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#12 2015


2015 Index of papers

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ERP systems

Kiseleva O.I.  Current development trends on ERP systems

The paper overviews the present-day ERP system market and discusses the growing interest to cloud technologies both in Russia and worldwide. It offers key incentives for switching to cloud infrastructure and outlines the features of cloud-based work.

Keywords: ERP systems, cloud technologies, enterprise management.

Odinokov S.I., Lisin N.G.  Production scheduling in 1C:ERP Enterprise Management at ALD instrument-making enterprise

The paper describes the implementation of production scheduling function at ALD instrument-making enterprise using 1C:ERP Enterprise Management software. It discusses the challenges faced by the enterprise prior to the implementation and the ways to overcome them.

Keywords: instrument-making enterprise, production schedule, operations scheduling, key computing centers, waybills, production scheduling, barcoding.

Trykanov V.A., Portnov A.S.  Logistics keeps up confidently with the times

ATP-3000 software is intended for business process automation at transportation companies. With a case study of its implementation the paper shows how state-of-the-art information technologies help enterprises to improve the competitiveness of their services and optimize business processes.

Keywords: transportation enterprise, information technologies, business processes, enterprise management.

Lelyukhin V.E., Kolesnikova O.V.  Design concept of domestic ERP systems for machine-building

The causes of foreign ERP failures in Russian machine-building industry are discussed. The discrepancy between domestic and foreign machine-building management practices is identified as a key reason. The paper argues that an ERP system is set of enterprise management functions, mechanisms and tools rather than just software. Based on this statement, it offers a design concept of domestic ERP systems allowing for the specificity of design, engineering, production staging and planning, personnel training.

Keywords: production management, machine-building, product design and engineering, ERP systems.

Dimitryuk S.O.  T-FLEX PLM + ERP integration

Integration capabilities of T-FLEX DOCs software suite with various enterprise's internal and external information systems are examined and illustrated by ERP integration example.

Keywords: information systems, integration, unified information space, ERP systems, enterprise's engineering data.

Danilov A.N., Fedoseev S.A.  Estimating synergetic openness of industrial enterprise management systems

The problem of comprehensive evaluation of available enterprise management systems from implementation and application viewpoint is discussed. The degree of information system's synergetic openness, which described system's ability to respond to external users' requests by means of built-in self-organization mechanisms and tools, is offered as an integrated quality index. This complex index depends of partial factors, describing system's adaptability and integrability. With the help of comprehensive assessment the available ERP systems are compared, and the need in taking into account industrial user's specific features during system selection is demonstrated.

Keywords: enterprise management, information systems, synergetic openness, comprehensive assessment.

Kholodny O.V.  Industrial PCs for control rooms: Russian or foreign, low-noise or fanless

Air-traffic and railway crossing control, process supervision at top levels of A-plant control give just a few examples of critical applications where the operator's role is highly important for ensuring overall safety. Here everything is critical from reliable hard- and software operation up to the comfort of decision-making specialists. It is well known that a human individual focuses attention better if nothing takes his/her mind off. The quiet control room concept is not a novelty and has been is gaining popularity in increasing number of industries. Promising Russian and foreign advances in embedded computing platforms with low-noise and fanless heat removal contribute to the concept's development.

Keywords: low-noise servers, dispatch systems, fanless design, customization, Internet of things.

Weller N.  Envelope: high sensitivity to flaws and their early detection

The paper discusses a rolling bearing and reduction gear diagnostics method based on vibration signal envelope spectra. It shows how the envelope enables equipment flaw detection at the earliest stages. Bently Nevada's product families exemplifying the described method are presented.

Keywords: equipment diagnostics, vibration signal envelope spectrum, early diagnostics.

Bazhukov I.M.  Automated control systems for buildings

The paper examines automated control systems for buildings, which comprise heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, sanitary drainage, power supply and lighting. The systems are based on state-of-the-art software products from InSAT.

Keywords: automated control systems for buildings, cloud technologies, replicable solutions.

Reshetnikov I.S.  Three foundations of industrial automation. Integration scenery

The paper argues about the place and role of manufacturing execution systems (MES) in the overall IT scenery of a present-day industrial enterprise and discusses standardization, integration and internetting problems.

Keywords: production management, MES, integration.

Donetskaya Yu.V., Gatchin Yu.A.  Organization of product specimen data storage in the integrated environment

The paper discusses the development of integrated environment for product specimen data storage and shows key drawbacks of existing approaches. Russian industrial sites run a variety of control systems, therefore, the data storage should be a part of information space and form integrated environment for data handling. Hence, the requirements to data storage should be analyzed to select right software tools for implementation. With the case study of PLM Windchill and Wonderware integration the paper offers a solution eliminating the problems caused by disembodied and heterogeneous data storages.

Keywords: integration, product specimen, integration, data management, data storage organization.

Bazhenov S.M., Vakhonina S.A., Tarasov N.V., Matrokhin A.Yu.  Information and control system for automated weaving process monitoring

The paper presents an algorithm for nondestructive inspection of the number of threads in webs during their formation. It describes ASK-Tkachestvo information and control system enabling the automation of web quality monitoring based on the algorithm proposed.

Keywords: webs, quality, monitoring, information system, nondestructive inspection.

Journal's Club

Application of Weintek operator panels coupled with OWEN 110-60 PLC

The paper presents a project of a process control system using Weintek operator panels and OWEN PLC.

Keywords: operator panels, PLC, simulation, testing.

Industrial automation companies

RGB Spectrum - Unparalleled solutions

Mr. Konstantin Neznamov, Sales Director of RGB Spectrum Russia discusses the activities of the company's Russian subsidiary, video processor market situation, product families and development outlook.

Keywords: video processing solutions, video walls, critical applications, decentralized control system for control room.


Kharazov V.G.  Automation 2015 exhibition overview

The products offered by the participants of Automation 2015 exhibition (October 2015, Saint-Petersburg) are briefly overviewed.

Keywords: sensors, controllers, converters, automation systems, smart instruments, flowmeters, level gages, instrumentation.

GT777 Series protected industrial monitor is launched to commercial production.

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