnostics problems.

Keywords: vibration diagnostics, diagnostic troubleshooting, predictive equipment health monitoring systems, machinery maintenance services.

Yemelyanov V.A., Yemelyanov N.Yu.  Information system for monitoring and diagnostics of mobile mixers

An information model of a control system for mobile mixers operation is described. The model describes the functions and interaction principles of its key components as well as control criteria and features for various operation modes of mobile mixers. A generic structure of an information condition monitoring and diagnosis system for mobile mixers is offered. Comparative results of information system’s operation are presented which demonstrate its functional advantage measured by the increased number of diagnostic operations along with the reduced diagnostics time owing to the automation of monitoring and diagnostic operations.

Keywords: information model, control system, mobile mixer, information system, monitoring, diagnostics.

Kryukov O.V.  On-line monitoring of gas transportation plant monitoring

Modern interpretation of the problem of investigating key process units of long-distance gas transportation as diagnostics objects is discussed. Damageability statistics of the components of electrically driven gas-compressor units is presented, the analysis of operational factors of their reliability is undertaken. The paper shows that the effectiveness of condition monitoring of the isolation of actuating electric motors is attained by analyzing partial discharges in machine’s stator winding.

Keywords: dangerous industrial plants, reliability, monitoring system, electrically driven gas-compressor unit, stator isolation, partial discharges.

Techimp global diagnosis system for on-line monitoring under operating voltage ensuring all diagnostics in a single system

Bazhukov I.M., Zhernoklyuev D.A.  SCADA system as a technical diagnosis tool

Case studies of technical diagnosis and monitoring systems based on MasterSCADA are discussed. The solutions presented expand existing local equipment automation systems and enable complex equipment health assessment and timely responding to either faults or their precursors.

Keywords: SCADA system, monitoring, technical diagnosis.

Godunov N.A., Tantsorov D.L.  “Smart” systems for electric equipment prognostics

The paper presents ABB’s software toolkit for electric equipment prognostics and maintenance program development ensuring the specified reliability level.
Keywords: SCADA equipment health prognostics, electrical equipment, reliability, risk assessment, expert system, maitenance.

TIK-RVM enhanced vibration monitoring system

Lazarev D.M., Fatkullin A.R., Parfenov E.V., Shevchuk I.Yu., Yalchikaeva D.Z.  Automation of solid-state anodization of aluminum alloys with the diagnostics of surface coating and etching thickenss

A multi-layer process control system for solid-state anodization process is developed. Automated diagnostics algorithms for surface coating and etching thickenss are offered ensuring energy savings due to shorter treatment time by 3…17% and spoilage decrease from 20 to 5%.

Keywords: solid-state anodization, process control system, diagnostics, coating thickness, surface etching.

Shalyghin M.G., Safonov A.L.  A process automation system for tribological testing of reciprocal motion

A method for modernizing friction testing machines is proposed. An algorithm for automated research system operation in tribological tests is developed. A process automation system for tribological testing of reciprocal motion is described.

Keywords: friction, automation, test, wear, reciprocal motion, data acquisition system.

Dronov S.  AdvantiX ER industrial computers

Performance data and design features of AdvantiX ER series of domestic unattended shockproof embedded computers are presented. The family comprises AdvantiX ER-3000, ER-4000, ER-5000, ER-7000, and ER-8000 models.

Keywords: industrial computers, fanless design, small size, solid-state storage devices.

Varnavsky P.V.  Breadboarding a manipulator arm with bioelectrical control

A mockup of a manipulator arm with bioelectrical control is described. It resembles a human hand with fingers manipulated by operator’s electromyosignals. A virtual instrument was developed in LabVIEW environment making possible with the help of discrete wavelet transform to analyze operator’s electromyosignals, determine muscle activity moments and synthesize arm control signals based on analysis results.

Keywords: bioelectrical control, electromyosignal, hand mockup, data acquisition device, servo drive, wavelet transform.

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