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#11 2012


Industrial automation companies

KRUG Scientific and Production Company: 20 years in the industrial automation market

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Automation of packing industry


Industrial Ethernet with SERCOS. The sweet side of automation technologies

Innovative solutions developed by Bosch Rexroth for packing industry are presented. The new Starpac 600 HL packing machine uses modular components connected with the SERCOS bus, which enables system's real-time operation.

Keywords: packing industry, real time, modularity, integration, integration, safety system.

Overall robotization of packing equipment

B&R company has presented at Interpack exhibition its innovative packing machine named Packer. It is managed by a multifunctional movement control application, where axis control, curvilinear edge control and robotics algorithms are synchronized with the extreme precision. The machine employs modern concepts of communications, manipulation, image processing, safety, control and monitoring.

Keywords: movement control, monitoring, real time, packing machine, manipulator, positioning precision, visualization, image processing.

Dynamic linear motor with closed loop movement

Implementation features, advantages, functionality and application areas of the new XTS drive system implemented by Beckhoff are presented. XTS is a dynamic linear motor with closed loop movement.

Keywords: dynamic linear motor, closed loop movement, movement accuracy, acceleration, drive system, real time.

Taranchenko A., Gulyaev E. Development of optimal control systems for packing equipment

The paper presents design features of both decentralized and centralized control systems for packing equipment. It notes that in view of the need in high-capacity packing machines, mechanotronic drive units must be applied whose operation features impose specific requirements to control system organization. Finally, the paper shows control system structures for various type packing machines; the control systems are based on Siemens solutions.

Keywords: packing equipment, PLC, frequency drives, automation, centralized / decentralized control.

Mechatronics in operation: improving cyclic automata capacity

The paper presents Festo's approach to the modernization of legacy cyclic equipment for improving its capacity.

Keywords: sequence diagram, mechatronics, integrated automation, pneumoisland, drive, controller.

Pokrovskaya V.V. Smart sensors and solutions from SICK for packing automation

Performance data, application features and functionality of WTB27-3 Multipac sensors for packing detection and JEF for packing testing are presented.

Keywords: sensor, detection, scanning, packing industry, LED.

Burochkin A. Intelligent packing

The features of SmartWire-DT innovative commutation system developed by Eaton are presented. Examples of equipment, which can be integrated in SmartWire-DT, are adduced. Application of SmartWire-DT technology at Huhtamaki packaging manufacturing factory has significantly facilitated the production process and made more up-to-date and cost-effective.

Keywords: packing, automation, commutation system, savings.

Kozak N.V., Nezhmetdinov R.A. Application of software logical controllers in packing automation systems

The paper offers an architecture of packing equipment automation systems based on software controller for relay ladder logic systems and passive I/O peripherals. It describes controller software design mechanisms and discusses practical aspects of implementing automated control and monitoring at horizontal stream packing process.

Keywords: software-based controller, Soft PLC, NC system, microcontroller, PLC, relay ladder logic, horizontal stream packing, distributed control systems.

Ilyukhin Yu.V. Control systems for packing industry

There is no secret that nothing can be sold today without packing, and good packing is a key to commercial success. Therefore, manufacturers operating in highly competitive milieu strive for the most effective, productive and reliable packing equipment. Equipment's performance, in turn, significantly depends on its design concepts, engineering solutions and the capabilities of the employed drives and computer control. Against this background, the paper presents 2 control systems for packing equipment both implemented by Servotechnica company.

Keywords: packing industry, servo drive, PLC, controller, control system.

Automated industrial storage racks

Operation principles, capabilities, features and advantages of applying HANEL's automated industrial LEAN-LIFT high-density racks and Rotomat high-rise storage racks.

Keywords: Automated industrial storage racks, warehouse, goods to man, savings, safety.

Onoshev A.V. State-of-the-art marking systems

Material flow assessment is an important function of warehouse, packing, and production systems. Application of automatic identification technologies underlies present-day goods movement assessment systems.

Keywords: automatic identification, barcoding, hard-/software systems, marking, accounting.

Raskin E.M., Denisov L.A., Nadtochiy P.N. Hard-/software system for feed control of A-plant's steam generators

The paper presents a hard-/software complex underlying the control system of steam generator feed at A-plant's power unit. The complex is based on local digital controllers. Equipment health diagnosis algorithms are examined.

Keywords: hard-/software system, steam generator feed system, equipment health diagnosis.

Antonov A.Yu. A unified virtual instrument bench

The paper presents the structure and functionality of a versatile virtual instrument bench based on ZETLab and ZETView. The bench enables the automation of check and calibration and measurement operations at the key phases of commercial electronic articles manufacture.

Keywords: virtual instrument, automation, control system, SCADA, production management, automatic control systems, test bench.

Shopin A.G., Khakimov R.I. Why the inaccessibility of information results in efficiency loss?

The paper discusses the problem of personnel efficiency loss and poor decision-making due to inaccessibility of production information available at the plant. It classifies possible problems, analyzes the causes and the ways to eliminate them.

Keywords: efficiency, ownership cost, informational production systems, data presentation and analysis.

Sedletsky G.S., Sedletsky S.B., Shikhin V.A. Estimation of operational availability of power network equipment using neuron network technology

The paper discusses the estimation of reliability indices of operating power equipment. As against the design reliability evaluation based upon rated data, the operational availability presumes equipment health estimation after a certain period of operation subject to actual operation conditions and maintenance history. The problem of neuron model tuning is solved for a specific application field, namely power network equipment of a distribution substation. The availability of developed procedures is illustrated with a case study.

Keywords: reliability, neuron networks, power network equipment.

Nigmatova F.U., Shomansurova M.Sh., Siddikov I.Kh., Musakhonov A.A. Design technique for organizational-process flowsheet in clothing manufacture

The design of organizational-process flowsheet in clothing workflow is a most laborious and complicated task in clothes making preparation. The task is accomplished by developing algorithms for optimal design of organizational-process flowsheet and applying computerized technologies.

Keywords: product mix, work preparation, indivisible process operations, flow, theory of combinations, time step, digit.

Sysoev A.D. The third generation of Intel Core: platform evolution for embedded applications

The paper discusses the architectural features of embedded computer platform based on Intel Core third-generation processors (Ivy Bridge), its advantages and application areas. Examples of products implemented on the basis of Ivy Bridge are adduced.
Keywords: embedded computer systems, processors, microarchitecture, capacity, energy efficiency, motherboards, computer-on-module.

Gendelman B.M., Krichevsky M.Ya. Justification of device and parameters selection for power quality monitoring, supervision and analysis in modern power industry

The paper substantiates the significance of power quality control including the electric current and supply voltage monitoring. Devices for comprehensive power quality control offered by SATEC Ltd. are overviewed.

Keywords: power quality, eddy currents, losses, smart instruments, power transformers, current harmonics, monitoring.

Bolotin O.A., Portnoy G.Ya., Razumovsky K.P. New sensors for automation and control

Key performance data and design features of new current sensors and combined current sensor-relay developed by NIIEM (Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics based in Moscow Region) are presented. New sensors address the needs of automation and parameter monitoring system developers.

Keywords: current and voltage sensors, active power transducer, Hall sensor, current bus, ring-type magnet, relay.

Babayan R.R., Osipov A.B. A control system for diesel engine run-in table

The paper describes an automated system control of a run-in table for various-type diesel engines arriving after maintenance.

Keywords: sensors, control system, run-in table, testing.

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