В мире электроэнергетики короны заслуживают только электроны.
В мире электроэнергетики короны заслуживают только электроны.
Sadriev D.M., Khokhlov P.V., Baulin E.S. Updating the submodels of oil refining processes in the refinery planning model with data acquisition from soft sensors by the example of a catalytic reforming unit
Advanced planning and scheduling (APS) system generates the optimal production schedule based on the embedded refinery model, which includes submodels of process units with a certain level of aggregation. To find the optimal production plan, it is proposed to update these submodels based on soft sensor readings. The paper reviews soft sensors for the products of crude distillation and catalytic reforming units, the key ones in the gasoline pool. It proposes to develop soft sensors of naphthenes and naphthalenes content in the straight-run naphtha. Their readings along with the ones from the existing soft sensor of the reformate’s RON will be further used for updating the catalytic reformer submodel in the refinery APS model.
Keywords: soft sensor, oil refinery, crude distillation unit, catalytic reforming unit, APS system, scheduling, model update.
Reshetnikov I.S., Kuznetsov A.Yu. Design of industrial information systems with integrated “bottleneck” analysis
The paper discusses the design procedure for discrete manufacturing control systems with embedded “bottleneck” monitoring and analysis algorithms. DELS model of discrete event flow and the data model based on ISA-95/GOST R IEC 62264 are offered as a basic approach.
Keywords: production management, standardization, discrete event flow, production scheduling, decision-making support system.
Chelenko A.V. Application of basic quality tools for defect elimination in gear shaft manufacturing
The paper illustrates the application of key quality tools with the example of the process of standard gear shaft piece manufacturing. The following tool application sequence is proposed: inspection sheet, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram. An effect elimination plan was developed which resulted in significant benefits owing to process technology improvement.
Keywords: inspection sheet, Pareto diagram, fishbone diagram, lean manufacturing, quality management.
Laktionov D.A. Knowledge management at industrial enterprises
The paper substantiates the importance of developing enterprise knowledge management system. With the example of InKnowledge knowledge management platform, it discusses the organization of the integrated enterprise knowledge management structure, the variants of knowledge utilization, and the system’s key functionality.
Keywords: knowledge management system, knowledge lifecycle, risks.
Khamid V.Kh. Comparing linear trend analysis and double exponential smoothing techniques for predicting the demand for chronic medications
Healthcare administration of Iraq is unable to ensure accurate correspondence of actual medications demand to the forecast because of imperfect prediction techniques. Against this background, the research has two targets: 1) compare trend analysis with double exponential smoothing techniques and select the relevant subject to MAPE, MAD, and MSD accuracy model, which provide the best estimate for chronic medications demand in the period of 2017-2019, 2) predict the amount of medications needed for the next five years. The paper shows that the double exponential smoothing techniques is the best fit for predicting the demand for chronic medications, it also demonstrates MAPE decrease in quantitative models. The approach proposed may be useful also at industrial sites for inventory prediction.
Keywords: medications, exponential trend analysis, double exponential smoothing, prediction, future demand, forecast.
Martinova L.I., Sokolov S.V., Martemianova N.S. Developing a toolkit for contouring accuracy analysis of a CNC system
A software module for the contouring accuracy analysis in a CNC system is presented. The toolkit aims at the evaluation and statistical analysis of the deviations of the actual motion path of CNC machine’s axes from the target value. Its basic functionality includes data acquisition about actual coordinates of the axes from the CNC system’s internal measurement file, development of spatial motion paths according to the machine’s kinematic diagram, estimation of the deviation between the specified and the actual motion paths, and statistical analysis of the deviation values along the motion path.
Keywords: contouring accuracy, digital oscilloscope of CNC system, CNC system diagnosis.
Fedosov I.I. Temperature sensor with measurement validation functionality based on the novel measuring circuit of thermoelectric transducer
Temperature sensors based on thermoelectric transducers (TET) are the most popular temperature measurement tool in process control systems of many industries. However, harsh environments in metallurgy, oil refining, and chemical industries cause changes in TET material properties that results in inadmissible growth of instrument error and, hence, product quality degradation. The paper presents a temperature sensor with measurement validation functionality based on original four-electrode TET circuit. A method for developing sensor readings resistant to the fluctuations of TET material properties is offered along with the technique for pointing out diagnostic signs of TET material property changes. A simulation for a four-electrode chromel-alumel-chromel-copel TET has demonstrated 1.5 … 8 times decrease of the portion of measurements with the error exceeding the permissible limit and confirmed the sensitivity of diagnostic sign vector to the changing properties of specific thermoelectrodes.
Keywords: temperature sensor, thermoelectric transducer, simulation model, measurement result, measurement reliability assessment.
Degtyareva A.N., Sapyolkin M.E., Golubev O.V. Opportunities for carbon emission reduction in additive applications
Possible methods for carbon footprint reduction in additive applications are discussed. The ways of process optimization for carbon emission are presented. Vase mode for printing is describe. The application of domestic 5D printing technology from Stereotech is discussed. The experience of Colossus (Belgium) within the closed loop economy is presented.
Keywords: additive technologies, 3D/5D printing, optimization, generative design, carbon footprint.
Panfilov D.N. Application of digital technologies and predictive diagnosis in thermal energy
The importance of digital technologies, including predictive diagnosis and digital twin development grows significantly in the context of the reconstruction of thermal energy sites and the implementation of energy conservation programs. Application of such technologies ensures better controllability of heat and electric power generation. Digital twins replicating physical objects enable in-depth analysis and optimization of equipment operation. The implementation of predictive diagnosis approaches to equipment health assessment at power plants includes continuous monitoring reinforced by digital twins. With the help of digital models, the paper shows the effectiveness of equipment health monitoring subject to reliability indicators based on the analysis of resource development and the estimation the remaining lifetime for critical elements.
Keywords: thermal energy, digital technologies, equipment, predictive diagnosis, digital twin, monitoring, mathematical model, condition, reliability, remaining lifetime.
Yaroshenko A.Yu. Models of information security management in an organizational system of information security support due to requirements ranking. Part 2. Analytical model
The paper discusses the selection of the composition and the execution order of the requirements to information systems. The requirements are implemented by dedicated organizational structures for resisting the attacks of various nature. To that end, an analytical model is offered, which is underlain by the author’s ontology of the subject field presented in Part 1. The model elements are formalized, such as the object under test and the requirements to it, the rules and conditions of requirements execution, the final procedure of requirements execution and its resource intensity, objective function, general requirements ranking task, etc. A hypothetical experiment on selecting the composition and the execution order of the requirements for an elementary information system in case of attacks caused by fire and information security environment is conducted.
Keywords: analytical model, information security, information system, requirement, algorithm, combinatorial optimization.
Kotsyuba I.Yu., Shestakov A.V. Methods and tools for specialist training in the field of database information security
The paper discusses the adaptation of existing education programs and services for studying databases in the security context. Electronic educational resources, which are worked out in the educational process, are offered as the most effective learning tool. A problem-oriented resource for database security learning is currently not yet sufficiently developed. For implementing a more cost-effective approach, the paper proposes to create a new Web resource, which would allow for the specificity of information security methods and objects to be studied.
Keywords: information security, database security, educational resource.
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