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#11 2017


Journal's Club

Yegorov E.V.  LUMEL escalates to the next level

The evolution of LUMEL (Poland) in the recent seven years is described. Its electrical production is actively promoted at the market worldwide as well as in Russia. Key novelties in LUMEL's product range are listed.

Keywords: switching equipment, measuring instruments, energy efficiency, power monitoring systems, SCADA systems.

LUMEL factory: from domestic plant to global market player

The paper presents an interview with Mr. Dinesh Musalekar, LUMEL SA President. The interview is based on the results of the first international partner conference.

Keywords: customer focus, electronic equipment manufacturing, environment protection, personnel training.

Discussing a Topic…

Automated Systems and IT in Power Industry

Grebenyuk G.G., Kryghin A.A., Nikishov S.M., Sereda L.A.  Optimization of search algorithms for critical objects subject to design constraints in power lines

The paper offers an approach to the optimization of search algorithms for critical objects in power grids by using the constraints imposed by power line design standards. It shows the algorithm's application efficiency for the analysis of power grid's vulnerability to possible destructive impacts.

Keywords: vulnerability, power grids, critical objects.

Zakharchenko V.E.  Feasibility analysis of an automated system for rational control of power plant's configuration

The improvement of hydropower efficiency is discussed. Potential benefits of an automation system for rational control of power plant's configuration are modeled and calculated, model's merits and drawbacks are discussed. The study is underpinned by calculations using real-life plant data.

Keywords: efficiency, hydropower plant, optimization, rational control, power plant's configuration, feasibility study, group control, effectiveness, potential losses, modeling.

Dorri M.Kh., Roshchin A.A., Sereda L.A.  Application of RDS software suite for calculation and visualization of engineering structures' failure consequences

The paper presents RDS software suite for calculating visualizing the consequences of engineering structures' and infrastructure facilities' failures. The software functionality is exemplified in test benches for decision-making information support of flow switches in municipal heating and power grids.

Keywords: software suite, visualization, test benches, decision-making information support, power grids.

Prusov S.V., Podlesny A.M.  Application experience of MasterSCADA in the operations of Moscabelmet Group

Design and functional features and functionalities of an automation system implemented at Moscabelmet Group's production site are described. The system records shift output, product quality inspection, and resource consumption. MasterSCADA tools are used for data acquisition, processing and visualization.

Keywords: SCADA system, equipment downtimes, heat and power recording, monitoring, quality inspection.

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Automation in Logistics, product marking and identification

Zaytseva E.A.  On the organization of end-to-end automation of logistic processes at an enterprise

A present-day enterprise is a complicated infrastructure comprising both operations and support functions. The latter are responsible for supply, storage, and marketing. An enterprise can be just represented as a set of logistic subsystems ensuring purchasing, production, and distribution. Effective synchronization of all logistic flows eventually affects enterprise's bottom line.

Keywords: logistic processes, end-to-end automation, assembling, warehouse, radio frequency identification, MES, integrated automation.

Men'shikov E.A.  Automation by one's own means. Is the game worth the candle?

The paper discusses the challenges that may be faced by companies who have decided to develop a warehouse management system by their own means.

Keywords: WMS, software, project team, scalability, testing.

Azarovsky D.V.  Optimization of warehouse logistics: where to start?

Recommendations are made on the selection of a warehouse management system and a project team. Implementation phases are discussed, cases from various sectors of economy are included.

Keywords: warehouse management system, optimization, logistics, project team.

Logistics management systems in metallurgy

The paper describes the logistics management system based on SAP, the metal tracking system and the project for the modernization of the weighing site, implemented at the enterprises of Severstal in 2017.

Keywords: logistics management system, metal tracking system, barcode, scanner, weighing, 3D warehouse.

Rysina V.N.  Application of digital technologies in transportation and logistics

Development trends and application practices of digital technologies in transportation and logistics including motor, rail, and sea freighting are examined. Key vendors and users of digital technologies for logistics including Microsoft, Oracle, General Electric, Daimler, Hyundai, and Rolls-Royce are presented.

Keywords: digital technologies, industrial Internet, predictive analysis, digital twin, machine learning, peripheral computing, autonomous ships, telematics system

Tretyakov I.V.  Logistics as a competitiveness tool in mechanical assembly production

Logistic processes accompany an article over the whole of its lifecycle. The paper formulates logistic tasks for a machine-assembly plant and discusses the objectives of logistic transformations. An approach to the optimization of logistic processes is offered. A case study is included.

Keywords: logistic processes, product lifecycle, mechanical assembly production, production management systems.

Discussing a Topic…

Automation of scientific research and integrated tests

Kurenkov V.S., Chushkin A.V., Ladetsky A.D.  An automated system for physical and mechanical testing of high energy materials

The structure of an automated system for the research of physical and mechanical properties of high energy materials is discussed. The paper shows that the proposed design solutions and hard-/software tools enable profound automation of testing processes, improved test accuracy, higher performance and lower test costs.

Keywords: physical and mechanical characteristics, automated complex, test bench, thermostating system, workstation, test data processing.

Trutaev S.Yu.  Applied software for equipment state evaluation at dangerous industrial plants

The paper describes a technology for state evaluation and safety protection of dynamically loaded equipment of dangerous plants in oil and gas, oil refining, and chemical industries. It offers a technique comprising experiments and calculation resulting in reliable assessment of stresses and deformations based on the limited number of measurands. A state evaluation algorithm using finite element method is developed. The technology proposed was widely tested at various Russian sites and underlay several national guidelines and standards. The technology is underpinned by several applied software suites (MStruct, SIdent, Stand, Norma, Correlation, CPipes, Compass) developed and used at different implementation stages.

Keywords: dangerous industrial plant, technical state evaluation, experimental and calculation-based investigation methods, equipment health monitoring, software, finite element method, mathematical model, identification.

Belyaev V.V., Moyseyenko S.V.  Hard-/software measuring systems for the parameters of pretilt angle and azimuthal surface of liquid crystals interaction

A model of an automated measuring system for pretilt angle and azimuthal anchoring energy in LC cells is developed. The automated system enables external control of measurement parameters. Applied software is developed for system control and measurement data collection, transformation and analysis of measurement data is developed. It can also compare experimental data with theoretical results.

Keywords: automated system, liquid crystal, LCD, angle pretilt, azimuthal anchoring energy.

Andriyanov I.N., Tuchinsky S.V.  BASIS-RITM: a family of small-size thin-route controllers

The paper overviews the novelties of BASIS Series controllers: the BASIS-RITM controller family manufactured by Ecoresurs JSC (Voronezh, Russia) with [ExiaGa]IIC explosion protection level. The related controller models, their functionalities and performance attributes are discussed. Service software is outlined.

Keywords: BASIS series controllers, BASIS-RITM, thin-route, spark protection, explosion safety.

Bashnev A.  TERMITRAB complete: a surge protection device for signal and interface circuits

A new surge protection series from Phoenix Contact for signal and interface circuits is presented. It comprises a wide range of devices from low-cost ones up to high-end with additional options and functions including the ones unique for such product type.

Keywords: surge protection devices, signal and interface circuits, surge voltage.

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