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#10 2019


Zakharov N.A.  Fog computing in industry

Industrial applications of fog computing are discussed. The transformation of plant's information system from traditional pyramid structure to the network one is shown. The industries with the most widespread fog computing are indicated. Examples of real-time service applications, configuration management, and protection tasks are included.

Keywords: fog computing, cloud computing, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, configuration management, configuration supervisor, distributed control system.

Karazeev S.V., Komissarov A.V., Kiselev S.K., Pivovarov O.O.  Investigation of the influence of the position of AK-15 quartz pendulum accelerometer in space on temperature sensor readings

The paper discusses the influence of the position of AK-15 quartz pendulum accelerometer in space on the readings of the temperature sensor, by which the subsequent algorithmic temperature compensation of the accelerometer errors is carried out. The readings of the output signal of the thermal sensor under different accelerometer positions are examined as well as the thermal transients. A mathematical model of the output signal of the temperature sensor is described. A scheme improving the accuracy of temperature estimation in the sensing element of the device is offered.

Keywords: quartz accelerometer, temperature compensation, compensation accelerometer, pendulum accelerometer, inertial sensors, thermal sensor, mathematical model.

Borminsky S.A.  Acoustic level, density, and viscosity measuring techniques for layered liquids in tanks

The paper offers an acoustic method for integrated monitoring of layered liquid parameters. The method is based on the analysis of an ultrasonic signal propagated from an acoustic radiator to the tank's top. A vertical acoustic receiver array is located at a certain distance from the radiator. The method improves measuring accuracy and reliability and eliminated the need in additional collecting waveguide and reference reflectors typically used for accuracy improvement. The product prototype based on cheap components has demonstrated combined measurement errors 0.1% in level, 5% in density, and 12% in viscosity.

Keywords: control, level, density, viscosity, ultrasound, accuracy improvement.

Discussing a Topic…

Monitoring and diagnostic engineering in industry

Pokidov V.M.  How long is the preventive maintenance age? The analysis of the application practice of pipe fitting monitoring and diagnosis in industry

The paper discusses case studies of pipe fitting maintenance at Russian industrial sites. It shows the advantages of on-line monitoring and substantiates the use of smart positioners coupled with diagnosis software. Application examples from domestic and foreign practice are cited.

Keywords: preventive maintenance, smart positioner, diagnosis, monitoring, pipe fitting.

Shevchenko A.D.  Performance characteristics, functionality, design and application features of smart positioners

Industrial actuators evolve behind other instrumentation segments because of the difficulties of physical measurement implementation. Nowadays, we see the "intellectualization" of actuators. The paper discusses modern diagnostic functionality typical for actuators.

Keywords: actuators, valve, positioner, diagnosis, physical measurement.

Volghin D.Yu., Shakirov A.F.  Application experience of modern positioners at domestic sites

The paper overviews the park of modern positioners at AO Pokrovsky Rudnik JSC and PAO Metafrax, lists their key "smart" functionalities and discusses the implementation phases of innovative technologies. It notes that deep expertise of instrumentation engineers is a major key to successful application of state-of-the-art positioners.

Keywords: smart positioner, valve, diagnosis, highly-skilled staff.

Martinov G.M., Al-Khouri A., Ahed I.  Remote control of CAN servo drives and their operation monitoring based on ARM microcomputers and OPC UA protocol

The paper offers an approach to the development of a standalone motion controller based on ARM microcomputer for servodrive control via CAN interface. The controller gets tasks from a process equipment control system (NC system in the case discussed) through the external data exchange protocol. An OPC UA server of the motion controller is developed. It implements an information model for the remote control of CAN servo drives and their operation monitoring. The paper illustrates the connection with commercial PC- and mobile device-oriented OPC UA clients for parameter tuning, control, and monitoring of CAN servo drives via the motion controller.

Keywords: automation, NC, CAN interface, OPC UA, monitoring, microcomputer, remote monitoring, servo drives.

Bashmur K.A., Petrovsky E.A., Bogachev V.V.  Measuring downhole tool vibrations during well-boring

The article discusses key problems of controlling the vibrational state of drill pipes and downhole tool. The drawbacks of the measuring tools and complexes based on them are highlighted. A method for vibrations measuring in a well is proposed which allows to increase the reproducibility of measurements. A sensor design enabling the proposed measurement technique is offered, the sensor's operation is analyzed.

Keywords: drill pipe, vibrations, downhole tool, reliability, measuring complex.

Abrosimov V.K., Eliseev V.V.  Service-oriented architecture for robotic applications of precision agriculture

An approach to the solution for typical precision agriculture tasks with the help of service oriented architecture of the interaction between terrestrial robots and UAV is discussed. Information capabilities and functionality of robots are represented as services available for other robots. A case study of cereal crop field monitoring with the help of terrestrial and airborne robots based on the approach proposed is included.

Keywords: robot, agriculture, precision agriculture, monitoring, service-oriented architecture, service.

Solovyov A.E., Ryzikov E.S., Savos'kin V.V.  Identifying the causes of increased centrifugal compressor vibrations

The approach of Bently Nevada to the diagnosis and monitoring of critical equipment is presented and exemplified in an industrial case study. Key engineering solutions from Bently Nevada in the field of compressor monitoring and protection are presented including Orbit 60 Series system, the 2019 novelty.

Keywords: monitoring, diagnosis, critical equipment, vibration, centrifugal compressor.

DMG MORI Academy: education ensures competitive advantage

DMG MORI Academy is a reliable partner providing a wide range of training programs and equipment to Russian educational market. As a global industrial partner of WorldSkills International and the Platinum partner of the World Championship in Kazan, Russia, it supplied the 2019 competition with advanced NC technologies and provided special training courses for participants.

Keywords: academy, personnel training, NC machines, world championship, educational courses.

Dozortsev V.M., Nazin V.A., Baulin E.S.  Process operators competency management in the context of professional standards implementation

The paper discusses the role of computerized training systems as tools for assessing process operators' competency against professional standards. It shows the principal coincidence of job functions structure in professional standards of process operators with the structure of training exercises in a training simulator. A prototype of a competency management system allowing for professional standard requirements is described.

Keywords: professional standards, practical competencies of operators, competency assessment tools, training simulators, computerized training systems, virtual and augmented reality, competency management system.

Kondusova V.B., Kondusova D.V., Sergheev A.I., Serdyuk A.I.  Lifecycle contracts for knowledge intensive products as a means informational interaction between vendor and user

The paper discusses contracting system development for improving the interaction between the vendor and the user of knowledge-intensive products during their lifecycle. Based on this, the product's performance and economic characteristics may be optimized throughout design, manufacturing, and operation phases.

Keywords: lifecycle contract, knowledge-intensive products, vendor, user, expenses, design, manufacturing, operation.

Nadtochiy P.N., Fedoseev M.N., Denisova L.A.  TEPROL CAD environment for control engineering and simulation

TEPROL CAD environment for control software design is presented. It includes the tools for coding, editing, and compilation of algorithmic diagrams. This results in fast development of reliable software for industrial controllers comprising both standard and custom modules.

Keywords: computer-aided design, automated control system, software modules, controllers.

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