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#11 2014


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Automation in power industry


Myakishev P.V., Ilyushechkin G.B., Ivanov A.I.  Process data acquisition and processing center of Quadra JSC

The paper overviews the functionality and architecture of process data acquisition and processing systems used in heat and power generation and business automation of Quadra JSC, a major participant of Russian bulk power market.

Keywords: process data acquisition and processing center of Quadra JSC, bulk power market, process control systems, instrumentation, integration, process data acquisition.

Nizameev B.M., Pankratov D.A., Ryzhov D.A.  Energy management and optimization at an industrial enterprise

Goals and objectives of energy management are outlined. Visual MESA software suite from Yokogawa is offered as a energy management and optimization tool for industrial sites. Its key functionality and advantages are described; a case study with benefits analysis is included.

Keywords: energy management, optimization, system simulation, benefits.

Balabanov A.V., Gurianov L.V., Zaslavsky S.V., Krivosheev A.V.  A supervisory power control system for a power supply company

The paper presents a distributed hard-/software system for data acquisition and supervisory control of power transmission, distribution and transformation equipment. It discusses a case study of phased automation of a power supply company based on KRUG-2000 hard-/software system for energy efficiency improvement.

Keywords: supervisory control system for power consumption, power line, reclosers, distribution and transformation substations.

Information modeling for effective control in power industry

An information engineering model is an effective tool for consolidating in a single kernel both financial and engineering data affecting the efficiency of power industry infrastructure management. It ensures more effective and safe operation of power installations. The paper provides the examples of IM-based solutions and projects.

Keywords: information models, database, cross-platform, interface, 3D models.

Nekrasov A.V.  Monitoring systems at power engineering sites

The paper discusses application fields, functionality and distinctive features of monitoring systems for the insulation of overhead power transmission lines and the temperature of conducting elements of substations.

Keywords: sensors, overhead power transmission lines, monitoring system, substation.

Kokoulin K.  Reactive power compensation: safe savings on power supply

Application of reactive power compensation devices is a promising energy conservation opportunity at power plants and power-consuming sites. Such devices improve electric equipment's operation reliability and safety and enable energy savings up to 10…30%. Operating features and payback times are discussed with the example of Schneider Electric's equipment.

Keywords: reactive power compensation, reliability, safety, thyristor switched capacitors, electric power saving.

APROL EnMon for energy management

With rapid growth of energy costs and impending outlook for Kyoto protocol fines the urgent need for energy conservation in industry can be hardly ignored. A precise knowledge of where and when the energy is consumed is a first step to its conservation. APROL EnMon from B&R ensures continuous energy monitoring by means of either stand-alone devices or a function built in the process control system.

Keywords: energy monitoring, stand-alone device, process control function, reports.

Sankina E.A.  An information system for reactor decommissioning support

The paper briefly overviews the development and implementation of an information system for uranium-graphite reactor decommissioning support. The system is based on CAD/PLM technology.

Keywords: support information system, industrial uranium-graphite reactor, CAD systems, decommissioning database, nuclear and radiation-dangerous plants.

Journal's Club

To the 60th anniversary of V.M. Dozortsev

Kravchenko A.M.  Infrared thermal trace flowmeter for precision measuring of gas and liquid flows

The paper discusses precision improvement and range extension in thermal trace measurements of gas and liquid flows. It proposes to eliminate the time lag in the conversion of dynamic thermal trace radiation energy into a coordinate signal. For this purpose, a coordinate-sensitive photoelectronic IR sensor is offered as a primary transducer instead of a conventional thermal resistor. Based on such sensor, a bridge-type coordinate photodetector is designed enabling real-time integral transformations of incoming IR images of dynamic thermal traces into video signals carrying precise information about the coordinates of the trace image's energy center over the pipeline's flow measuring section.

Keywords: flowmeter, gas or liquid flow, thermal trace, coordinate infrared detector, energy center of an image, zero lag, response time.

Lozhkova D.S., Dalin M.A., Lyanzberg D.V.  Automated immersion ultrasonic control of divertor's component in a thermonuclear reactor

The paper discusses the automated immersion ultrasonic control of divertor's component in a thermonuclear reactor. The LS-500LP immersion system combined with focused transducers was used for evaluating the control capability.

Keywords: automated ultrasonic control, ultrasonic control of soldered and welded joints, thermonuclear reactor's components, focused piezoelectric transducers, faulty soldered joint.

Tyurin O.G., Shabalin V.M., Chebotar A.V.  Automation of powdery components preparation in high-energy material manufacture

The paper presents a process automation solution for continuous dosing with a cyclically continuous dispenser. The system's objective is to optimize the grinding of powdery components in a jet mill for high-energy material manufacture at the specified capacity exceeding 500 kgph with < 1% accuracy.

Keywords: process, dispenser, automated control system, software, screen form.

Tusbaev G.N.  Blocking unscheduled startup of a variable-frequency drive from a field control station and remote control panel

The paper discusses the tuning of variable-frequency drives with external power source for safe operation in control systems.

Keywords: variable-frequency drive, short circuit, external power supply, interlock.

Profitable modernization with MX2

Performance data of MX2, a space-saving frequency converter with field-oriented control are presented. The Modus Mapping function enabling MX2 integration in Modbus-compatible industrial control systems is examined in detail.

Keywords: frequency converter, field-oriented control, addressing, Modbus.

Bazhanov V.L.  The efficiency of self-tuning functions in PID controllers

The efficiency of self-tuning functions in present-day digital PID controllers is analyzed. The boundary of the functions' applicability domain is established experimentally. Self-tuning quality estimation is based on transient performance in a closed-loop system. The factors limiting the application of conventional self-tuning functionality are examined. A approach to high-performance PID controller tuning applicable over the whole range of PID-controlled plants is offered. The approach is based on scaling technique.

Keywords: automatic control system, controller settings, PID-controlled plants, self-tuning functions, test impacts, domain of applicability, transient performance, scaling technique.

Ryabchikov M.Yu., Parsunkin B.N., Ryabchikova E.S.  Optimization of electric mode control for AC arc steel furnace with a predicting system

An automatic electric mode optimization system is developed for arc steel furnaces. The system is based on the prediction of time variations of the active power and input control parameter. The models of three-phase electrical circuit and multivariate low-frequency disturbance were developed for algorithm testing. The efficiency of the optimization proposed and its application conditions are estimated.

Keywords: arc steel furnace, optimization, arc, active power, disturbance model, prediction, control system.

Yelizarov V.I., Yelizarov V.V., Zamaletdinov R.A. Pyrolysis furnace startup control

The paper describes a startup and lining out control algorithm for E-BA-121 and E-BA-121 SRT-IV-type pyrolysis furnaces.

Keywords: pyrolysis furnaces, fuzzy logic, control program, startup, mathematical model.

Industrial Automation Companies

Advantech Engineering Company - the developer of process control systems for gas-turbine power plants

The paper overviews the activities of Advantech Engineering Company in the development and implementation of process control systems for gas-turbine power plants.

Keywords: process control systems, gas-turbine power plants, fuel governor.

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