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Журнал «Автоматизация в промышленности»


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#11 2015


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Automation systems using alternative energy sources

Rysina V.N.  Industrial Internet technologies improve the efficiency of wind-power stations

The paper discusses the problems of wind-power engineering, the application of industrial Internet technologies for the optimization of wind-power plants' and stations' operation. It presents General Electric's Wind PowerUp software suite and its application for wind-power facility control and monitoring, remote wind farm control centers, simulation wind farm models, and the efficiency of industrial Internet technologies.

Keywords: wind-power engineering, wind-power plant, industrial Internet, remote control center, digital wind farm.

Ilyushin S.A., Lavrov S.A.  Application of teleautomatics systems with renewable power supplies

Since 2001, AtlanticTransgasSystem JSC has been developing teleautomation tools with renewable power supplies. These solutions employ proprietary STN-3000 teleautomatics systems, recognized by industry for their high reliability and operability in harsh climatic conditions. The paper presetns case studies of supervised teleautomatic stations with renewable power supplies for well clusters and trunk pipeline sections.

Keywords: teleautomatics systems, renewable power supplies, supervised station, power consumption.

Dymshakov A.V.  Automation of solar power plants using ARIS hard-/software system

The paper discusses the project of a unified process control system development for Sakmar Solar Power Plant based on the state-of-the-art tools included in ARIS hard-/software system.

Keywords: photoelectric solar power plant, process control system, cell's controller, connection controller, standards.

Rakhmatullin A.М.  Application of portable and laboratory solutions for solar power plants

The components of a solar photovoltaic power system are described; their possible defects are listed. A family of Keysight's measuring instruments intended for construction and maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems is presented.

Keywords: solar photovoltaic system, solar panels, electric test, power quality, monitoring.

Jumaev A.Ya., Kadyrov E.D.  Investigation of operational data of a photoelectric solar station under conditions of Turkmenistan

Based on the investigation of operational data of a photoelectric solar 2 kW station built in the Turkmen State Power Engineering Institute, the plant's performance characteristics are derived for various times of day, seasons, and weather conditions. Solar station's optimal operation modes are identified, the expected electric output is estimated.

Keywords: photoelectric solar station, solar station under Turkmenistan conditions, efficiency.

Application of advanced control in renewable fuel production

The paper presents a case study of successful advanced control application in ethanol production.

Keywords: renewable energy, advanced control, ethanol, grain.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation systems in power engineering

Trofimov K.V.  Power supply supervision system for Komsomolsk Refinery

Implementation of a state-of-the-art supervision system is away to improve power supply reliability. Such system enables real-time power supply tracking, detects mode changes, prevents overloads, optimizes fuel consumption, responds quickly to disturbances and contributes to precise identification of process upsets. The paper describes a supervisory control system implemented at Rosneft Komsomolsk Refinery.

Keywords: supervisory control system, process control system, hard-/software system, emergency events recording, relay protection and automation, power unit control.

Maslov A.M.  Application of a modular I/O system for the design of optimal architecture of digital substation's process bus

The paper discusses the elements of optimal process bus architecture, presents ABB SAM600 modular process bus I/O system, and offers various process bus architectures based on it. Process bus design concept related with a modular I/O system is outlined; some engineering issues of its implementation at a real-life 220/11 kV substation are discussed.

Keywords: modular I/O system, process bus, digital substation.

Nekrasov A.V.  Distribute temperature monitoring systems for fiber-optic communication lines on overhead power transmission lines

Operation principles, organization variants, and application features of distributed temperature monitoring systems for fiber-optic communication lines on overhead power transmission lines (FOCL-OPTL) are discussed.

Keywords: sensors, measurements, FOCL-OPTL, sleet-melting, optical fibers.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation of nuclear industry

Antipov S.I., Sivokon' V.P., Butko A.B., Chernyaev A.N.  On the development of a competitive process control system for next generation A-plants

The paper reviews new international requirements to A-plant protection and discusses the updated defense in depth concept and the related approaches to the design of state-of-the-art competitive A-plant control systems. It focuses on the architecture and the selection of hardware for reactor protection systems as well as on cyber security. Finally, the paper shows how these issues are addressed in the process control system of Kursk A-Plant#2, now under development.

Keywords: process control system, A-plants, defense in depth, cyber security, competiveness.

Lavrentichev D.V., Tverskoy Yu.S.  Development and validation of a fully-variable simulation model for a primary coolant circuit of a nuclear power unit with VVER-1000 reactor

A fully-variable simulation model of a primary coolant circuit is developed. The model comprises of invariant and variable parts thus enabling user-friendly configuring and model customization to any VVER power unit. Model's validity is estimated based on comparative analysis of real-life power unit's historical data.

Keywords: A-plant, mathematical modeling, nuclear reactor, primary coolant circuit.

Vasiliev A.I.  IBM Maximo - Full-cycle asset management

Smolensk A-plant became a pilot site in Rosenergoatom Concern for the implementation oа maintenance management systems on IBM Maximo for Nuclear Power platform. The pilot system developed for more than a year has been tested successfully. Test results showed its full usability for A-plant maintenance management. The system is being now prepared to stage-by-stage deployment at the site. In future it will be installed at all Russian A-plants as well as at the headquarters of the operating company.

Keywords: pilot project, maintenance, system prototype.

Kolesnikov I.A., Romashkin V.I., Ganjinov A.M., Kushtan V.V., Ustinov V.S., Zima M.V., Kalinkin V.I., Mashchenko O.A.  Application of full-scale mathematical models in the life cycle of control systems for marine power units

The paper discusses the application of modeling technologies in nuclear power industry. It overviews basic modeling technology development lines at Kurchatov Institute State Research Center. The requirements to control systems for marine power units and their life-cycle management are discussed. A soft power unit concept based on a full-scale mathematical model is presented, and its application over control system's life cycle is outlined. The process of control system debugging with the help of a full-scale mathematical model of a power unit is examined.

Keywords: model, object, power unit, debugging, control system, design, requirements, life cycle.

In Focus…

Gadgets for industry, housing and communal services

Yurchenko V.V.  Portable SIMATIC panels and SIMATIC Apps applications for tablets

The paper briefly compares the functionalities of mobile SIMATIC panels against tablet computers based on Siemens' solutions.

Keywords: mobile panels, tablet computers, touch-sensitive control, software applications.

Apanasenko S.I.  Uninterrupted power supplies - Continuous protection of automation system's brain

The paper reviews design features, advantages and operation principle of Omron's new S8BA series UPS.

Keywords: uninterrupted power supplies, automation system, redundancy.

RTSoft sets the right BLOK.

Innovative technologies for cold stabilization of alcoholic beverages

Stabilization is a critical operation in spirits production. Specialists from Schneider Electric and Art Technology have developed and implemented an innovative cold stabilization unit for Mariinsk Liquor Factory that resulted in significant product quality improvement.

Keywords: cold beverage stabilization unit, PLC, operator panel, frequency transducers.

GOT2000: next generation graphical operator panels

Functionalities, operation advantages and performance data of GOT2000 operator panels are presented.

Keywords: operator panels, automation systems, integration, diagnosis, communication, user interface.

Davydenko V.V.  DesignPark Electrical - A new design tool to implement automation ideas

A new product from DesignSpark family developed by RS Components, a global engineering tools distributor, was launched in September 2015. This is DesignPark Electrical CAE freeware for automation systems. The paper discusses its features, capabilities, key destination and application fields.

Keywords: CAE freeware, equipment design, on-line libraries, equipment lists.

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