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#11 2018


Discussing a Topic…

Augmented and virtual reality in industrial automation

Vladov R.A., Dozortsev V.M., Stavrakas D., Shaidullin R.A.  Connected personnel from Honeywell: a brand new level of protection, training, and support of industrial field personne

The paper offers an approach to protection, training, and support of industrial field personnel based on Honeywell’s innovative solutions: Movilizer cloud platform for the automation of field works, portable smart devices for hands-free work, virtual and augmented reality tools for effective personnel training in process equipment and instrumentation operation and maintenance. Solutions’ functionality is described, application examples are adduced.

Keywords: field personnel, smart portable devices, hands-free work, cloud solutions for mobile personnel, capitalization of experienced employees’ knowledge, virtual and augmented reality.

Sal’nikov N.V., Kononov P.V., Snezhkova E.A.  Augmented reality technology for digital asset control in industrial infrastructure object

The paper shows new opportunities resulting from the integration of augmented reality (AR) technologies with a digital industrial asset. It discusses the examples of Microsoft Hololens AR glasses integration with NEOSYNTHEZ engineering data management system in several Russian industrial applications: a subway station modernization, equipment maintenance, assembling and dismantling works at a power plant.

Keywords: augmented reality, digital industrial asset, information modeling, 3D model, engineering data management system, AR glasses.

Simonov I.V.  Remote assistant applications for industrial enterprises

Augmented reality technology is widely used at assembly operations of mechanical engineering plants for the visualization of reference information. In remote assistant applications, this functionality is supplemented with the capabilities of effective interaction between different user categories by means of audio and visual communication. Examples of remote assistant application in industry are cited. The topicality ща developing remote assistant applications for Russian customers is justified.

Keywords: augmented reality, remote assistant, media, mobile audio and visual communication, integration.

Zakharkin D.V.  Application of virtual reality in personnel training for industry

Virtual reality technologies can be effectively applied in personnel training and retraining as long as the development of interactive operating procedures. VR concept platform is a domestic prototyping tool enabling the development of a 3D product model based on CAD, CAE, and CAM data. Its potential application areas are training, mechanical engineering, and construction.

Keywords: virtual reality, personnel training, teaching, prototyping, CAD, 3D product model.

Ksenofontov P.K.  T-FLEX VR innovation design technologies

CAD is a key element in virtual reality (VR) application in industry. The examples of VR technology application in the design of industrial automation equipment are cited. Functionality and featured properties of T-FLEX VR module of T-FLEX CAD are examined.

Keywords: CAD system, virtual reality, Digital mockup, modeling, navigation, teleportation, parametrization.

Chistyakova T.B., Furaev D.N., Zashchirinsky S.V.  A software suite for developing virtual models of innovative industrial plants

Methods, technologies, and tools enabling the development of virtual geometrical models of industrial plants. The technologies and methods of 3D models development were tested in the design of multiproduct polymer plants.

Keywords: computer-aided design, 3D modeling, complex innovative industrial plants, virtual models, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D prototyping.

In Focus…

Automated systems and information technologies in power industry

Lebedev V.O.  Automated monitoring and supervision system for temporary power supply of 2018 FIFA World Cup sites

The paper outlines optimal structural solutions for large-scale real-time distributed system based on UMICON control hard-/software. The solutions were implemented in temporary power supply system used during the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Keywords: monitoring, supervision, distributed system, real time, power supply.

Egorov E.V.  IEC61850 standard and Phoenix Contact equipment for it

The concepts of digital substation and Smart Grid are analyzed. The paper shows how these concepts correlate with IEC61850 standard, which describes dataflow formats, information types, and the rules of data communication protocols organization. A case study of a digital substation meeting IEC61850 is discussed. The project was implemented on the basis of Phoenix Contact equipment.

Keywords: digital substation, Smart Grid, data communication, power engineering, supervision and automated control of power grids.

Chvetkov M.  Automation solutions from Phoenix Contact for solar power plants

Universal and custom components and COTS solutions from Phoenix Contact for solar power generation are overviewed. Connection diagrams of automation tools and power generation equipment for solar power plants are included.

Keywords: alternative energy, solar energy generation, weather station, controller, monitoring, visualization.

Kochengin A.E., Pavliuk G.P., Shikhin V.А.  Detection and identification of significant technological events through enterprise power supply profile

Detection of significant deviations in power consumption process on the threshold of a grid power supply company and the consumer is discussed. Smart sensors and electricity meters provide the data. Initial information is presented in the form of so-called load profiles, which are analyzed and processed using ANN models. Methods are proposed to detect and identify critical events that, on the one hand, do not violate the technology of energy distribution and, on the other hand, are significantly important in mutual settlements for electricity consumption. The effectiveness of the method proposed is illustrated with an example of load profile analysis for metallurgical enterprise.

Keywords: smart meter, artificial neural networks, load profile, forecasting.

Zhmatov D.V.  Interpretation of electric power parameters using wavelet transform

A geometrical model of power grid analysis is offered. Methods and principles of grid’s input parameters analysis using wavelet transform are described. Simulation models are developed in LabVIEW environment.

Keywords: power quality, wavelet analysis, identification, nonlinear distortions, simulation model.

Gorelkin G.A., Kulyabichev Yu.P., Ktitrov S.V.  On the improvement of organizational automated control systems with hard control cycle schedule

The paper discusses the improvement of the generic control algorithm embedded in the organizational automated control systems. The algorithm is based on the principles of automatic activation of control processes for the events occurring in the control object. The approach enables higher automated control system’s efficiency control cycle time savings and lesser negative effect of subjective factors in control.

Keywords: organizational automated control systems, network-centric control, control algorithms, event-driven architecture, event monitor, control cycle time.

Ukhov V.I., Goryachev D.V.  Architecture of Condor positioning and communication system for mines

The four-level architecture of Condor positioning and communication system is discussed. The system is aimed at automatic instrument data acquisition and providing miners with multi-channel mobile communication.

Keywords: digital infrastructure, mining industry, mine, automatic data acquisition, measuring instruments, multi-channel mobile communication.


Kharazov V.G., Zakharov N.A.  Novelties of Russian industrial automation from Automation 2018 exhibition

International specialized exhibitions Automation 2018 and Industrial Electronics and Drives were held on September 18-20, 2018 at Saint-Petersburg Expoforum Congress and Exhibition Center. The paper briefly overviews new products presented by the participants, discusses the summary of scientific and practical conference Industrial Automation and Information Technologies on the path to Industry 4.0, and cites the most remarkable round table speeches.

Keywords: sensors, controllers, transmitters, automation systems, smart instruments, instrumentation, Industry 4.0.

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