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#12 2016


In Focus: Automation in Russian Far Eastern Region


Kuznetsov S.P.  TRACE MODE SCADA in the automation of Russian Far East sites

The paper outline three automation projects implemented at the Russian Far East on the basis of TRACE MODE SCADA system: power supply scheduling system for Far Eastern Customs Administration’s buildings, a process control system for the Boiler House No. 1 in Bolshoy Kamen, and water supply automation in Kholmsk.

Keywords: SCADA system, power supply scheduling system, process control system, real-time monitor.

Vinogradov A.N., Voloshin E.V.  Application of information technologies in tank farm process automation

The paper offers a conceptual approach to the development of a distributed control system tank farm processes with the example of an implemented project. It describes automation objects, control algorithms, system structure and objectives with the focus on key subsystems.

Keywords: automated process control systems, distributed control systems, controllers.

Voloshin E.V., Kuznetsov R.S., Chipulis V.P.  Automation of heat power plants on the basis of an analytical platform

Design problems and development outlook for process control systems in heat power engineering are discussed with the focus on the platform for information-analytical systems development created in the Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. The paper describes the platform’s analytical modules enhancing and customizing the functionality of conventional SCADA systems to the needs of power generation facilities. An implementation example is adduced describing the functionality of the currently operated information-analytical system, which improves the reliability and energy efficiency of boiler equipment in Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Krai Region, Russia.

Keywords: information-analytical system, heat power engineering, energy efficiency.

Serdyukov O.V., Zhuravleva L.V.  Process control system implementation at the 4th and 5th power units of South-Sakhalin Thermal Power Station No. 1

South-Sakhalin Thermal Power Station No. 1 is outlined as an automation object. The implementation phases of the automation project at the 4th and 5th power units are outlined. Structure and properties of the new control systems are described.

Keywords: automation object, process control system, controllers, integration, communication tools.

Serdyukov O.V., Zhuravleva L.V.  Process control system implementation at the 4th and 5th power units of South-Sakhalin Thermal Power Station No. 1

Key features of South-Sakhalin Thermal Power Station No. 1 important for process automation are discussed. The implementation phases of an automation project at the 4th and 5th power units are outlined. Control system’s featured properties and structure are described.

Keywords: automation object, process control system, controllers, integration, communication tools.

Belenev A.A., Goroshko O.A., Turbin D.G., D’achenko A.A.  Modernization of water pumping plants of Primorsky Vodokanal regional water supply company

Modernization phases of Pionersky and Bogatinsky hydrosystems of Primorsky Vodokanal regional water supply company are discussed. New and replacement equipment pieces are listed as well as the automation tools and subsystems included in the new process control system of the two pumping stations. Project results are briefly discussed.

Keywords: process automation, water pumping station, control system, modernization, reliability.

Lelyukhin V.E., Kolesnikova O.V., Kuz’minova T.A.  On-line update of small-batch and single-piece production plans using scheduling technique

In case of deviations from small-batch or single-piece production plan, the key problem is the realignment of the complex production structure in the scheduling space. Revolutionary changes of the whole plan structure is required therefor that results in the need to reschedule each workstation. The paper presents an approach presuming on-line daily update of the whole production plan based on the current information about the deviations of actual production status from the planned targets. It offers the schemes for on-line production plan update for local cells and workshops without damaging its structural integrity. The approach proposed was implemented in practice.

Keywords: mechanical engineering, production control, control model, integrated plan, small-batch production, scheduling, MES, APS systems.

Taranenko V.O., Kuznetsova M.V.  Electronic equipment washing logbook

A software solution enabling an electronic logbook of equipment washing offers. Its advantages are illustrated with the case study of Vladivostock dairy factory.

Keywords: equipment washing, sanitary requirements, quality, analytics

Samusenko A.M., Nesteruk G.M., Kasianenko M.A.  Automation of motor transport outsourcing processes

The paper discusses the experience of the Far Eastern railway on the development and implementation of an automated system for submission and accounting of motor transport requests. The system’s objective is to support the interaction between the customer and the transportation outsourcing company.

Keywords: outsourcing, motor transport, efficiency, automated system for submission and accounting of motor transport requests.

Borsch S.V., Zatyagalova V.V., Krovotyntsev V.A., Leontiev E.A., Simonov Yu.A.  GIS Amur, a geographic information system for flood monitoring, prediction, and early warning

The paper presets GIS Amur, a water flood monitoring, prediction, and early warning system intended for effective monitoring of hydrological situation in Amur river basin and minimization of losses related with seasonal flood waters. The system is based on Web and GIS technologies enabling the integration and representation of geographical, hydrological, meteorological, synoptic, and satellite spatial information in a unified environment.

Keywords: geographic information technologies, Web technologies, monitoring, prediction, hydro-meteorological services, hydrological computations.

Dorobin D.S.  An information system for the decommissioning database of Bilibino NPP

Safe and timely decommissioning of nuclear and radiation-dangerous plants is an urgent and important task for Rosatom National Corporation. It can be executed only if a comprehensive multi-level informational support system for decommissioning is available at the corporate level. The paper discusses the design concept of an information system for the decommissioning database of Bilibino NPP. Similar information systems have been implemented by NEOLANT Group at six Rosatom’s sites.

Keywords: decommissioning, database, information systems, information model, lifecycle support, NPP, safety.

Filaretov V.F., Yukhimets D.A., Zuev A.V., Gubanov A.S.  Automating cutting of flexible odd-shaped workpieces based on machine-vision systems and their CAD models

The paper offers a technique for close tolerance machining of flexible free-form workpieces with the help of industrial robots equipped with machine vision systems. The technique employs simple and fast workpiece fixing in the universal mounting with its possible shape deformation, the scanning of the fixed workpiece by the machine vision system, alignment of the workpiece’s reference CAD model with its model obtained after scanning, automatic development of the robot’s toolpath in process of cutting. For implementing the technique proposed, an algorithm aligning the two above-mentioned models and transferring the cutting tool’s path from the reference CAD model to the deformed workpiece was developed. The simulation undertaken along with preliminary experimental research confirm that the algorithm ensures high-quality cutting of various deformable workpieces.

Keywords: industrial robot, machine vision system, CAD model, models alignment, toolpath development, deformable workpiece.

Journal’s Club

Voitov M.L.  Increasing number of attacks against industrial systems

The number of cyberattacks against industrial systems increases every year. The paper describes the ways how malicious software penetrates into automated systems. To overcome the challenges, specialized in industrial protection solutions based on real-life experience should be used. Kaspersky Laboratory provides such systems.

Keywords: cyberattack, process control system, information technologies, operation technologies, vulnerability, industrial protection.


The results of the 12th University SCADA Championship

The paper presents the results of the 2016 SCADA championship for students. This is an annual competition in rapid development of process operator interface in SCADA environment.

Keywords: SCADA system, operator interface, rapid development.

Innovative products for medicine at the Healthcare-2016 exhibition

New products for healthcare from companies participating in the Zelenograd innovative regional cluster are presented. Most of them have no foreign analogs.

Keywords: healthcare, software, equipment, medical research.

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