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#11 2024


Ensuring functional product safety

Metran-150 is Russia first pressure gage GOST R IEC 61508 certified for meeting SIL 3 requirements. It was launched to the domestic market owing to Metran’s experience of product development for foreign markets.

Keywords: functional safety, pressure gage, certification, functional safety level, testing, validation.

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Automated control systems in power industry

Abdullazyanov E.Yu., Sadykov M.F., Davletshin R.R. Ivanov D.A., Galieva T.G., Mochalov N.S., Vassunova Yu.Yu., Valyuk A.S.  Robotic system for energized power line equipment diagnosis and maintenance

Efficient condition control of high-voltage equipment requires its better information observability. In this context, the transfer from the diagnosis and planned maintenance of high-voltage equipment to its energized diagnosis and maintenance is the worldwide trend of the recent decade. This implies the need of remote automated robotic systems for condition diagnostics and maintenance of high-voltage power lines. The paper describes robotic systems which improve the accuracy of equipment health identification, assess its residual life and carry out minor repairs of energized power line equipment. It presents KGEU robotic system furnished with specialized sensors and tools enabling flaw detection and repairs. The solution improves power line’s reliability, decreases system average interruption duration and frequency indices (SAIDI and SAIFI), reduces power undersupply, minimizes benefit losses, and increases personnel safety.

Keywords: power line, robotic system, diagnostics, ultrashort frequencies, electromagnetic radiation, partial discharge monitoring.

Kuznetsov R.S.  Automation of instrumentation testing in heat supply

A new module was included in the architecture of the information and analytical center of the Institute of Automation and Control Processes of the Far-Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences for complying with the requirement of calibration data transfer to ARSHIN Federal State Information System. The features of the new module named “Calibration” are described as well as a method for modeling multichannel heat meters. The method is based on the unified instrumentation system, which ensures efficient storage, search and processing of calibration data.

Keywords: metrology, measuring instrument, heat meter check, information modeling.

Grebennikov A.V.  Information security in mobile personnel automation at energy infrastructure sites

Information security requirements to power company’s infrastructure tighten with the implementation of digital technologies at industrial sites. The changes concern also automated mobile workplaces. The paper discusses the outlook for ensuring high information security level at field workstations in power companies.

Keywords: information security, mobile automated workstations, energy infrastructure sites, field personnel.

Popov A.V., Splyukhin D.V., Khlystov M.A., Tsygunka A.I.  Implementation of information security requirements in the development of Digital Substation in Rusatom Automated Control Systems JSC

Rusatom Automated Control Systems JSC has developed Digital Substation, the trusted software suite comprising a set of digital solutions for power plant automation and optimization. The paper discusses the methodological approach to secure development of Digital Substation’s components. The approach became the framework for creating the Infrastructure for Safe Information System Development. The infrastructure supports both software development lifecycle and the issue of the appropriate design documentation.

Keywords: digital substation, secure information systems, technological independence, development infrastructure, security threats.

Faruntsev S.D.  Multi-parameter neural controller for oil emulsion heater

The paper describes a solution for improving oil emulsion quality by upgrading field automation systems of oil treatment units at oilfields operating under intensive disturbances. It presents a neural predictive controller based on nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) models. As against the conventional single-loop NARMA-L2 controller, the new solution supports several inputs formed by disturbance and manipulated variables. The implementation algorithm is simpler than the popular model predictive control (MPC) technology that results in faster controller operation. The justification of the method is included along with the results of the synthesis of an MPC system for the PP1.6 mobile oil emulsion heater. Test results are compared with the ones for a conventional MPC.

Keywords: oil emulsion quality, disturbances, predictive control, nonlinear autoregressive moving average model, NARMA-L2 multi-parameter neural controller, mobile oil emulsion heater.

Bakhtadze N.N., Elpashev D.V., Kushnarev V.N., Chereshko A.A., Purtov A.V., Pyatetsky V.E., Vlasov A.K., Maksimenkov V.N.  Application of data-driven digital twins for production situation control

The paper offers a control technology for multi-loop production facilities based on a point predictive model. Such models can be developed by means of intelligent analysis of associative knowledge and machine learning. For improving control performance, additional production situation factors are determined. An approach to the analysis and modeling of the state of production resources is discussed. It allows for the forecast of the heterogeneous resource complex used in the control system.

Keywords: identification, associative search, model predictive control, situational control, heterogeneous resources.

Grusho A.A., Piskovsky V.O., Sagalevich V.D.  Software suite for cloud infrastructure handling

Practical computing typically presumes simultaneous work in different network segments with internal distributed information resources and Internet access. This causes the application of appropriate organizational and technical information security methods underlain by the domain isolation concept. The paper proposes a solution based on virtualization technology. It pre4sents the Subscriber Cloud Terminal software and describes its application variants.

Keywords: user workstations, serverless computing, embedded protection tools, digital watermark, virtualization technology.

Zakharov N.A.  Machine learning and blockchain

The paper shows the advantages of the collaboration between machine learning and blockchain technologies. It discusses application cases from electricity trade, employee attendance tracking, and medicine.

Keywords: machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain, smart contract, decentralized data.

Balashov V.M., Zimina D.V.  Data aggregation model for automated specialized data terminal using blockchain technology

The paper reviews various aggregation models for data received for automated specialized terminals. It offers blockchain technology for overcoming the drawback of conventional models. A pilot data aggregation project using blockchain technology is discussed with the case study of the system of automated weather stations. The model developed ensures the input data preparation for the subsequent development of short-term and medium-term weather forecasts. The results are analyzed, further research is outlined.

Keywords: automated specialized data terminal, forecast, blockchain, artificial neural network, smart contract.

Romanov N.V., Gorelik A.V., Nevarov P.A., Badirila L.  Benchmark analysis of operation efficiency of railroad infrastructure objects

Based on the statistics of railroad automation and remote control in the years 2022 and 2023, the paper offers maintenance performance indicators for railroad infrastructure objects. The study employs taxon techniques for data assessment. The analysis enabled the detection of the best object subject to the selected criterion. The paper proposes to consider the actions aimed at the improvement of the reliability of this object as a standard for planning reliability improvement activities at other objects of railroad automatics and remote control.

Keywords: benchmarking, railroad automatics and remote control, performance, object failure.

Fatkhullin R.G.  MQTT Sparkplug: a new standard for IIoT

The paper examines MQTT Sparkplug, an open specification for IIoT systems. It offers MQTT clients a framework for seamless integration of data from heterogeneous applications and devices within the MQTT infrastructure.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, MQTT Sparkplug protocol, integration, digitalization.

Zvonov A.O., Yanishevskaya A.G., Kobenko V.Yu., Fedorov V.K., Andreeva E.G.  Automation of product range design. Reinforced hose case study

The paper shows the relevance of product range design automation. It discusses the design phases of reinforced hoses. The automation of product range design presumes the development of the product’s mathematical model, the selection of the objective function for the optimization, and the software implementation of the optimization algorithm and the HMI for model tuning. Experimental results are included, which confirm the efficiency of the algorithm customized for the specific task.

Keywords: CAD, genetic optimization, differential evolution algorithm, recessive genes.

Journal’s Club

To the 70th anniversary of V.M. Dozortsev: the symbiosis of engineering sciences and cognitive engineering in industrial automation, process simulation, and operator training

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