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#12 2013


Discussing a Topic…

Certification of automation tools and systems


Aristova N.I.  Certification of automation tools and systems in Russia and abroad

The status-quo in certification and technical regulation in Russia throughout the recent 20 years is discussed with references to the legislation. Key drawbacks of the present-day accreditation system are formulated. Expert opinions regarding the ways to overcome the challenges and develop an efficient certification and accreditation system are quoted. The specificity of accreditation for traceability assurance is outlined. Accreditation and certification system structures developed in Europe and USA are overviewed.

Keywords: certification, standardization, technical regulation, harmonization, consumers, economy.

Tronova I.M.  Instrument certification

The features of mandatory instrument certification (pattern approval) are discussed.

Keywords: instrumentation, quality control, certification, pattern approval.

Round table: Certification of automation tools and systems

Within the virtual round table, industrial automation specialists experienced in dealing with Russian and foreign certification systems answer the editors’ questions, discuss the challenges and offer the ways to surmount them.

Keywords: certification, automation tools and systems, quality control, economy, testing.

Yershov S.A.  Schneider Electric’s experience in automation tools and systems certification

The paper presents Schneider Electric’s vision of automation tools and systems certification procedures as well as the experience of getting licensing documentation in Russia. The practices are compared with the similar ones used in Europe for product commercialization.

Keywords: certification, guidelines, process manuals, automation tools, compliance declaration, laboratory certification.

Discussing a Topic…

Process modeling and simulation in modern automation systems

Denisova L.A.  Automation of parametric synthesis of a control system based on multi-objective optimization with a genetic algorithm

The paper offers approaches to parametric synthesis of an automatic control system with respect to the selected quality criteria using a genetic algorithm approximating a set of Pareto-optimal solutions. It presents the results of multi-objective optimization of system parameters obtained with MATLAB / Global Optimization Toolbox.

Keywords: mathematical model, parametric synthesis, digital automatic control system, multi-objective optimization, Pareto set, genetic algorithm.

Usachev M.V., Baranov S.B., Salikhov M.Z., Baranov M.S., Klochkov O.S.  Nonlinear autoregressive neuron network model of heating dynamics in series-continuous forming roll hardening

The problem of heating mode control in induction hardening of forming rolls is discussed with the focus on process performance improvement. A nonlinear autoregressive model of induction heating dynamics using an artificial neuron network is offered; the model provides an estimate of the actual heating zone temperature compensating for the undesirable influence of transportation lag in the control loop on the transients’ performance. On-line application of the model in the heating control loop enables the reduction of the dynamic temperature error and hence significant improvement of forming roll quality.

Keywords: induction heating, hardening, nonlinear autoregressive model, artificial neuron network, transients, dynamic temperature error.

Usachev M.V., Baranov S.B., Salikhov M.Z., Baranov M.S., Klochkov O.S.  Nonlinear autoregressive neuron network model of heating dynamics in series-continuous forming roll hardening

The problem of heating mode control in induction hardening of forming rolls is discussed with the focus on process performance improvement. A nonlinear autoregressive model of induction heating dynamics using an artificial neuron network is offered; the model provides an estimate of the actual heating zone temperature compensating for the undesirable influence of transportation lag in the control loop on the transients’ performance. On-line application of the model in the heating control loop enables the reduction of the dynamic temperature error and hence significant improvement of forming roll quality.

Keywords: induction heating, hardening, nonlinear autoregressive model, artificial neuron network, transients, dynamic temperature error.

Sukharev A.V., Golovushkin B.A., Labutin A.N.  Application of simulation technique and control theory in steady-state optimization of a reactor system

A simulation model of a reactor node and a control system model are developed by means of simulation techniques and control theory for steady-state optimization of reactor system. The steady-state optimization problem is set and solved.

Keywords: optimization, reactor node, simulation, ethylene glycols, flexible reactor system, control system.

Yershova O.V., Samarina A.M., Chistyakova T.B.  Computerized training systems for electrochemical plant operators

The development of computerized systems for personnel training and improving the control performance of electrochemical processes is discussed with the examples of electrolysis and refining stages of aluminum production. A training complex structure is proposed, functional components are described, which ensure effective control skills acquisition and knowledge control.

Keywords: computerized training systems, trainee, instructor, workstation, training scenarios, training log.

Grishakov V.V.  The experience of rail transport automation in oil and gas industry

Rail transport management systems occupy a certain segment in the variety industrial automation solutions. The paper overviews such systems and discusses the industry-proven integrated approach to the automation of business processes related with rail transportation organization.

Keywords: rail transport management systems, MES, business processes, transportation management system.

Vasiliev R.B., Levochkina G.A.  IT strategy development for major industrial enterprises

The paper discusses the organization of IT strategy development for major industrial enterprises: project phases, goals, objectives and the results of key phases. Distinctive features of such projects are outlined and recommendations on how to consider them in work implementation are made. Main risks and key success factors are identified.

Keywords: strategic IT consulting, IT strategy key success factors, risks.

Vol D.A.  Business analysis and seasonality factor in geological prospecting

The advantages of applying BI systems in production companies are shown; basic requirements to be considered in BI system selection are outlined. A case study of BI system implementation in GEOTECH Holding is included.

Keywords: strategic IT consulting, IT strategy key success factors, risks.

Yevseev D.Yu.  A software suite for estimating gas throughput capacity in underground gas storages on the basis of PSIControl

The problem of gas flows and throughput estimation for above-ground facilities of an underground gas storage is solved under varying target conditions. The solution is implemented within a supervisory control module of the production information-management system.

Keywords: automation, underground gas storages, supervisory control, work planning, active gas, above-ground facility model, throughput, process control system.


Kharazov V.G.  An overview of state-of-the-art automation tools at Automation 2013 and Industrial Electronics 2013 exhibitions

Product novelties offered by the participants of Automation 2013 and Industrial Electronics 2013 exhibitions are overviewed.

Keywords: automation, controllers, sensors, drives, uninterrupted power sources, sensors, regulatory controllers.

Intel Big Solutions

At the Big Solutions Conference (Moscow, November 2013) Intel has presented its development strategy for data processing centers, cloud services, big data and high-speed computing. New Intel Xeon E5 v.2 processors were announced in Russia as well as hardware solutions from Intel’s partners.

Keywords: big data, microprocessors, supercomputing, speed, power consumption.

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