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#11 2021


Discussing a Topic: Automation of power industry

Eriksson T., Magnusson J., Nohlert J., Gottschlich B., Jost P.  Novel automatic circuit breaker for distributed power generation

The paper discusses the structural diagram and key functionalities of the ABOTK3 automatic circuit breaker from ABB for short-circuit current limitation. Its structure combines state-of-the-art semiconductor power devices with ultrafast mechanic switches for detecting and limiting short-circuit currents within milliseconds. Possible connection schemes are examined. The breaker is being currently used in a pilot project at the main electrical substation of London.

Keywords: automatic circuit breaker, short-circuit current, pilot project, electrical substation, dynamic resistance device, fast interrupt.

Krasnoselov M., Sirotinkin V.  Developing a digital twin for power networks of Karelskiy Okatysh JSC

Electrical networks of Karelskiy Okatysh JSC were examined, and their digital twin was developed using PSS Sincal simulation software. The paper discusses project phases, implementation features, and results.

Keywords: digital twin, simulation, power networks, survey, recommendations.

Boyarkov D.A., Kompaneets B.S., Yaschenko A.V. Software suite for risk assessment and management of power network failures
The paper offers an algorithm for the prioritization of electrical circuit elements revamp based on their failure risks. The algorithm underlies the software suite enabling automatic development of generation programs for power companies. The operation of the algorithm and the software suite is illustrated with the example from a real-life power grid.

Keywords: power network, failure probability, power interruption losses, decision-making support, risk management, priority.

Samokhvalov N.V., Marinenkov D.V., Novikov I.Yu., Vityazev D.V.  Developing integrated information power plant models

The experience of Zarubezhproject JSC on the development of integrated information models for design work in the field of power plant construction, revamp, and modernization is discussed. InterBridge software was used for developing a unified 3D information model. The tool supports the collaborative work od several employees, the interaction with main construction contractor and customer’s operational services.

Keywords: integrated information model, power plant, 3D models, design.

Gokhman V.V.  Geoinformation systems for power applications

Geoinformation systems (GIS) are an integral part of digitalization in various segments of national economy. The paper offers two case studies of ArcGIS application in Mosoblenergo JSC (Russia) and Enerjisa DC (Turkey). It discusses the benefits attained by power companies and their users owing to present-day GIS.

Keywords: geoinformation systems, digitalization, power grid companies, Web applications, power industry, geospatial data.

Arkhangelsky O.D., Kuznetsov A.V., Syutov D.V., Nikonenok M.P.  The experience of cyber training at the national cyber range

The paper examines the hard/software structure of the National cyber range developed by Rostelecom PJSC in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication, and Mass Media. It discusses the investigation of power industry objects and the experience of cyber exercise at the cyber range. Ongoing and future works on the extension of the range and the modernization of its functionality are described.

Keywords: cyber range, digital twin, power objects, cyber exercise, critical information infrastructure.

Shikhin V.A., Shikhina A.V., Kuzalis A.  Automated prediction of electricity price based on combined models

The paper studies the problem of short-term prediction of free electricity market price with the help of various type predictive models. It examines both traditional regression and auto-regression models and the proposed combined multi-factor models including also time trends and dummy variables. The combined prediction models were developed with the help of Statistica and OsiSoft PI-System software. The comparison of the accuracy of predicted electricity process based on different techniques has not detected any advantages of using combined multifactor regression models. However, their application enables the evaluation of the effect of external factors on the predictand, and can be thus a fundamental advantage in the selection of prediction model type.

Keywords: electricity price, autoregression, time series, regression analysis, combined multifactor regression models.

Bogdanova A.O., Akhmitova K.D.  Automation of field brigade work in power grid companies

The paper discusses the functionality and featured properties of a hard-/software system for field brigade work automation in power grid companies. The system is based on SIGMA software and MIG T8 industrial tablet computer. The results of the system’s 1.5-year operation in Rosseti Moscow Region PJSC are included.

Keywords: hard-/software system, mobile field brigades, industrial tablet computer.

Buynevich M.V., Izrailov K.E., Matveev V.V., Pokusov V.V.  A method for variative classification of vulnerabilities in program code. Part 1. Stratification and categorization

The problem of variative classification of vulnerabilities in program code is solved. Based on an overview of related scholarly articles, the boundaries of subject areas were determined as well as the merits and drawbacks of known approaches. This implied a new classification technique based on five prerequisites: automation, expert judgements, machine leaning, necessity and sufficiency of division, and human-oriented data processing. Actions to implement the technique are proposed, which allow to develop suitable classes and sort the vulnerabilities both detected and possible. In the first part of the article, with an example of telecommunication device software, the first four steps are described, namely: expert stratification of vulnerabilities, categorization of the set of vulnerabilities, classification and preliminary sorting of vulnerabilities.

Keywords: telecommunication device software, vulnerabilities in program code, adaptive classification, categorical analysis, machine learning.

Gashenko Yu.V., Astapov V.N.  Optoelectronic densimeter with fiber-optic communication lines for fire-hazardous liquids

Measuring oil product density for feed and finished product quality control as a relevant task because loss reduction and product quality improvement are becoming increasingly important tasks in the present-day crude oil and product market Against this background, the paper formulates the challenges faced in density measurements of spark-hazardous, explosive, and fire-hazardous liquids and discusses the drawbacks of existing fluid density measurement techniques. A functional diagram of an optoelectronic float densimeter with fiber-optic communication lines is proposed, its operation principle is described.

Keywords: float densimeter, bellows, fiber-optic cable, fiber-optic communication lines, fiber-optic displacement transducer, oil product density.

Elshin V.V., Kolodin A.A., Ovsyukov A.V.  Optimization of hydrocyclone pump unit operation using regulatory controller with predictive model

The paper discusses the application of a regulatory controller with predictive model for hydrocyclone pump unit optimization. Control object model is developed. Simulation results for various operation modes and controller settings are included.

Keywords: optimization, minerals classification process, hydrocyclone pump, regulatory controller with predictive model, PID controller.

Dorofeeva A.E., Dotsenko D.A. Linear algebra methods ensure effective raw material spending at plywood manufacturing

Sveza timber company (Severgroup’s subsidiary) aims at the automation of the processes critical for operational and economic efficiency. Minimization of material utilization factor is important in stock layout processes. To that end, Sveza has developed a software utility based on linear algebra techniques. The utility calculates veneer stock volume and recovery factor with reference to production capacity. Both the software developer and the user had to overcome a number of challenges at the implementation phase. Eventually, the utility was commissioned successfully and has improved the material utilization factor by 4.5%.

Keywords: linear algebra methods, material utilization factor, optimal plywood nesting.


Tyurin G.O.  Modern trends in the automation of special chemicals production

The results of the 6th scientific and technical conference on special chemicals production automation are presented. Major industrial enterprises have participated in the conference. Their representatives have outlined key problems of the segment, development priorities ща special chemicals industry, pointed out the problem areas, and substantiated the need in their automation.
Keywords: process automation, special chemicals, hazardous industries, minimization of human presence in dangerous areas.

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