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#10 2021


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Monitoring and Diagnosis in Industry

Kuzyakin I.O.  Diagnostic technique for gas equipment operation

The transportation of gas condensate from well clusters to processing plants is associated with liquid and ice (hydrates) plug formation in field gas gathering systems. The flowrate through a gas flow-line cannot be used as a variable for hydrate formation diagnostics. The paper offers a diagnostic technique based on the analysis of gas flowrate at the switching equipment house inlet. The new technique is aimed at reducing hydrate plug formation rate.

Keywords: gas-condensate field, hydrating, gas equipment diagnostics, gas flowrate at the switching equipment house inlet, gas flowrate through a gas flow-line.

Shaidullin R.A., Savinova M.E.  Equipment reliability improvement and maintenance cost optimization with Honeywell Forge APM

The paper analyzes the features of asset performance management, equipment maintenance practices, and the technologies affecting the evolution of the global approach to enterprise asset management. It presents Honeywell Forge Asset Performance Management, the integrated solution for equipment health analysis, asset performance degradation detection, equipment failure prediction, and maintenance strategy optimization. The solution’s functionality for developing optimal asset management strategies based on risk factors, asset criticality, and result prediction as well as for financial assessment of selected maintenance strategies and automated development of new ones is discussed. A maintenance strategy optimization case from oil and gas industry is examined.

Keywords: Asset Performance Management, maintenance, reliability, equipment state monitoring, predictive analytics, equipment performance analysis, maintenance strategy, equipment maintenance cost optimization.

Antonenko I.N.  Automated computing of integral equipment health indices

Control model based on performance indicators are extensively used in industry and power engineering. Its capabilities are tied to the structure of indices, their reliability and relevance. Such system of indicators is available also in Russian power industry. The paper discusses the development of a software platform for computing, ку-calculation, and monitoring of power equipment health indicators. The solution developed can be adapted to other equipment types and computing models.

Keywords: equipment health index, fault probability, failure risk, automation.

Kul’chin Yu.N., Gribova V.V., Timchenko V.A., Polonik M.V., Pivovarov D.S., Yatsko D.S., Nikiforov P.A., Nikitin A.I.  Design techniques for a additive laser process of the development of lattice periodic structure on the aluminum alloy plate’s surface.

The paper presents investigation results of an additive process “direct supply of laser energy and powder metal material” aimed at the improvement of mechanical properties of thin-wall parts made of AMr3 aluminum alloy by developing a surface lattice structure from AK4-1 powder material. Laser beam parameters and its travel speed are determined based on the results of mathematical modeling of the propagation of thermal fields resulting from the interaction between the laser radiation and the work material. The software implementing the calculations of the additive process model is developed. A scheme of remote interaction between the intelligent decision-making support service and the software developed is offered. The results of numerical calculations in Wolfram Mathematica environment coupled with the expert information accumulated on the knowledge portal of IACPaaS cloud platform look promising for training and decision-making of laser equipment operators.

Keywords: laser technologies, additive manufacturing, laser alloying of powder in process of coating, mathematical model, decision-making support system.

Reshetnikov I.S., Zabelin S.I.  Implementation of Quick Start concept in metallurgical production processes

The paper discusses the implementation of a production process management system at metallurgical sites based on 1C: Production Logistics software. The system ensures fast implementation and the coverage of basic tasks sufficient for effective operations. A procedure of MES implementation based on th development of alarm systems is offered.

Keywords: production management, enterprise management, metallurgy, alarm system, metallurgical production.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation of Vehicles and Road Infrastructure

Kruglov A.I., Vorobiev A.A.  Smart road infrastructure developments

For developing self-driving transportation system, the country needs not only autonomous vehicles but also the appropriate road infrastructure. The paper examines the infrastructural projects implemented by the specialists of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University in the context of the Digital Road Traffic Model concept. The projects are aimed at traffic safety and effectiveness improvement.

Keywords: smart road infrastructure, digital rod traffic model, autonomous vehicle, safety.

Korovin A.S.  Man-machine interface in present-day on-board safety devices

The paper overviews the development of the Scientific Research Institute of Informatization, Automation, and Communication at Rail Transport in the field of man-machine interfaces for railways. Such interface aims at information representation in the manner which is both user friendly and attracts attention to critical factors.

Keywords: safety, autonomous vehicles traffic, digital radio channel, diagnostics.

Tolstykh A.A., Golubinsky A.N.  Estimator for hyperparameters of convolutional neural networks for object classification

The paper offers an algorithm for selecting the hyperparameters of convolutional neural networks on the basis of iterative architecture adjustment without pre-specified search matrices. The effect of search algorithm’s parameters on the on its speed and accuracy is investigated. The results of a numerical experiment on object classification in digital images are presented.

Keywords: hyperparameters, convolutional neural networks, digital images, industrial machine vision systems.

Miroshin D.G., Taragora R.E.  Development experience of flexible robot systems

Machine-building factories of Urals Federal District apply flexible robot cells for rotary cutting. The paper describes the equipment of a flexible robot cell and discusses its control philosophy and safety system. The benefit estimate based on the cell’s two-year operation is included.

Keywords: flexible robot cell, control system, safety system, robot, modeling, benefits.

Vasiliev N.P., Fefilov A.V.  The problems of detection and repulsion of cyberattacks against information systems

The problems of detecting and repulsing cyberattacks against information systems, in particular, in real time is discussed. State-of-the-art detection and repulsion system including intelligent threat analysis systems are presented. Some aspects of cyber security specialist training are outlined, including on-line trainings with innovative Ampire Cyber Polygon. The system enables the detection of cyber incidents and timely response to them for neutralizing security vulnerabilities.

Keywords: cyberattack detection and repulsion, information systems, intelligent threat analysis, Cyber Polygon, training.

Filatov A.S.  Security can also be outsourced

For detecting and repulsing cyber threats, industrial enterprises either create their own security management centers or receive the services of such third-party centers by subscription. The paper discusses merits and drawbacks of each approach.

Keywords: outsourcing, cyber security, security management center, industrial enterprises.

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