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#10 2018


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Monitoring and diagnosis of piping accessories


Zilonov M.O., Shevchenko A.D., Shilov D.A.  To designer’s notebook: Valve positioners and their application experience

Key features of smart positioners are listed; the diagnostics of such devices is discussed with case studies of control valves selection and application.

Keywords: smart control valve, positioner, diagnosis, wireless technologies.

Zaretsky S.N.  To designer’s notebook: Application features of modern positioners

Avtonomov Yu.N.  Additive technologies in the production of piping accessories

The advantages of additive technologies in the production of piping accessories are shown. Case studies from Emerson’s practice are included.

Keywords: additive technologies, piping accessories, 3D printing, prototyping.

Likhopek I.E.  Positioners with Ethernet interfaces – A new step to Industry 4.0

Pushkarev A.V.  Count it right: Gas density in flow calculations

The author suggests that wrong gas density causes typical mistakes in control valve calculations. The idea is illustrated with a case study.

Keywords: gas density, throughput, piping accessories.

Veryovka V.O.  Remote monitoring and diagnosis of positioners, control loops, and instrumentation

Yokogawa presents its two software suites: PRM (Plant Resource Manager) for centralized control of large instrument data amounts and ISAE (InsighSuiteAE) for PID loop and valve monitoring and diagnosis. The paper shows that simultaneous use of both suites results in the costs reduction of operation costs asso0ciated with process disruptions and unplanned outages, allows to optimize and systematize field instrument readings for tighter asset control.

Keywords: control, diagnosis, instrumentation, actuators, valves, operation costs, assets status.

Korneev D.S., Medvedeva L.I.  Hydroprotection valve testing algorithm for centrifugal pumping units

The paper discusses centrifugal pumping units, their applications and featured properties, examines the testing of their hydroprotection valves. It offers a testing algorithm based on differential pressure measurement.

Keywords: centrifugal pumping units, hydroprotection, differential pressure measurement technique, valve testing algorithm.

Ozerov I.E.  Key import replacement areas in control and block valve market

Further development of Russian economy is tightly related with the availability of domestic resource base for fitting and instrument making. Currently, this industry is strongly based on imported components and experiences strong pressure of sanctions. The paper discusses possible ways of implementing an import replacement program in the segment of control and block valves.

Keywords: design offices, tender, import replacement, control and block valves.

Discussing a Topic…

Monitoring and diagnosis of technosphere

Moghilyuk Zh.G., Poduvaltsev V.V., Khlystunov M.S.  Monitoring and diagnosis of technosphereAutomated control and monitoring of dynamic safety parameters of technosphere objects

The paper discusses the safety of process control systems under excess dynamic loads of building structures caused by either process equipment or actuators. The problem is examined from the metrological viewpoint, i.e., how the uncertainty in dynamic load distribution data affects the safety level. The challenge can be surmounted by employing vibroacoustic models of load distribution in monitoring systems.

Keywords: automated control systems, processes, process-related dynamic loads, process building safety, safety monitoring, vibroacoustic model.

Discussing a Topic…

Monitoring and diagnosis of industrial equipment

Pronyakin V.I.  Automation of information retrieval for monitoring mechanical and electromechanical systems

The paper discusses the retrieval of information about the operation of mechanical and electromechanical systems from instrument readings. It outlines the drawbacks of conventional amplitude techniques of cyclic machinery condition monitoring and describes the capabilities of a phase approach in technical diagnosis.

Keywords: cyclic machines and mechanisms, automation, measuring data, equipment health monitoring, phase method, precision chronometry.

Kyuregyan N.S., Golentsov D.A., Flanden V.S.  Experimental investigation of pulses on a spark plug of gas-turbine engines with the help of an automated diagnostic system during rig test

The paper discusses the improvement of spark plug diagnosis system for gas-turbine engines. The diagnosis performed in automatic mode based on discharge pulses.

Keywords: pulses on spark plug, gas-turbine engines, automated diagnosis system for rig test.

Novikov E.N., Savos’kin V.V., Doan D., Schreiner K, Gandhi D., Hughes V.  Simultaneous vibration monitoring and predictive analytics for early detection of radial loads in bearings

The use of equipment health monitoring algorithms implemented in System 1 diagnostic software can be combined with Smart Signal predictive analytics platform aimed at decision-making support. This results in higher working efficiency of rotating equipment diagnosis engineers along with improved reliability of industrial assets.

Keywords: dynamic equipment health, vibration monitoring, predictive analytics, decision-making support.

Schulz T., Nekrasov I.V., Lezhnin D.V.  An overview of Indsutry 4.0 standard architecture and components

The paper overviews the standard Industry 4.0 architecture generalizing the existing classifications of industrial systems. Special attention is paid to Industry 4.0 components. Application case from a mechanical engineering plant is included.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, digital industrial plant architecture, formal description of production processes, discrete manufacturing.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation of scientific research and full-scale test

Bogdanov D.V., Kurenkov V.S., Solomatin P.K., Chushkin A.V.  Modernization of measuring and computing complex for solid-propellant rocket engine testing

The paper discusses the modernization of measuring and computing complex for solid-propellant rocket engine testing at Soyuz Science Production Association. It shows the importance of the modernization in view of the need in more effective and optimal testing strategy along with tighter requirements to test fires with regard to measurement accuracy and information content.

Keywords: measuring and computing complex, test firing, solid-propellant rocket engine, measurements, measuring channels, sensors, metrological provision.

Moyseenko S.V., Maksimova O.V.  Automation of scientific research of functional characteristics of nanostructured elements in modern indicator devices

The investigation of methods and tools for measuring key parameters of liquid crystal structures and thin-film electroluminescent emitters is described. Conceptual approaches to the development of automated measuring systems for photometric parameters of nanostructured lighting indicator elements are formulated.

Keywords: measuring and computing complex, test firing, solid-propellant rocket engine, measurements, measuring channels, sensors, metrological provision.

Zamyshlyaev A.N.  Application of fiber-optic sensors in experimental automated parametric testing systems for gas-turbine engines

The paper examines the opportunity of replacing conventional temperature, pressure, etc., transducers with fiber-optic sensors in bench and on-board measuring systems for gas-turbine engine testing.

Keywords: preparation, fiber-optic sensor, fiber Bragg grating, electromagnetic compatibility, gas-turbine engine.

Flanden V.S., Alikhodgina N.V.  Virtual simulator of rotor position sensor for pyrometer control and signal synchronization system start-up

Evaluating thermal condition of the most loaded parts of an aircraft engine during their refinement and operation requires the application of pyrometers. During the test, it is not always possible to make changes in object’s structure related with the specificity of measuring systems. Such situations may cause invalid data. To overcome the challenge, a virtual simulator of rotor position sensor was developed. It interacts with a multi-channel optical pyrometer which measures surface temperatures.

Keywords: multi-channel pyrometer, rotor position sensor, measuring system, simulator.

Kharchenko A.V.  Automation of metrological services work: challenges, methods, and conclusions

The paper discusses the automation of metrologist’s activities, the requirements to metrological software as well as the challenges and bottlenecks that may be handled with the help of plant’s automated metrological system.

Keywords: metrologist’s workstation, automation of metrological activities, metrological software, automation of instrument checking and calibration.

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