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#12 2024


2024 Index of Papers

Melnikov S.V., Vara A.V., Zmeu K.V.  Adaptive programming of a robotic technology system based on machine vision data

The paper offers a method for adaptive programming of a robotic technology system for waterjet cutting of low-hardness workpieces. It employs the information from the machine vision system used for workpiece shape measurements. The tool trajectory is adjusted subject to the measured and estimated workpiece shape; the estimation is based on the analysis of the position of volumetric markers on workpiece’s technological allowances. The method enables auxiliary time reduction during low-hardness workpiece cutting, and ensures its basing in case the workpiece has no distinct location surfaces. The method’s efficiency was proved by simulation and experimental investigations.

Keywords: robotic technology system, industrial robot, machine vision, mechanical processing, polymer composite materials.

Nezamaev S.V., Bobkov V.I., Orekhov V.A.  Automated calculation of optimal component batch for phosphate feedstock

The paper presents the results of a numerical experiment on optimal calculation of phosphate ore batch for various ores processed at domestic ore dressing facilities. The calculation was done using the software suite developed on the basis of the improved LP simplex method, which resulted in more precise calculation of the batch formula.

Keywords: simplex method, linear programming, numerical experiment, ore feedstocks, batch, mixing, information system.

Fedyaev A.A., Grigorieva T.A., Oulianov A.D., Pavlikova S.Yu.  Mathematical modeling and analysis of graphical dependencies of controlled working environments in boiler chambers

Power generation, machine-building, wood processing, pulp-and-paper and other industries are energy-intensive and demonstrate steady growth. Therefore, the improvement of energy efficiency of boiler units with various working medium pressure looks relevant. The paper presents key results of numerical simulation of the boilers’ working space; the simulation is verified with experimental samples received for various original data. The way for controlling the efficiency of working media flows in the chamber space is demonstrated for a specified pulverized coal unit. Rational equipment operation modes are determined that results in significant energy conservation.

Keywords: numerical simulation, thermal process unit, energy costs, counter-current streams, energy efficiency, automatic control.

Fedorov V.A., Ogorodnikova O.M.  Convolutional neural networks as a tool for detecting railway infrastructure objects

The paper discusses the possibility of applying convolutional neural networks for detecting railway infrastructure objects during locomotive movement for improving the automation level in train traffic control. A model using YOLOv8 neural network is developed, which demonstrates high accuracy and performance in real-time recognition of visual objects. The paper concludes about the expediency of YOLOv8 integration in train automatic traffic control systems for improving their reliability in complicated and changing observation conditions along the line.

Keywords: automation, railway transport, railway infrastructure, machine vision, convolutional neural networks.

Bugutsky I.V., Degtyarev S.V.  Determination of the performance of measuring lines of gas flow measurement units based on the analysis of measured parameters

The article describes an approach to the prompt search for causes of violation of measurement conditions at gas flow measurement units, where the variable pressure drop method is used, in order to reduce the risks of unreliable energy carrier metering. A variant of the analysis of instantaneous values of gas measurement unit parameters is presented in order to establish and signal the beginning of unreliable metering (in real time), as well as to establish the corresponding period (based on retrospective data).

Keywords: gas flow measurement units, pressure drop, correlation analysis.

Spirin E.A., Mironov E.Yu., Prutkin S.I., Borodin A.A., Yakimenko V.V., Volkov O.V.  Hard-/software toolkit for industrial 3D scanning

The paper discusses the architecture of a hard-/software toolkit for industrial 3D scanning based on optical laser triangulation technique. A mathematical model of a camera obscura is presented, its calibration phases are outlined.

Keywords: intelligent production technologies, machine vision, artificial intelligence, non-contact 3D scanning, optical triangulation.

Osipova N.V.  Application of domestic IIoT platform for magnetic separator control in ore dressing

The paper overviews the researches in the field of IIoT platform application for the automation of ore preparation and dressing processes, in particular, for magnetic separation. It outlines domestic hardware of the automatic control system for magnetic separator from Owen Production Company LLC. Process schematics developed in Owen Cloud environment are presented. They display the dynamics of magnetic dressing with possible manual or automatic control. An example of data acquisition about the current values of process performance indices with the help of Telegram bot and Yandex Alice voice assistant is cited. The results of integrity and functional capacity test of the software code developed in Owen Logic development environment are discussed. The dynamics of dressing indices was investigated on a virtual model under changing separator drum speed and water control valve opening.

Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things, Telegram bot, voice assistant, cloud service, magnetic separator, ore dressing.

Ershova O.V., Chistyakova T.B.  Architecture of computer-based training simulators for control staff of electrotechnological units

The architecture of computer-based training simulators for control personnel of electrotechnological process units is presented, its functional components are characterized. The simulators enable reconfiguring for various feedstock, process equipment, product specifications, and throughput, as well as to design operation or emergency situations.

Keywords: training simulator architecture, electrotechnological process units, workstation, training scenarios, training session log.

Rybak V.A.  Information and analytical automation systems for environmental activities. Belarus Republic case study

The paper describes two information systems for rational environmental management. The first one, named Cadasters, aims at the acquisition, processing and visualization of the data about natural resource availability and use. Its core comprises of 11 subject databases for appropriate areas. Spatial analysis tools enable the integrated assessment of the pollution level of the soil cover, water bodies, and atmospheric air for administrative districts and regions. The second system automates key phases of a state environmental review which all sites either operated or under construction, as well as development plans and programs, undergo. Both systems improve the performance of environmental specialists.

Keywords: automation system, natural resource cadasters, environmental review, geoinformation technologies.

Yaroshenko A.Yu.  Intelligent solution to the problem of requirements ranking in the organizational information security system

The paper discusses the selection of the composition and implementation order of the algorithms analyzing the requirements to information systems from heterogeneous sources of information security control. To this end, it offers a method for information security requirements ranking, which comprises 15 steps. A general block diagram of the method is offered, its steps are described with an end-to end example. The work results are based on earlier research including the developed ontological model of the subject area and the analytical model of its essences.

Keywords: requirements, ranking, information security, information system, combinatorial optimization.

Sagaidak D.A.  Organization of two-channel distributed video data transmission for their protection

The paper discusses the organization of distributed video data transmission through two parallel communication channels for their protection against unauthorized viewing. It proposes to split video frames in two parts of significantly different size and transmit them through two channels with different throughputs. The smaller fragment of the frame may be used as key information, without which the frame cannot be restored subject to its larger part. The problem of fast frame restoration by combining its two fragments with the help of operations not requiring intensive computing is solved. The possibility of ensuring video data security by means of the proposed method is evaluated through visual analysis based on experiments and simulation.

Keywords: digital technologies, security, video data, communication channel, distributed data transmission, image pixel.

Makarov A.A., Saushin I.I., Goltsman A.E., Khusnutdinova E.M., Khamidullina G.R.  Improving the design quality of anti-cavitation diaphragm valves

With the purpose to improve the design quality of anti-cavitation diaphragm valves, the paper examines the risk assessment algorithm for cavitation and resulting noise during product operation. Based on experimental investigation of a full-scale physical model and numerical simulation, it goes on with discussing the selection of the correct edge radius for the flow path of an axial diaphragm valve, which ensures cavitation-free flow at high working fluid flowrates. An empirical relation is proposed for selecting the desirable edge radius. The paper shows that edge profiling of axial diaphragm valve’s grid windows improves significantly the admissible level of its cavitation index and ensures lower noise level as against the tradional seated valve design.

Keywords: quality improvement, design, production system design, numerical simulation, axial diaphragm valve, cavitation, noise pollution.

Journal’s Club

In memory of L.M. Yakovis

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