Мы находимся в мире, в котором все больше и больше информации и все меньше и меньше смысла.
Жан Бодрийяр
Мы находимся в мире, в котором все больше и больше информации и все меньше и меньше смысла.
Жан Бодрийяр
Dozortsev V.M. Digital twins in industry: genesis, structure, terminology, technologies, platforms, outlook. Part 2 – Key digital twin technologies. Physical object modeling types
The second part of the paper reviews basic digital twin (DT) development and maintenance technologies against a wide variety of industrial automation tasks addressed with the help DT. It compares the approaches to process plant model development, such as first-principles-based, data, and hybrid modeling. Allied technologies underpinning DT operation are briefly outlined; these include big data analysis, human–machine interfaces, virtual and mixed reality, reality, etc.
Keywords: digital twins, cyber physical systems, first-principles modeling, data modeling, hybrid modeling, surrogate modeling, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, artificial neural networks, virtual and supplemented reality, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), blockchain.
Karmachev D.P. Determining associative spaces in exploration analysis of field pipelines
The paper shares the results of the research, which forestalls the development of expert systems aimed at MTBF prediction for simple sections of field pipelines at design and development phases. Its first part describes the data sources and the exploration analysis. The second part discusses classifiers accuracy, estimates the indicators significance, and analyzes the research results. Further investigation using intelligent data analysis of various associative spaces obtained within the current research is outlined.
Keywords: field pipeline failures, intelligent analysis, random forest, exploration analysis, indicators, operation factors.
Vedmid’ P.A. Quality management automation in QMS: integrator’s experience.
QMS systems are a novelty of the Russian IT market, and the understanding of quality management automation varies widely over the Russian industrial community. The paper summarizes the promotion experience of this class of systems and the associated challenges faced by system integrators at various domestic sites.
Keywords: quality management systems, quality improvement cycle, advanced quality planning, risk analysis, nonconformity management, integration.
Discussing a Topic…
Automation of power industry
Muravyov I.K., Golubev A.V., Korovkin A.V., Shitov R.A. Simulation-based investigation of environmental indicators of GTE-110 gas turbine under operation and environmental changes
The paper presents the investigation results that enable assessing the influence of operation and environmental parameters on combustion process stability in the combustion chamber of GTE-110 turbine and establishing the compliance of environmental indices with guidelines in a wide range of turbine operation modes under existing process and design constraints of heat-mechanic equipment. The implementation of a simulation model of a gas-turbine unit in SimInTech simulation environment is discussed.
Keywords: gas-turbine unit, combustion chamber, NOx emissions, simulation model of a steam-gas power unit.
Shikhin V.A., Abd Elraheem A.K., Pavlyuk G.P. Fuzzy model-based approach to integrated assessment of microgrid operating effectiveness
An approach to the estimation of microgrid operating effectiveness indicators is offered where a microgrid is represented as a multiagent system. Unified representation of agents is introduced, which is applicable to a dynamic systems class formalized as continuous, discrete, and discrete event models. The developed scheme for microgrid operating effectiveness assessment underlies the real-time optimization of microgrid performance. Standard engineering, economic, and environmental objective functions are considered as effectiveness criteria. A fuzzy model can be used as a criteria convolution tool. The algorithm proposed was tested in the design of an environmentally safe hybrid generation system for arctic application.
Keywords: multiagent system, microgrid, arctic enclave, microgrid effectiveness, fuzzy sets, multi-objective optimization, environmentally friendly technology.
Ustyugov N.V., Protalinsky O.M. Controlling equipment power consumption profiles based on maximum power consumption forecast in a region
The paper offers an algorithm for predicting user’s power consumption allowing for the sampling time of maximum power consumption in the region. The forecast allows the end user to decrease power purchase for three planned hours on workdays that results in power cost savings without total consumption decrease. The forecast is based on the approximation techniques which enables the reduction in data processing and the decision-making based on key information. Testing results of algorithm testing on a real-life plant data are included. The algorithm offers end users the tool for effective self-dependent control of power consumption profiles for their equipment.
Keywords: control, forecast, peak hours, electric energy, power consumption profile.
Abidova E.A., Boyko V.V., Lapkis A.A. Cluster analysis tools for developing diagnosis system for electric drive equipment
The paper offers selection procedures for key controlled variables of diagnosis systems. To that end, it proposes to analyze the recorded diagnostic data with cluster analysis tools such as metrics in multidimensional space and compactness profiles. A case study of a vibroacoustic monitoring of a nuclear fuel charge/discharge machine for VVER-1000 pressurized water reactor. The approach proposed shows the importance of controlling the distribution shape of a vibration signal in addition to the traditional control of the overall vibration level.
Keywords: technical diagnosis, technical state, signal processing, cluster analysis, metric, compactness profile, charge / discharge machine, A-plant.
Popov S.I. “Solar” SCADA
Control problems and efficiency improvement of solar power plants are reviewed. The paper discusses the application of SCADA as a key tool for improving the effectiveness of geographically distributed generation facilities. It examines various implementation scenarios, including cloud-based SCADA services (SaaS), and outlines the advantages of such approach.
Keywords: solar power engineering, energy efficiency, SCADA, cloud technologies, cybersecurity, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
WT5000 power meter for a wide range of industrial applications
In 2019, Yokogawa launched the new WT5000 power meter for a wide range of applications. The instrument features high measurement precision, reliability, and flexibility. The description of its performance data is supported with several application case studies.
Keywords: power meter, precision, reliability, modularity.
Arkhangelsky O.D., Syutov D.V., Kuznetsov A.V. Practical approaches to the development of industrial cyber range infrastructure
Cyber security of control systems and industrial automatics is in focus as against the explosive growth of cyber-physical systems. Theoretic and practical trainings conducted on regular basis for preventing, detecting, and counteraction against cyber attacks is an important cybersecurity area. Cyber training requires appropriate infrastructure and methodology enabling the development of practical cybersecurity skills without process shutdown and damage enterprise operations. The paper examines basic approaches to the development of cyber training infrastructure as well as process modeling within such infrastructure.
Keywords: cybersecurity, automated control systems, cyber training, cyber range, information security, cyber-physical systems, semi-realistic simulation.
Karazeev S. V., Komissarov A.V., Kiselev S.K., Valitov R.R., Urlapov O.V. Calculating aircraft velocity components with a Doppler meter
The paper discusses the Doppler velocity meter with a four-beam antenna for helicopter applications and describes the algorithm for aircraft velocity components computation using the Doppler meter. Data filtering for estimating the velocity vector components is based on Kalman filtering algorithm. The ratios of average velocity errors to average error tolerances over a flight segment calculated with the help of the developed algorithm are presented. Key factors affecting the error of helicopter velocity calculation with a Doppler meter are described.
Keywords: Doppler effect, Doppler velocity and drift angle meter, Kalman filter.
Journal’s Club
How to overcome the barriers and achieve success in digital transformations
A series of round tables discussing the relevant topics of industry digitization was conducted within the scope of DIGITAL MANUFACTURING CONF: Digital Processes online conference in July 2020. The participants of the How to Overcome the Barriers and Achieve Success in Digital Transformations round table share their opinions about the initiators of digitization projects, the approaches to project implementation, on the role of IT service and its interaction with business departments, and on the transformation of IT service to centers of competence.
Keywords: digitization, IT service, center of competence, transformation of business processes.
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